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Everything posted by SilverJK

  1. We can always count on good old Rick Perry to protect the rights of car drivers (so they don't have to worry about bikes being in their way!) http://blogs.chron.com/texaspolitics/archi...s_safe_p_1.html
  2. i'm go there every few weeks now. Everything has been good so far. I think i've tried almost all their tacos.
  3. That sounds nice (hopefully they will be open during normal hours). Isn't that area dry though? I'm also concerned about the parking across 11th street. There isn't much parking available at the brazilian arts foundation. I hate having to park in that lot over behind someburger (it just looks like a place to have your car broken into). Since the capoeira and samba classes take place during dinner hours, that could create some havok i'm sure.
  4. Had a Coconut snowball at MAM's... it was very good!
  5. those apartments look pretty rundown, but the cars in the parking lot are mostly decent and there are normally a few nice ones. I've never seen inside the apartments, but i'd suspect they are nicer on the inside than the outside. I walk by there almost daily.
  6. I was right next to this (the car jacking on oxford) driving home from the Brazilian Arts Foundation right at 9:45 wed. night. I didn't see any blue/red lights anywhere. I figure if someone got stabbed they should have a ton of officers everywhere?? That is also steak night at Onion Creek, so there were probably a lot of people around only a few blocks away. Scary stuff. We really have to be aware of our surroundings.... maybe it's time for the wife and I to get our CCLs???
  7. "caring" for schizos is a waste of time? That is the most rediculous thing i've ever read. ever.
  8. I'd say any day you live through, is better than the alternative.
  9. i saw that as well, but the railroad bridge still needs to be taken care of.... i guess they'll do that next?
  10. anyone know when they are going to get these bridges done?
  11. Indeed this weekend was crazy, studewood @ 11th street was like 2ft deep at least! People were trapped at Decapos because they couldn't get to their car without wading in water 2 ft deep. (not to mention they had to drive out of it). I took a few pics and videos driving around the block. I actually went looking for the deep water/flooding around there since i'm planning to eventually buy a bungalow in the vicinity. I must say though, 2 hours after it was that bad, it had drained rapidly and was only ~ 6" deep or so and it didn't stop raining, only slowed down a bit. Pretty impressive. Glad i have a jeep though or else i would have had wet carpet!
  12. rsb320... I wonder if the officer was with internal affairs? i kid, i kid.
  13. I was happy to see the Brazilian Arts Foundation being represented. I spend a lot of time there and it is an awesome group of people. Whenever we have our next "Samba Night in the Heights" be sure to check it out. Curt
  14. Still lookin for an exhaust shop. I saw a "tuner" shop over on 18th-20th west of Shepard (can't remember which east west street i was on). Looked mostly geared to the Import cars, anyone know anything about it? I'll try to get the name.
  15. How about an exhaust shop? Anyone know of a good place nearby. The Jeep is way too quiet.
  16. Omar2bar, That is very good news. I think with some repitition/familiarity and experimentation the flavor of their food is going to get better (and it wasn't bad by any means). They should also carry Abita Rootbeer for the kids. (or adults who love a good root beer). I might have to go for a muffaletta and a turbo dog this weekend though. I'd like to see the addition of crawfish tails and boudian poboys and perhaps some andouille sidedish. (maybe once they get into full swing this will happen) I'd also like to see beignets more frequently (its currently only from like 9-11am on first saturdays) with some true New Orleans style coffee (with chicory). Late night beignets and coffee are the best after a night out on the town.
  17. There are signs up saying road work ahead when you turn south on Oxford from White Oak... I just assumed it had something to do with the Bike Trail Crossing???
  18. i'm hoping for some drunken hyland games!
  19. what are they going to do about the first bridge over the bayou, coming from oxford towards studewood? I haven't seen anyone working on that one, and it appears to need to be torn down. Anyone know anything about that one?
  20. I went to Big Mamou the other day as well, it was okay. I had the half grilled shrimp po-boy and cup of gumbo. Poboy was decent, gumbo had good flavor but was more like a jambalaya as it wasn't really a soup (more thick than gumbo should be). We also had the fried green tomatoes... not bad. Wife had the oyster poboy and it was good. Service was excellent. Everyone was extremely friendly. That being said, there isn't room in this town for mediocre food, they need to step it up a bit. Also... tried Vietnam yesterday and it was pretty good. We had some Tres Leches from El Bolillo at work the other day... it was excellent. I will be going there this weekend to try other items.
  21. I live at the Alexan "now rediculously known as midtown heights" and Ive seen several chickens around the bayou as well as a giant rooster that wanders around the complex. My wife said she saw a bunch of feathers in the parking garage several weeks ago, and we haven't seen the rooster since so i'm starting to think someone ran him over. Was a crazy thing hearing a Rooster crowing like crazy at 5-6am, looking out my window and seeing him in a tree, with the downtown skyline in the backdrop... only in the heights!
  22. Party in the plaza... If you want to party in the plaza, mark March 21st on your calendar. There is going to be a Brazilian festival in the plaza that day. link for more info www.houstonbrazilianfest.org
  23. friday had cars packed all around the block. Crazy crowd. I drove by around 6PM.
  24. I live in Midtown heights.... sorry for bringing down the hood guys.
  25. yeah, this seems to be just one guy causing a whole neighborhood to be scared. I don't see it as the new "trend". I'm definitely not going to be "packing a pistol" as i don't have a CCL. This guy would make a lovely hood ornament for my jeep though... I'm sure this guy will be caught soon since he seems to be behaving with complete wreckless abandon, I just hope he doesn't hurt anyone before he is caught (unless its another gun toting crackhead).
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