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Everything posted by brian0123

  1. Sorry, but if libertarians ever did get in power... Americans would vote them out as soon as they started turning every road into a toll road. BTW, I'd love to see a third party... but libertarians are as nutty as Lyndon LaRouche cultists (and are more extreme than either Dems or Repubs). They are in no way a party that unites Repub and Dem ideals (that would be moderates instead). In many regards, they are the extremes of what both sides fear.
  2. Hmm, in his short time as president, he has... 1. Called Iran's bluff on their nuclear plant (currently ongoing news) 2. His justice department has helped foil several serious plots (one recently in Dallas). 3. He signed off on (and we were successful) at hunting down and killing a top Al Qaeda operative in Africa. 4. He approved the use of force against pirates off the coast of Africa (which were killed and the Americans were rescued). 5. He has started to take a tougher trade policy stance against China (China is starting to get angry and calling Obama a protectionist because he is not bending over backwards for them like Bush did). To me, that's a pretty darn good record so far. Obama smiles and the world blushes... but at the same time sends the message to not **** with us, or you will get what's coming to you.
  3. There is more construction activity occurring at another store front at the Mix. Looks like they have more tenants moving in!
  4. That's exciting news! Reef is a little too fancy for my taste. If this place caters to a different demographic (mine)... it will work great. I've always wanted something like a Shrimp & Stuff (in Galveston) nearby in Midtown.
  5. Well, it looks like the awesome rendering they made for this block was a lie! I drove by again and they aren't selling the land... they are just leasing the one building on it with a sign saying you can lease the entire block. I guess they are hoping some restaurant (or a blockbuster:wacko:) will move in and they will have a huge parking lot for customers.
  6. Uh oh... I just drove by and there were guys about to put a sign on the one remaining building on the block that said something like "One entire city block available." Is Crosspoint seriously going to abandon this ?!?!?!
  7. The issue isn't what a CEO personally thinks. The problem is when he abuses his position in order to attempt to influence the debate (like going out of his way to write an article for the WSJ).
  8. So it's okay for a CEO to use the company to voice his opinion (i.e. without the company, he would be a nobody and not get into the WSJ), but it's not okay for a customer to use the company to voice theirs? As far as I'm concerned, it should be a two way street.
  9. Yeah, I drove by after work again and am amazed at how quickly they tore it all down. I drive past there every day and honestly can't remember seeing any crews. I have a feeling this is a sign of more good things to come (otherwise why tear down income producing apartments). BTW, I never realized how large that lot is. Hopefully it actually ends up looking like this...
  10. Maybe I'm going crazy, but I just drove by one of the lots for the future Mix expansion (Elgin @ Louisiana) and did not see the old apartment building that used to be there. The fence that used to be up around the block is also gone. This is the block that the cool rendering (somewhere earlier in this thread) showed a bunch of other stores. Any chances that they are going to go forward with the next phase of development?
  11. Sort of reminds me of "No Fear" shirts from the junior high days. I guess d-bags never really change, they just have more money to spend now that they are older.
  12. FYI, they have now put up metal beams for future walls in the rest of the Mix. There is also a bunch of construction materials laying around inside it (the non Japanese restaurant part). I also noticed some (what looked like blueprints) laying on a table along the back wall. This is how the Japanese restaurant looked before they began construction... so everyone cross your fingers that they start building out the rest!
  13. This is technically a couple of blocks from the center of Midtown... and yes, with the all of the development occurring at the Mix, Camden, the area around Crave...etc, it's nice to see things starting to work their way beyond the NW corner.
  14. It doesn't matter who started the thread... the fact is that you jumped to wild conclusions and started spewing typical right-wing garbage before knowing the facts. Any other talking points from Bill O'Reilly or Limbaugh you want to throw out while you're at it?
  15. Looks like different guys now. Initially they had one crew in w/ hard hats doing a lot of the main construction (building out the structure). Now there have been guys that look like they are working on more detailed work (the entrance seems to be getting attention right now). I don't know anything about construction, so I can' say what they are doing. The place still has a way to go.
  16. If you're asking about the one at the Mix... they have been working on it every day. I drive by the place probably 4 times a day, and every time there are crews working in it.
  17. Here's an interesting read... http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/08/17/potter.health.insurance/index.html The higher I rose in the company, the more I learned about the tactics insurers use to dump policyholders when they get sick, in order to increase profits and to reward their Wall Street investors. I could not in good conscience continue serving as an industry mouthpiece. And I did not want to be part of yet another industry effort to kill meaningful reform. I explained during the press conference with Rep. Slaughter how the industry funnels millions of its policyholders' premiums to big public relations firms that provide talking points to conservative talk show hosts, business groups and politicians. I also described how the PR firms set up front groups, again using your premium dollars and mine, to scare people away from reform. What I'm trying to do as I write and speak out against the insurance industry I was a part of for nearly two decades is to inform Americans that when they hear isolated stories of long waiting times to see doctors in Canada and allegations that care in other systems is rationed by "government bureaucrats," someone associated with the insurance industry wrote the original script. Google "Wendell Potter" to read other interesting articles from him.
  18. There is an entire thread on it here if you want some history/updates on it. As for its status, they have a sign up saying they will be renting in the fall. If you have any questions about the area, feel free to ask (I live nearby).
  19. So you want the government to force people to buy private insurance? What about those that can't (since you don't like the idea of others paying for the poor through taxes)? Are you going to not let poor people drive a car to a job? Essentially, you (someone arguing against government intrusion) has just argued for some of the most extreme government intrusion into people's lives.
  20. Wow. Um... yeah. By 2020, my guess is that the Republican primary will think Palin is too liberal. Instead, they will elect some stay-at-home mom who speaks in tongues and claims Jesus told her how to fix this country. Oh, and Joe the Plumber will be her VP.
  21. I hate to bust your bubble, but we are already paying for the uninsured. When people show up at the emergency room that don't have health care...you (or your employer) are paying for them through higher premiums. By getting these people covered and paying into the system through taxes... they will start receiving the cheaper, preventative care instead of showing up at the ER for a sore throat. Overtime, this will reduce costs, and we will be paying less as a result. First, no one is proposing a free system. Second, health care IS a right. If you were sick and couldn't pay for it, I believe you should receive treatment (and I would have no problem with my taxes going for that). I'd rather you be healthy, instead of walking around and coughing on me (maybe passing some swine flu in the process) Uh, yeah. Democrats literally say this all the time . I make a lot of money too, but I don't feel "taxed to death". I understand that I made my money in a country that provides me safety with an incredible military, allowed me to get to work on roads with a great infrastructure, etc. etc. In other words, I have no problem paying my fair share in order to be a part of a civilized society. The point of the stimulus money was to get it in the hands of people that would spend it... you know... to stimulate the economy. The program you are referring to was for poor kids so they could purchase back to school supplies... which you know... stimulates the economy. Also, God forbid we try to help poor kids actually get an education so that they CAN get a job later in life. If they had given that stimulus money to me, I probably would have just put it in the stock market and sat on it for a long time... doing nothing to stimulate the economy.
  22. Actually, they were lied to by the right wing into thinking the Patriot Act didn't effect them... so they were subservient. Of course this health care "bill" (technically it's not even a bill yet... but people are angry over proposals) affects everyone... just like any other piece of legislation impacts you in one way or another. The only reason people are so angry about this is that they have been lied to again by the right wing. Angry about the government running things? Well then why not protest against our military, and argue for privatizing it? Heck, why not just outsource it all to KBR and Blackwater? Afraid a government run company will put private companies out of business? Hmm, seems like UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc. compete fairly well against the USPS. SJL is a moron... but the people protesting against her are even more idiotic. At least it makes for some great entertainment on the nightly news.
  23. Were you just as concerned with the Patriot Act?
  24. I was holding out hope based on this from the MetroSolutions site... During earlier discussions, METRO also mentioned private bus companies and AMTRAK might also use this facility. Is that no longer the case? This proposed facility is being designed so that it could accommodate other modes of transportation that could be phased into service, such as commuter rail, private bus carriers, and national passenger rail (AMTRAK). However, these facilities are not included in Phase I, and would not be constructed until funding and environmental clearances are in place.
  25. So what are the odds that this place gets Greyhound to finally leave Midtown?
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