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Everything posted by brian0123

  1. I appreciate your observations, but I have to disagree on your two main points. First, my neighbors are not renters. They are families. Come by Baldwin Square any day after work, and you will see children running around and playing within the gates. You will also see many retired couples that have lived here awhile, and love the area because it's very convenient for them. As for repairs... the HOA does not cover repairs. Each townhome handles it on their own. The HOA just enforces deed restrictions very strictly to make sure people do not get complacent. As for painting... my block just had everyone's homes painted at the same time because a neighbor organized us and got all 33 units to agree to a discounted price. Other blocks can easily do the same.
  2. Sorry, but I'm a little confused. I live a couple blocks from here, and after looking at my land value alone, my land value increased by 50%. The property in question had a 5.6% land increase. Seems like a fairly large discrepancy to me.
  3. Is this something that we'd be able to get city council to do something about? FYI, while looking on the 311 site, they do have an "NPC - Boarding House" request you can fill out. I'm going to report it right now.
  4. That really pisses me off. My land value went up 50%! I'm curious... How is this place even run? I doubt the attorney hangs out around this place. Does he have a property manager/staff/etc. that collects the $7 bucks from the homeless? Is he merely the owner and is renting it to someone else? Even so, that land tax is completely unfair. I want to know who to call too.
  5. Speaking of the flophouse on Tuam and Crawford... is there anything we can call about (code violations, etc.) regarding the huge hole in the building that is now covered in plastic bags (on Tuam side)? It looks like someone drove a car through the wall. Also, the people that crash there believe that they are very much residents of the area. I was working in my yard one day and a homeless guy was talking to another homeless guy walking by. The one guy said "You should come live at my home at Tuam and Crawford".
  6. That's good to know. I see 13 Celsius from my window... so I'll have to watch more often. I noticed them this morning. They were hard to see from the street (unless you look closely). Have your neighbors tried fixing it on their own? I agree with you on this place. The flop houses around do drive me crazy. Is there anything we can have the city or MMD do about them? I'll keep an eye out for the guy. That house is for sale... so I'm hoping someone buys it and tears it down. I feel sorry for that nice house to the left of it. As for Tuam and Fannin (and all the other little sections between our side of Midtown and the other) they have always been like that. Midtown is starting to fill in... and as those abandoned buildings and lots get replaced (i.e. Camden Travis), they will be squeezed out. I'm sorry... I meant Travis and the awesome Vietnamese places along it (and now a Sushi place too).
  7. Dog's barking are very annoying (I can't stand them), but it happens everywhere. There is nothing that the HOA can do about that. Go to any neighborhood in the U.S. (rich or poor) and you will hear them. My complaint about the dogs and their owners is that they let them crap in the common areas along the streets (and even in my yard). It's not the "apartment types" letting their dogs do this either... Most of the time it's the doctors/nurses that are walking around. I live at Anita and Austin (so hello neighbor ). The area you are referring to only has about seven town homes on one side of the street. The other side has the run down house on the corner. I'm not familiar with the people that live along that stretch... but me being a block away... I experience none of what you are seeing, and at night it's very, very quiet. Plus, if there are parties (that aren't out of control)... I view it as a great thing for our area. It brings in new people and introduces them to our neighborhood. I've had friends over before that never knew our part of town existed. Now they want to buy a townhouse here. The other week I was at the Starbucks over on Gray and overheard an apartment dweller talking. She was introducing her friends to Midtown and said "Yeah, this area is so awesome. Just don't ever go on the other side of Main. That's the really spooky part of town." To me, the more people like her that come across the "tracks" to a party... the better. Think of it as PR so when she starts to look for a place to buy, she'll realize that the "spooky" place on the other side of the tracks is actually full of lawyers, doctors, engineers, a beautiful park, and wonderful homes. Have you reported these to the HOA? Are they falling off? I haven't seen any gates that look bad. I completely agree with you on this point. I would just have to disagree with your assessment that our area is in decline. Yes, there are some improvements that can be made... but that is normal for any community that is getting older. Remember, things are now about ten years old and are no longer brand new. Repairs will need to be made just like any other place. If anything, I would argue that our neighborhood is getting better... - There are less homeless people walking around (and those that do are actually very nice... like the one old guy that rides his bike around pulling a cart). - The amount of shady people walking around has diminished - More projects/construction are slated to start once the economy picks up (like the Collective at Baldwin Park) - Our neighborhood probably recovered quicker from IKE than any other neighborhood around town - Discovery Green, Houston Pavilions, OPP, etc. are coming online and bringing more people into our part of town. - People that live in our neighborhood can now ride a bike 8 minutes to Discovery Green and OPP, 8 minutes to Houston Pavilions and HOB, 10 minutes to Hermann Park, or walk 5 minutes to the new restaurants and development occurring over on Fannin.
  8. I'm an owner/resident in the area and I'm totally confused as to what you are talking about. I hate to be so blunt, but I have not encountered any of the things you mention (and I routinely jog around the Baldwin Square area). Plus, the items you list as examples of a "declining spiral" are normal for any neighborhood... especially one in the middle of everything. A "dog barking" from an open window? Are you kidding me?!? That happens everywhere... just go politely ask the owner if they could close the window if it is really bothering you. Remember, we've had some nice weather lately... and people tend to open the windows when it feels nice outside. Cigarette butts thrown from a patio/broken glass? Yes, it was probably from a party. You are living in one of the hottest places in town. Ask the owner to please clean it up (or talk with the homeowner's association about it if it's a recurring problem). Broken gates/fences... go to the HOA meeting and tell them. I don't have any around me. I'm sorry, but your post really angered me because I love our area and am not ashamed to say that I love it more than West U, Montrose, and the Heights. The HOA is only as effective as we make it. If you see a problem, attend the meetings and report it to them. Don't expect them to find everything that needs to be fixed. However, you need to keep in mind that some of the things you are talking about cannot be enforced by the HOA (and are normal to any neighborhood). Out of curiousity, what areas are in a "declining spiral"?
  9. I drove by 2518 La Branch (see Streetview) today during lunch, and there was an entire crew outside with power saws and hard hats. The past couple of days on my way home for lunch, I've noticed trucks at the place... so I'm hoping they are going to rehab it. Anyways... does anyone know the history behind this house (and the creepy one next to it)? There is an old metal sign out front that I assume used to advertise whatever store it used to be. I've always been curious about these two properties but could never find any info on them. Thanks!
  10. It's still fun to do. Most people in Houston aren't figure skaters or hockey players that need a huge rink to go flying around. My wife and I tried it out last week and had a lot of fun just fumbling around on it.
  11. Very nice looking on the inside. My wife and I can walk to your place from our house (I walk to Cali Sandwich all the time)...so I just now need to convince her to like Sushi
  12. Yeah, the fact that it was Tuesday is what really caught me off guard. I didn't go in books a million last night, but noticed some people inside as well (not as many though). However, I was in there last Friday and there were a lot of people... and it seemed as if every girl in books a million was holding a yellow Forever 21 bag.
  13. On a side note... last night my wife and I walked to the Pavilions after dinner and Forever 21 was packed. I'm not sure if word is getting around, or if it was a freak incident, but it definitely was a change from when it first opened and it was a ghost town. The line to checkout was almost out the door, the dressing rooms had a line about 15 girls long, and the entire place just had people everywhere. Unsurprisingly... Lidz was empty.
  14. I was wondering the same thing. It's looking nothing like the rendering from earlier in this post (back in September).
  15. Well, instead of speculating on the park... I decided to email the parks department. Their response was... The property at Elgin and Austin is a new acquisition, and at this time no plans have been made for development. It will probably be maintained as open green space. I live right down the street and was hoping for a new park. If they continue to maintain it as green space... does this mean that we can just make it a dog park on our own?
  16. Yeah, they've been working on it for awhile. I live down the street from it and they have been busy (they even replaced their big ac unit on the roof). They now have a leasing sign on the side of the building.
  17. Have you been to the small little comedy venue on 6th street in Austin? A place that size would easily fit into the Pavilions.
  18. Here's the exact location... http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&...=12&iwloc=A
  19. Frankly, I could care less what the thing looks like. All I care about is that they are going to be dropping $18 million dollars on an empty lot in Midtown, and that they will be providing beneficial services to people that need it. Sounds pretty awesome to me.
  20. Go to http://www.houstondowntown.com/Home/Lifest...daySpectacular/ and click on the picture of Santa.
  21. You are dead on! I live in Midtown, and back when DG was being downplayed by some, I knew that if my neighbors and friends were excited about it... there must be plenty of others around the area as well. Sure enough, DG turned out to be incredible. I view HP as the same thing. Naysayers can complain all they want. All I know is that my wife and I, as well as our neighbors and friends, are excited about the HP and plan to spend a lot of money there.
  22. I can't speak about the Houston House Apartments... but wanted to suggest that if you are apprehensive about them, why not look at Midtown? You would only be a couple blocks from the apartments, and will have the amenities of restaurants, banks, pharmacies, etc. within walking distance.
  23. I live in Midtown and know that my wife and I will be spending a lot of time and money at the Pavilions. We live on the east side of Main (where there are a ton of townhomes) and have a lot of neighbors that have said they will be doing the same. Midtown continues to grow (i.e. Camden Travis is currently being built even in this crappy economy) and Midtown is full of 20-30 somethings with money to burn and a desire to be in a totally urban environment. For people like my wife and I... the Galleria is too crowded, feels like a boring suburban mall, and requires way too much driving/parking/walking/etc. in order to get to a particular store you want to get to. What is so great about the HP is that it will pile a bunch of stores into a layout that makes them easy to access, quick to get to, and is easily walkable.
  24. You are 100% correct. I am in a band and yes, it's done to ensure that your fans actually show up to the show... Otherwise, they would skip the HOB show and just check out the band in a cheaper venue. Maybe the HOB in NOLA let's BB bend the rules, but any other band should follow their rules... and rightfully so. The only time I think the exclusivity agreement should be waived is when the HOB sells out and they cannot get another show setup while that artist is in town. That way, the artist still brings in $ to HOB, along with allowing more people to see them.
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