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Everything posted by trymahjong

  1. an update:http://muckrack.com/link/4jYn/houston-appoints-its-own-poet-laureate
  2. thought this was interesting-- it was part of Ellen Cohen newsletter Joint City/County Inmate Processing Examined The Mayor provided the Council with an update on the City of Houston's efforts to create a joint processing inmate center with Harris County. This is part of the city’s overall goal of getting out of the jail business and making the booking of prisoners more efficient. A consultant will be hired to determine the general size, shape, location and projected price tag of the proposed center. The city and county will split the cost of the study and you can expect to see that authorization on council agenda next week.
  3. I think I posted this on another thread but Kirk Baxter asked to meet with the developers of the property where spec's/papa John/ 1/2 price books located. He presented the idea that the memorial be located on the SE corner of Waugh/Yoakum and Westheimer. The Memorial is primary made of glass and would reflect the new structure (Blacksmith's) that was built on the Mary's footprint; while giving information on what the orginal structure (Mary's Bar) had been. Kirk reported that the developers were receptive to that idea and would consider donating the land required to install the Memorial. This was just one of several venue proposals that Kirk presented. I really hope other organizations will ask Kirk to make his presentation to their organizations and bring awareness to this idea.
  4. wondering if it will influence USA http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/04/02/17575049-samoa-airline-to-price-tickets-by-passenger-weight?lite
  5. I assume it's just construction- materials and labor-- the glass will be etched with names--incorporating artifacts into it-etc- Swamplot must have read my earlier post--I'm not sure if they attended the Neartown meeting- http://swamplot.com/a-montrose-marys-memorial-maybe/ more info http://www.facebook.com/pages/Marys-Naturally-Closed/172134376922
  6. thanks for this info-- there is a pothole in front of the bus stop by Aladdins at Westheimer and Montrose that I think could break a cars axel--that's one I'd like to get fixed.
  7. weeeeeeellllllllllllllll not quite. . . . . . . I do get a quick automated response from my 3-1-1 app that my complaint has been received and a "unique" number has been attached that I can "reference" if I have any questions. . . . . . . I have to admit that I have joined others in my neighborhood ( keeping a journal of all the crappy potholes we have reported with those unique reference numbers duly noted) we actually do follow call 3-1-1 (all of us) and give those reference numbers and ask if any process has taken place. . . . . . . we're still unsure if this tactic works.
  8. At Neartown's March meeting a vote of support was given to this endeavor. The question of cost was brought up. $100,000.00 Neartown isn't in the position to offer monetary support. Still, I really like this idea and hope the community likes it also and will support it.
  9. METRORail's 18 light-rail vehicles (LRVs) have traveled more than four million miles (the equivalent of five trips to the moon and back) recording 100 million boardings in the process. METRORail reached this milestone four years ahead of schedule. And to celebrate this milestone the public is invited to ride the METRORail for free all day on Tuesday, April 9, 2013. Take advantage of the Tuesday, April 9, 2013, free rides on the rail system and begin using public transportation to help reduce traffic congestion on Houston streets. For more information on riding the METRORail go to www.ridemetro.org or call 713.635.4000
  10. KHOU's broadcast asked for pictures of potholes to be sent to their website-- I am way ahead of that-- I've been using my trusty 3-1-1 app to take pictures and ask for repairs for potholes near my house for a month now-- I will begin to forward those pictures to KHOU-- who knows what might happen.
  11. saw this on KHOU last night. http://www.khou.com/community/Montrose-leaders-challenge-city-in-fight-against-potholes--201720261.html Guess a few in Lower Montrose are trying to change that street repair priority list.
  12. I'm a little confused-- If the Midtown Arts Center development is the block bounded by Holman, Main, Francis, and Travis streets-- What will Berry street between Natachees and that parking lot be used for?
  13. I drove by Haymerchant and saw the new bike station, also saw the article in the Chronicle on Wednesday by Dug Begley that talked about the program and had a map of where to find the bike rentals-- I found their website. http://houston.bcycle.com/ Hope this program really takes off!
  14. I also am lucky enough to walk to this area. Parking? Maybe they can share the current parking spaces? Hopefully they won't tear down one of the existing houses to make a new lot. I like the idea of something new going in-- instead of the empty space. Now if someone would only cleanup and put something fabulous into the old Late Nite Pie space----sigh
  15. This organization was responsible for setting up "living labs" of what a complete street could function as; when it transformed part of Washington ave and LaBranch street in recent years. info at www.houstoncompletestreets.org
  16. Free Tax Preparation Assistance for Those Eligible Accommodations for Persons with Disabilities Available upon Request Free tax preparation assistance is available to families earning up to $70,000 and single individuals earning up to $50,000 at 15 locations throughout Greater Houston during March and April 2013. For a complete list of tax preparation sites, dates and times, visit www.freeTaxCenters.org or call the 2-1-1 Texas/United Way HELPLINE (2-1-1). Persons with disabilities may request reasonable accommodations by calling 2-1-1 at least 48 hours in advance. Additional sign language interpreters will be available to provide communication access assistance on March 16 and 23, at Baker-Ripley Neighborhood Center , 6500 Rookin, Houston 77074. The Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities (MOPD) will also be distributing free visual fire alarms and registering persons for other services such as legal clinics and volunteer accessible parking enforcement training. For questions email mopdmail@houstontx.gov or call 832.394.0814. To learn more about MOPD, a division of the Department of Neighborhoods, visit www.houstontx.gov/disabilities. For more information about DON, visit www.houstontx.gov/neighborhoods. This free tax service is provided through a partnership between DON, Neighborhood Tax Centers and United Way of Greater Houston.
  17. I read the article and understand participants must be brought to the facility by police-- I'm just wondering who exactly informs the police? who make the call "public intoxication"
  18. I got this email. . . . . . New City of Houston Recovery Center Innovative Sobering Center Readies for Operation Mayor Annise Parker announces the completion of the Houston Recovery Center renovation, home to the City of Houston 's new sobering center, which is expected to begin full operation in the next couple of weeks. The sobering center is meant to be an alternative to jail for people whose only offense is public intoxication, allowing them to regain sobriety in a safe, medically-monitored environment. Once detainees are sober, they will meet with professional counselors who will offer long-term treatment referrals to appropriate social service agencies. By not booking these offenders into the city jail, officers are able to return to their neighborhood patrols more quickly. The 84-bed facility is located in a two-story building at 150 North Chenevert Street , Houston 77002. It will be managed by a local government corporation created last year by Houston City Council. Annual operating costs are expected to be $1.5 million, compared to the $4 - 6 million it currently costs to process public intoxication cases at the city jail. The sobering center is an option only for those detainees who have committed no other crime, have no outstanding warrants and have been taken to the facility by a police officer. There are separate facilities for both men and women. The second floor of the building is the new home of the Houston Police Department (HPD) mental health unit. For questions concerning the new sobering center, email mayor@houstontx.gov. For more information on HPD, visit http://www.houstonpolice.org/.
  19. Guess the opinion page in today's chronicle filled in a lot of blanks for me. http://www.chron.com/opinion/article/Houston-deserves-better-rail-service-4337295.php
  20. I agree-- But Cohen was hosting the CIP for her district C-- not sure it goes to the loop. Avondale was trying to be gripe specific during that meeting
  21. I received the Cohen email expounding on the success of her CIP (Capitol Improvement Plan) meeting last week. --- funnything. . . . . I've spoken to residents from not only Avondale, but also EMCA, First Montrose Commons, not a lot of happycampers, That meeting was too crowded and too loud and only 7 out of the 150 people got to talk--- A protocol to determine which damaged streets would be fixed (without influence from City Council or 3-1-1) was scrapped. To label the meeting as a success is a stretch. and a friend from Roseland Civic--not happy at all. ---Roseland wanted to put the spotlight on Richmond Ave---It's totally torn up from Montrose to the spur. Those residents thought that crappy section would be the first to be improved when METRO put in the Rail---but seems like that line is never happening--and the "Worse gets fixed first" doesn't appear to have that part of Richmond ave at top of list either. so basically all the crappy streets on eastside of Montrose district will remain just that CRAPPY!
  22. These questions were brought up at Rail meetings and an Elevated line was suggested---much like the elevated line above Broadway street in Bronx, NY beginning at the Harlem River---The response to the Elevated proposal---NADA!
  23. I think there is a parallel in there somewhere-------------Metro should have the power to do what's best without influence from. . . . . . . That COH Van was suppose to have the "power" to determine what streets needed repairs based on what streets were in the worse condition --a determination without influence from neighborhoods or politicans. . . . . . . .
  24. Maybe you remember some of the earliest conversations about a east west metro rail line concerned putting the line on Westheimer-- all those talks went phooey.
  25. I think I might have posted this on another thread but a few meetings back at Neartown, the COHpwe brought up that here had been discussion of returning Westheimer from Elgin to Montrose back to three lanes-- I brought up that went I lived in Houston in 1978- that part of Westheimer was three lanes. No one in that room had lived in Houston long enough to remember that
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