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Everything posted by trymahjong

  1. soooooooooooooooooo I do get a lot of chatter from the people at register and perhaps because I am old and slow I get quite a few "finding everything. . . . " from stockers on aisles. The Kroger on Gray , not so much chatter. My last observation of odd difference between the 2 stores: The orchids at disco were $9.99 the same size orchid on Gray, $16.00. I've seen that exact price different several times over the last several months.
  2. One of the civic asso yahoo groups mentioned there is a fine of $300.00 for watering on a day that isn't your assigned day? I wonder if the COH van that asseses leaks will now be looking for sprinkler offenders?
  3. The leaks we got fixed were the kind that bubble up, flood the street, and cause the sidewalks to sink- all of the calls and the repair took place in April, May and June I didn't mean to imply everything was done in the blink of an eye--I don't think the 311 calls were magic or that our leaks were more important-but we were following the advise of a City council person that spoke at Neartown meeting, that thought a concerted effort to alert 311 to a particular problem might help get results. I do think the city has trouble getting things done and that COH white van that goes through the neighborhood making "leak"assessments has left quite a few leaks running merrily down the sidewalks of Avondale---Our water pressure is zero EMCA is experiencing quite a few leaks and is trying to get them fixed and found out from COH the number of leaks citywide is closer to 650
  4. I have tried calling 3-1-1 (on my own) on water leaks that weren't in front of anyone's home---I called 3 days in a row-- no response-- I asked members of my civic association to also begin calling on that water leak-- The city of Houston must have noticed-- 3 leaks in our neighborhood has been fixed so far by using our civic association members to call 311 on a specific leak--
  5. after trying very hard to adhere to the odd/even house number days------got this in email--- Water levels in Lake Houston are dropping to the point where the City is required to draw down water from Lake Conroe (already very low on water). With that, Stage 2 water restrictions are expected to go into effect. Water savings tips: http://www.wateruseitwisely.com/100-ways-to-conserve/index.php Stage 2 requirements from city ordinances: "During a stage two water shortage, customers are required to: (1) Repair detectible water leaks within 72 hours of discovery; and (2) Limit outdoor irrigation to the hours between 12:01 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. or between 8:00 p.m. and midnight on no more than two days per week in conformity with the following schedule: a. Sundays and Thursdays for customers with even-numbered street addresses; and b. Saturdays and Wednesdays for customers with odd-numbered street addresses. © During a stage two water shortage, the director shall institute a water use reduction program for city departments, including but not limited to: (1) Establishing a ten percent water consumption reduction goal for all city departments; (2) Ensuring that city irrigation systems do not wastewater; (3) Discontinuing of <a name="hit40" rel="nofollow">water main flushing except to protect life or health; and (4) Discontinuing washing of city vehicles." Chron article: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/chronicle/7691563.html
  6. This from an email I received-- there are quite a few that show up for Saturday volunteering but they need more------ 156 trees have been tagged at the cemetery in hopes we can nurture them into being long term residents.These tree's positions need to be recorded on our survey.They need water.Some of the trees need a hug. There have been several trees and limbs that have fallen victim (literally) to the drought in the past month. These need to be moved into ready mode for our next dumpster day. So there is some chain saw work available! I promise the temperature will be less than 156 degrees, all morning. The fence location has been staked using Laurel and Hardy survey techniques, but you can now get a good idea of what it will look like and where it is going. Garden hoses will be welcome, drinking water and sunscreen are recommended, and if you want to help preserve the "Park" at College Park your help is desperately needed this Saturday, August 13 from 8am to noon at 3525 West Dallas.
  7. The City of Houston has a special department---Neighborhood Protection Corps-- make them aware of this property. (make notes on dates and who you contact)--If you have a neighborhood association invite NPC to be a speaker. HPD has also added to the protection corp efforts. You can make HPD aware of the problem by going to a monthly PIP meeting (google it) and speaking to the assembly (Bring your notes with you add to the notes the information you get at PIP). Your council member should be made aware of the problem----be sure and advise them that you have first made good faith efforts through COH and HPD---show your notes! These things don't resolve themselves and it will take quite a bit of effort on your part to see any result-- good luck
  8. If you travel a lot-- tipping in other places around the world is confusing at best-- This article was interesting reading. . . . . . http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/07/magazine/where-to-get-the-worlds-best-service.html
  10. Flew in to LaGuardia yesterday-- the plane had 31 rows of seats, 6 seats to a row--it took 20 minutes (not an exageration) to exit the plane ---Many passengers (by that I mean small slightly built people that had to ask for help -this takes more time than you would expect) had crammed oversized baggage in upper bins---one fell onto a seated passenger and the stewardess had to be called--another delay----lots of these bags won't roll down the ailse easily either-- Couldn't those with NO baggage be allowed to exit first?
  11. Houston Public Library Service Hours are Changing! The Houston Public Library (HPL) will implement new service hours at most library locations effective Monday, August 8, 2011. The most notable change for library customers is the reinstatement of Saturday hours at 16 neighborhood libraries. The change in hours comes after careful review of usage patterns, and from responding to customer requests for Saturday access to their neighborhood libraries. Highlights of the new schedule: <li style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt; text-align: justify; color: black;" class="yiv1592681877MsoNormal">Library service will be provided every weekday (Monday-Friday) at 14 neighborhood libraries for after school access. <li style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt; text-align: justify; color: black;" class="yiv1592681877MsoNormal">Extended hours library service (Monday-Saturday) has been added at the Heights Neighborhood Library. Extended hours will now be provided at 7 library locations; this includes all Regional Libraries, Kendall Neighborhood Library, McGovern-Stella Link Neighborhood Library and Heights Neighborhood Library. Additional Saturday access is being provided at 15 neighborhood libraries (Tuesday- Saturday
  12. Maybe they could start by creating a "City Manager" position
  13. there is another thread that speaks to the development plans of that property-- I think that company was one of the ones that spoke to the panel (Neartown was one of the sponsors and Urban Land league) that gathered a couple years ago with proposals for the intersection of Montrose and Westheimer . . . . . . . . . ?
  14. It's intersting that you talk about "MONTROSE" but give Disco Kroger and Katz as the places you visited--- that's the far east side of Montrose-- I think Midtown begins at Bagby. . . . . . . Montrose is a huge area-Perhaps you heard that the intersection of Montrose and Westheimer was the HEART of Montrose ( I heard the same in 1978 when I first visited) but to gain insight into Montrose --the area everyone seems to have heard about . . . what it's neighborhoods are- you'd do better to visit (you can stroll) through thse neighborhoods that converge at that intersection------- -----Hyde Park, Avondale, First Montrose commons and WAMM -----I think there are 19 neighborhoods in total in Montrose.
  15. I've read the thread concerning gaps in income but I'm wondering if there were legislation (remember "if") that would link the highest and lowest wages inside a company (as example the highest paid executive could only make 10x or 15x what the entance level salary was -------just an example remember) would that have positive ramifications for the economy?
  16. I think that space on the roof of the old el phoenix was used for the a/c? the pictures of the construction are great-- guess i'm still wondering. . . . . . what happens to the building in between uchi and aladin and what happens to rooftop of prive?
  17. Notice of Public Hearing related to High Density Development The City of Houston Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on proposed additions to Chapter 42 of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances related to high density development. The hearing will be held Thursday, July 21, 2011, 2:30 p.m., Houston City Hall Annex, 900 Bagby, 77002, Public Level. The proposed High Density Ordinance seeks to provide buffering requirements when proposed development is over 75 feet in height, is located along a local or collector street and abuts single-family properties. Anyone wishing to speak before the Commission must register on a designated form at the entrance to the meeting. Each speaker will be allowed a maximum of three minutes to speak to the Commission on the item. See http://www.houstontx.gov/planning/DevelopRegs/hidensity/index.html to view the draft ordinance. For questions or comments, contact Hector Rodriguez at Hector.Rodriguez@houstontx.gov.
  18. Got this from Montrose Counciling Center This month, we prepare to honor the memory of Paul Broussard, whose stabbing death occurred on July 4, 1991, Montrose Counseling Center joins Charles Armstrong Investments along with the Aaron Scheerhoorn Foundation for Change in dedicating the northwest corner of California and Grant streets to the memory of Broussard, as well as all GLBT victims of violence. The observance is open to the public and will begin at 8 p.m. on Thursday, July 28. __._,_.___
  19. When we took my dog in to vet today complaining about the increase of feral cats and the fleas they left in our yeards-- we were told a "feeder" of those cats had begun to humanely trap them and give them shots, neuter and other health treatments-- I have new respect for this person and am wholly grateful for these efforts
  20. Got this in an email--It's thought provoking http://www.npr.org/2011/07/10/137744694/as-income-gap-balloons-is-it-holding-back-growth?sc=emaf
  21. This was just one of the different sorts of notices I receive as part of Citizens Net-- this appears at end of each notice Register for CitizensNet Change your email address or Update your record View CitizensNet Archive Go to www.houstontx.gov for information about City of Houston activities/events. Fan Us, Mayor's Facebook • Follow Us on Twitter • Watch Us on YouTube Disclaimer: All information, excluding your email address, is generally subject to public disclosure under the Texas Public Information Act (See Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code). Thank you for your interest in CitizensNet. Mailing Address: City of Houston | P.O. Box 1562 | Houston, Texas 77251 City Hall Address: City of Houston | 901 Bagby | Houston, Texas 77002
  22. The City of Houston Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services welcomes public input as City Councils Neighborhood Protection and Quality of Life Committee Meeting meets to consider creation of: The Department of Neighborhoods Thursday, July 7, 2011 10 a.m. City Hall Council Chambers 901 Bagby St., 2nd Floor Houston, TX 77002 The Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services will transition from a division to a self-supporting department. The newly formed Department of Neighborhoods is a concept that proposes the consolidation of various neighborhood services groups within the City, such as: Mayor's Anti-Gang Office, Mayor's Citizens' Assistance Office, Mayor's Office of Education Initiatives, Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities, Neighborhood Protection Corps, Mayor's Office of Immigration & Refugee Affairs and the Mayor's Volunteer Initiatives Program. If you would like to appear before the committee to offer public comments regarding the proposed consolidation, please contact denise.thomas@houstontx.gov at 832.394.0637. To RSVP or request special accommodations please contact brittany.lockett@houstontx.gov at 832.393.1038.
  23. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/02/us/02dogs.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=tracing%20unscooped%20dog%20waste&st=cse
  24. I walked by the houses on Crocker and also on Grant last week and the increase in temperature has also increased the smell.
  25. Poetry Series and Author Events at the Houston Public Library Public Poetry at Your Library The Houston Public Library and Public Poetry are presenting the next event in their ongoing poetry series. These interactive poetry events will feature local and visiting poets, and the occasional local celebrity or public figure. Poets will be available for questions and answers and book signings at the end of each program. Kendall Neighborhood Library 609 N. Eldridge, Houston 77079, 832.393.1880 <p style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt; text-align: center;" class="yiv1453440742MsoNormal" align="center">2 p.m., Saturday, July 2, 2011 The Special Guest Reader will be Mark Craig, of NASA. Featured Poets include: Outspoken Bean, Radames Ortiz, Loueva Smith, and Randall Watson. For more information on these poets, please visit www.houstonlibrary.org/poetry. "An Evening With" Author Series The Houston Public Library invites you, your friends and neighbors to an ongoing author series where you will meet well-known authors from several genres. Schedule of Events: An Evening with...Ann Brashares 6 p.m. - 8 p.m., Thursday, July 7, 2011 Central Library, 4th Floor Program Place, 500 McKinney , Houston 77002 832.393.1313 Join us for a special visit from Ann Brashares, who will discuss and sign copies of Sisterhood Everlasting, the fifth installment in the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series. An Evening with...Sarah Bird 6 p.m. - 8 p.m., Thursday, July 14, 2011 Central Library, 4th Floor Program Place, 500 McKinney , Houston 77002 832.393.1313 Join us for a special visit from Sarah Bird, who will discuss and sign copies of her latest book The Gap Year. An Evening with...Esmeralda Santiago 5:30 p.m. - 7 p.m., Monday, July 25, 2011 Collier Regional Library, 6200 Pinemont, Houston 77092 832.393.1740 Join us for a special visit from Esmeralda Santiago, who will discuss and sign copies of her latest book Conquistadora. This event is presented in partnership with Nuestra Palabra. For more information on these authors, please visit www.houstonlibrary.org/an-evening-with.
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