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Everything posted by trymahjong

  1. I have three 16x20 oval family photos from the 1900's I want to ship to New York along with 20x24 1905 marriage certificate also framed-- the glass in the frames is original thin and wavy----any suggestions for who specializes in these types of things?
  2. Saw a new coffee shop 1219 Marconi-- called Bungalow coffee-- it's close to the parking lot of 1308 cantina. I went for coffee now I'm wondering if anyone else has been there?
  3. --- On Sun, 1/9/11, Kathy Heaton 'http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/Bird_Breeder-Hobbyist' <kbheaton@swbell.net> wrote: An update---plus information for anyone wanting to participate in the count--- From: 'http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/Bird_Breeder-Hobbyist' <kbheaton@swbell.net> Subject: 2011 World Parrot count - Houston, TX: Add'l Info & Maps > Date: Sunday, January 9, 2011, 4:19 PM Why participate in the 2011 World Parrot Count? "What consequences does this count have? ''As we are parrot researchers, we are basically not interested in how to reduce or kill non-native parrot populations. We would like to study them and get more useful field data to share with colleagues in the field. The results will contribute to parrot conservation. If we continue these surveys for several years we get good and reliable data that show how fast an introduced parrot population may grow and which key factors are needed for successful establishment. We can use these data for re-introduction programs of threatened species which will become a major parrot research field for the future.'' -- http://www.cml.leiden.edu/research/conservation/impacts Where are the birds? In addition to information accompanying these photos: http://www.flickr.com/search/groups/?q=houston&w=410910%40N24&m=pool/ We have maps! Register and login at http://ebird.org/content/ebird/: View and Explore Data: Graphs and Maps Select Species: Monk parakeet (myiopsitta monachus) Choose a Location: United States Texas Counties in Texas Choose up to 15 Counties: [i've only been able to select a single county at a time.] Brazoria Fort Bend Harris Galveston Drag and Zoom In on the map to identify street names. Click the map markers to view sighting details. then plan a field trip and go explore! Submit your count: ----- Forwarded Message ---- From: Parrot Count parrotcount@cityparrots.org You can use the form: http://www.cml.leiden.edu/research/conservation/impacts/count-form.html for single counts. Or alternatively fill in this Excel sheet: http://media.leidenuniv.nl/legacy/Parrot-count-Extra-Tropical-2011-1.xls Which allows for multiple species, roost/nest counts. When complete send it back to us at: parrotcount@cityparrots.org More info here: http://www.cml.leiden.edu/parrot Happy counting! Roelant & Michael -end- Thank you for taking part in the first World Parrot Count, held January 1-31, 2011. Although much of the information in this message is specific to Houston, you are welcome to adapt it to your location and share it with others. Regards, K Houston TX
  4. I have an anecdote about calling 311 to complain about a run down property- siding coming off, trash piled up everywhere-i think it's 325 westheimer-- the house with the vines growing out the roof--next to sacred heart tattoo I called 311 a lot and asked others to call and even had Stephanie Mingo COH Neighborhood Protection tell me: things were being done! If you drive by you might notice there are still vines growing out of the roof--but-- now the house has a new coat of green paint!
  5. Below is the post from the other forum--but I don't think this is the location I was curious about-- 202 tuam--is the address of FBAR--on the same side of the street as late nite pie----- Okay, so it's on the border of Midtown/Montrose, on Tuam across the street from Late-Nite Pie. The building is an old printing company or something. The owner of Pub Fiction brought renderings of the building to a Midtown Planning meeting awhile back. If plans haven't changed since then... the building is going to be awesome w/ a nice entrance on the corner w/ columns. It will be multi story (I think 2 or 3) with a roof bar thing w/ parking in the back. It will be built to the sidewalk (I think he's going to even widen the sidewalk some and add lighting) so it will fit in perfectly with the neighborhood The owner of Pub Fiction brought renderings of the building to a Midtown Planning meeting awhile back. If plans haven't changed since then... the building is going to be awesome w/ a nice entrance on the corner w/ columns. It will be multi story (I think 2 or 3) with a roof bar thing w/ parking in the back. It will be built to the sidewalk (I think he's going to even widen the sidewalk some and add lighting) so it will fit in perfectly with the neighborhood
  6. I think I would recomend moving into the Lamar district. Wharton elem. has a dual language program that is very good. My kid recently graduated from Lamar . . . . . huge graduating class over 800----- The IB program is a character building experience(Lamar is the largest IB program in the world!) -- the PTO at Lamar is inspiring --they actually go out and "recruit" (is that the right word?) at private middle schools--the percent of free lunch program is (I think) around 30%-- so the enrollment is more diverse than one might think. The alumni program at Lamar is incredible also. Lamar is the magnet for business at HISD.
  7. I am a parrot owner and got this in my email from the Parrot group on yahoo. My first thought was the discussion somewhere on HAIF of a wild parrot population close to Alameda road(?) birds that escaped from the orginal Ninfa owner, years ago? I did get to observe the wild parrot population on the campus of Brooklyn college www.brooklynparrots.com last summer and figured those would be counted. But I was wondering if there were enough wild (adaptive?) parrots in Houston that could be observed and counted---and does anyone know where they are located? Dear parrot researchers and parrot friends, You are cordially invited to join the "World Parrot Count". We, Roelant Jonker and Michael Braun of the "extra-tropical department" of the Parrot Researchers Group of the International Ornithological Union (IOU), would like to initiate the first global parrot census this January in order to get much needed scientific data about parrots living in cities around the globe. This count is intended to become an annual event. For further information please visit the following website: http://www.cml.leiden.edu/parrot.html If you have any questions please contact us via the following E-mail-address: parrotcount@cityparrots.org / mailto:parrotcount@cityparrots.org Please feel free to forward this message to everybody who could be interested. We would like to create a global parrot community of professional researchers, field ornithologists as well as amateur naturalist that will enable us to measure the development of native and non-native parrots living in cities. See you at the roost! All best, Roelant Jonker (Leiden University, The Netherlands) Michael Braun (Heidelberg University, Germany)
  8. from Officer James Sobota - community liason City of Houston Citywide--POSITION INTERACTION POLICE program---PIP ------all meetings open to public always held 2nd Tuesday- everyother month The 2011 Citywide PIP year will open with a very informative Program. On Tuesday, January 11, 2011, the Citywide PIP program presentation topic will be presented on the "Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission". given by Joel Moreno, Chief Enforcement Division from Austin , Texas . Don't miss this informative program. Also, comments from Chief of Police Charles A. McClelland, Jr. Meeting location and time: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 at 7 PM located at 1602 State St. (Auditorium) Houston , Texas 77007 Near Houston Ave & Memorial, across from the Police Station
  9. FBAR in the old "Hue" building on Tuam should be opening in a month or two-- anyone have any details?
  10. I saw on a neighborhood yahoo group that Late nite pie might be closing? Could that be true?
  11. I attended the RECONSIDERATION gathering City Council held for Blvd Oaks (30+/- owners attended) and Avondale West.(8+/-) last night.--exact format and content of informal meeting hosted by Avondale 3 weeks ago accept for Mayor and several council members were present From purely a spectator point of view. . . BLVD Oaks seems much more on the "keep Historic" side-- not too many questions from those wanting to reconsider--lots of comments from those wanting to preserve- Avondale West harder to predict-- most of the questions/comments (so many I thought he was hi-jacking the meeting) were from a young man who first pointed out that he owned 10% of Avondale West and was fully prepared to divide each of those properties to "LLP owned" properties ASAP if it meant he could have separate votes for each property instead of only one vote because his properties were continious. There were pro preservation comments. The eye opener for me came when An Avondale owner pointed out that the new ordinance seemed to be putting more districts at risk of losing their designation rather than helping districts perserve their designation. The Mayors response seemed to point out that she was willing to sacrifice some districts to save others --she went on to say that because Avondale was so "commercial" it might not be saved--maybe that isn't a direct quote but that's what I understood--and by commercial she meant that all the historic homes that are multi-family use are labled commercial. She went on to say that that too many houses were being torn down after the 90 waiting period. She needed to strengthen the ordiances to save them I'm putting in pictures of 3 homes that were always considered at risk for demolistion if the property owner got the right price--these homes were the ones that the backers of Historic designation hoped to save. I'm afraid these are surely lost if designation is reconsidered.
  12. This is the organization that has the building in the 100 block of Westheimer? Will that be kept? Didn't they try a resale/thrift operation in the building on commonwealth and westheimer next to that thai restaurant? I don't think it was there long.
  13. I hadn't seen this thread before-- I haven't been in Lagos since 2005, still I look for articles about it --today I read with interest that Nigeria is indicting Dick Chaney-- About the Continental straight shot to Nigeria- Trying to go from Nigeria to Us was usually 2 seven flights with a 5 hour layover-I was so THRILLED at the prospect of any direct flight- I was in Lagos when it seemed that would happen- (flight crews would stay in renovated suites at airport Sheraton)- lots of publicity and PR parties--and a boost in funding for the Tourist Dept-- I later saw the Ads on French television while in Cannes-- however--- I had always thought that anyone visiting Nigeria (expats that is) had to get permission from the government first as well as the $100.+ visa Soooooooooooooo I always wondered if there was an actual tourtist influx. My experience is limited, I have only flown into Lagos with an expat expeditor a man in a brightly colored jumpsuit with the company name on the back, who had a picture of you, knew your name (wasn't holding a card with your name as this became s scam where lots of people with your name on cards would appear and try to get you to take their cab instead) would ascort you through the customs process as well as lead you through the mass of people who seemed to be permanantly waiting outside the airport, deposit you in a multipassenger van where an armed guard waited and then return to look for the other expats who were flying in at the same time. I'm wondering how much has really changed. Still a direct flight from US to Nigeria seems a good idea. . . . . . another bit of info-- when I first went to Lagos, Air France was the only way to get back to US, as BA wasn't allowed access--I had heard this stemmed from official complaints from BA over the unsafe conditions/up keep of the runway at Murtala Mohammed International--Lagos refused them access to airport
  14. I think I posted this last year-- but since our family hosts other family members during holidays, I'd appreciate any tips to areas inside the loop that have christmas lights in neighborhoods that we could drive by.
  15. the carpool talked about this place but didn't know if it was still there. Russian General Store 9629 Hillcroft Street Houston, TX 77096-3805 (713) 665-1177
  16. Weren't those in response to the huge burglary increase in EMCA area over the past 7 months?--also That part of grant street was plagued by vandalism for a while-the guy who worked at la mexicana was assaulted and robbed there- isn't that where the fire across the street occured a few years ago? for a while there (2008--or there abouts) was intense conversation/discussion at the HCID#6 about installing security cameras on lamposts in the East Montrose Management District----what height they would need to be, what angle etc
  17. I know the MUSEUM DISTRICT BUSINESS ALLIANCE meets the 3rd thursdays of each month at various restaurants around Montrose http://mdbahouston.org/
  18. I just read this--I live close to Numbers and haven't really noticed anything different. . . . . . but when I read the blog about the Papa's .family being interested in Numbers , something clicked- at the HEB meeting where the HEB guy said he would be open to building a 2 story store if he could find additional tenants-- there seemed to be a lot of talk among the people around, about the Papas family and how they might be a good prospect -- coincidence?
  19. I have heard of the kazillion cameras in Manhattan---this is how the police got to much info so fast on the Times square bomber but check this out http://www.mediaeater.com/cameras/overview.html that seems to be the otherside of the coin it makes you contemplate the question of public cameras very carefully
  20. I think I have an idea of the sentiments pro&con concerning the Historic designation ordinance in the Heights-( area most people think of => the Heights) What about the districts outside the Heights" What are the thoughts of the property owners of Westmoreland, Audubon, First Montrose Commons, Courtland Place, Boulevard Oaks, Avondale?
  21. This reminds me of the HEB guy telling the story that everyone he met said "This is Houston, We're eclectic. The Design for the store should reflect that." then the HEB guy would ask for more specific details and no one could give him any. . . . . . . . . . He told that story at ever venue where I heard heard him speak.
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