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Everything posted by trymahjong

  1. received this email and thought I'd share it-- From: First Montrose Commons Neighborhood Association Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 6:41 PM Subject: Murder in First Montrose Commons Dear neighbors, As some of you may have already heard, this past Monday HPD discovered a murder victim on or near the empty Post Properties lot at the intersection of Richmond and Garrott, which is the southeast corner of our neighborhood. The victim has been identified as Myra Ical, a transgendered person who was legally known as Ruben Dario Ical. She was last seen wearing black clothing. To my knowledge, Myra was not a resident of First Montrose Commons, but that in no way reduces the impact of her death upon all of us. It's true that our neighborhood has its fair share of petty crimes, but no one in FMC should ever have to fear for their life, no matter whether they are residents, business people, or just passing through. We as a community cannot and will not tolerate this kind of crime. But what can we do? First and foremost, if any of you were acquainted with Myra, or if any of you saw her recently, please contact HPD to let them know whatever you know. I have been informed that HPD has no leads on this crime right now. You may not be able to provide HPD with a "smoking gun", but any little bit of information about Myra might lead them to something more, so I urge you to share whatever you know even if it may seem inconsequential to you. For those of you who are hesitant to speak with HPD for whatever reason, you may contact me instead and we can work out a way to get your information to them. Next, we must take steps to minimize the possibility of an incident like this occurring again in FMC. We need to work with HPD and our elected officials to increase police presence around Spur 527 at the Richmond and W. Alabama intersections. These areas are well-known havens for drug dealers, prostitutes, thieves, and beggars masquerading as homeless. And while few of those people are capable of murder, their presence fosters a lawless environment where violent tendencies can fester. It is unreasonable to expect HPD to constantly monitor these areas, but we can demand that they at least periodically drain those swamps and send a message to criminals looking for action in and around our neighborhood. It is my intent to call a security meeting to be attended by FMC, our neighboring civic associations, HPD, and all relevant representatives and authorities to discuss our crime problems along Spur 527. When that meeting is announced, I hope to see all of you there and to hear your voices. Only by working together can we make First Montrose Commons safe for all.
  2. the civic assoc hear from one of the business owners----this may turn out really sad-- Yes, some show of support from the civic clubs would be fantastic. A letter to city council members would be very effective I think. The mayor has already said that the city needs to work on the current ordinances which govern parking where it is problematic in the developing urban neighborhoods. She was referring to Washington Avenue but the same issues apply to Montrose. We have a meeting with a city council member on Thursday but I do not know what we will be able to accomplish in the short term. The issue with parking is solely the result of one property owner down the street from us, acting unilaterally. It's a long story but we had a contract to purchase our parking lot before we even purchased the restaurant as we knew the amount of parking required. The owner of the parking lot refused to honor the contract. After 2 1/2 years of litigation (the owner was holding out to get more money), she then contacted the city to get us cited for insufficient parking. The same owner is also responsible for Dean's losing their lease for parking in the Cotton Brothers lot which she also owns. She contacted the owner of Dean's building and told him to either buy her lot or Dean's would be closed. The same owner also contacted the new owner of the former grocery store to demand that he tow cars parked on his lot (which he refused to do). Why? With the goal of driving up the price of her property by creating a shortage of parking. Certainly a property owner can sell their property for whatever they can get for it. But it's disgusting and abhorrent that a property owner can use the city's ordinance to drive up the price with the very real threat that we will be out of business. And in this recession, it is impossible to find banks which will loan to small businesses, particularly restaurants. It will be sad to see a 105 year old house torn down but that will be the end result of this process. The building is not worth anything without parking, under the current parking ordinances. Thanks very much for taking the time to follow up with me about this issue. Eat. Drink. Love. Repeat.
  3. I live close to 611 --And I always call the 3131 number to report what I see and ask for a reference number-- do a followup with a paper copy of that report and include the 3131 reference number--yes, it's a hassle but it makes a difference-The local PIP meetings for district one have repeatedly noted that the number of reports concerning a specific area translates to the number of patrols by HPD-- Also--- after a lot of complaints(citizens going to those PIP meetings and verbally explaining/complaining about the problem) that "forested" area by the spur-- the precint one capt did a sweep and cleared it out last year--of course it all seems to go back to the way it was-- but really what else can you do but keep filling out those reports and keep going to those meetings?
  4. To: undisclosed recipients: Subject: body found Just in case nobody knows about it. On Monday a womans body was found in a field in the lower part of 1a20s (close to the spur surrounding area) . The body, thought to be a woman, was a ( male dressed in drag ) . Homicide was at the storefront yesterday placing out flyers with the a picture on it, hoping to find a witness who may have seen the this person with someone. I have no other information at this time, but if I come across something I will be sure to send everybody a email on the update. Thank You Very Much W
  5. a from from EMCA attended the HCID#6 crime & security committee meeting at the HPD storefront on Montrose--she found out that a new DELI will be built---of course parking is also a concern and there is talk to buy and tear down that older house next door on Fairview but also she told me " Ziggy ' s, & Boheme, and possibly other businesses in that area, have been given a 90-day notice from the City, to get the city-required parking or they will be shut down. As you know, they got royally screwed by a Property owner(I withheld the name) when she renigged on her signed agreement to let them use her vacant lot for parking. Now she is pulling more tricks, including trying to pit one business against another over the parking issue, according to what I heard Saturday. I think these are good businesses and are beneficial for our neighborhoods, and I sure would like them to stay, rather than some bar or place with a wicked owner or some other unappropriate business to come take over the locations. I think it ' s an important neighborhood issue, to try to help them if possible, to get their parking, or to get a "stay of execution" until parking can be found. There is talk of the new owner of the Hyde Park Grocery property putting up a two-level paking garage, and letting all the businesses use it. But this is REALLY expensive, and not likely to happen. They are also supposed to tear down the "flop house" next to the Hyde Park Grocery on Fairview and use the lot for parking. This will not happen within 90 days, however, and I dont ' know if it will be available for Ziggy ' s and others to use, or just the new Deli."
  6. the "montrose district.org" was the old "east montrose management district HCID#6" dallas to bagby to I59 to Montrose-but now expanded down Montrose to Bissonet for that one civic club then over to shepherd and back up to Dallas-- having an extra patroling (only the area of the district) car driven by an off duty HPD officer is one of the things the assessment($) of businesses pays for -- formally meeting at the Freedman library but now HCID # 6 (Montrose) Board meeting Wednesday, January 20, 2010 @ 3:00 pm Vinson & Elkins ( Please note location change. Library was unavailable because of Library Event) Conference Room 26 G 1001 Fannin Street Suite 2500 --open to public etcetcetc
  7. i think your neighborhood assoc is "audubon" they are fairly active and host gatherings and try to keep that neighborhood character--maybe you've notice their "historic audubon" signs for historic designation-- joining the civic club will help you meet the neighborhood-- and it is diverse-- but remember to lock your car and don't leave anything visible-- car break-ins are the #1 crime in that area---not burglary or robbery--car break-ins- your not too far from the ensemble theater metro stop-- i've walked it myself and i live closer to KATZ's you can walk to great bars and restaurants--and that helps because parking in those great restaurants to difficult--but lots of your friends will be impressed to park at your place and be able to walk to where you're going-- it's funny but we actually toured the house we live in now during the hours before pride parade in 2005 with our high schooler in tow--it reminded me of mardi gras--we knew we didn't want to be marooned in the suburbs after that kid went off to university--we wanted a pedestrian lifestyle and we we loved the "look" of these neighborhoods--lots of different kinds of people-- a wide age range of residents, lots of different kinds of events, we bike, we walk, we actually know our neighbors and some of the people who work in the stores,bars and restaurants we frequent have gotten to know us--it's like that small community feeling i had as a kid--it really has a "neighborhood" feel that's hard to find in other parts of Houston
  8. I'm thinking maybe HISD in short term------ they like degreed people to sub-- and that would be steady income they always need subs--but i'm sure they have a legal department too--but it would be experience for the resume
  9. Thanks for the picture-- I am a member of the Avondale assoc that's when i found out the "M" isn't for Montrose but for Museum--as in museum district----guess there was some extra money somewhere and this was thought as a good idea--but the "M" doesn't meet the SNAP guidelines and Avondale doesn't have much cash-- --- I was at a meeting when the District D councilwoman took part in the kudos of Montrose being 10 top walkable cities and there was big talk that a BIG sign (telling details of being walkable) should be put up on the median of westheimer and Montrose-I think the Niko-niko guy was there too--he maintains the median by his restaurant-a few whisperings went around to "reform" the "M" to be that sign, since it already exists etcetcetc-- but haven't heard anything else one way or another-- still seems a shame for the "M" to rust away
  10. I don't have a picture to post , but i walked around that big "M" and it's in sad shape--What's up with that?
  11. I'm thinking there is another post about "neartown" (remember all that 'charette' stuff??) but here's what I understand after 4 years worth of attending their meetings--- Neartown is the "umbrella " organization of all the civic clubs within area{North Boundary Dallas Ave--East Babgy--South I59--West Shepherd} that meets the 4th Tues at Cherryhurst Community center---7pm This is from their website---Neartown.org The Neartown Association was established in 1963 by a group of dedicated individuals seeking to improve the quality of life in Houston's unique and historic inner-city neighborhoods. Undaunted by the time-consuming community-building process, they were not willing to wait for someone else to save and restore their home front, nestled between downtown Houston and the Houston Medical Center.-- . . . . . . . . soooooooooooooooo it's basically Montrose---I'm not sure why they didn't call it that--it's a good organization to keep up with what's happening in our area. Annise Parker was a former president of Neartown.
  12. Neartown is meeting tomorrow to discuss all the SNAP recommendation (remember the cost must be below $350,00or it's a CIP project) I've been thinking getting one of these approved by City council is harder than I thought---4 years trying but still -no go What experiences have you had?
  13. I noticed the sign at Ruggles that there would be a big New Years Celebration there--and someone was inside working this weekend to accept the invite to the Avondale gathering and said they currently only open in the evenings--but I was wondering if anyone has tried out Ruggles and if they were the same or different?
  14. know it's really cold, and that affects who shows up------------but---------i'm a bit curious--what percentage of those that replied they would come really DID show?
  15. sooooooooooooooooooo I scored 91 out of 100--------I live right by Baba Yega------- Why not the 97score that the downtown dweller got?
  16. received this email today. . . . . . interesting We at Feast wish you all a very happy new year and would like to announce that, with immediate effect, we will no longer be using ANY meat or meat product from factory farmed, intensively raised animals in our restaurant. A full list of exactly where your dinner is coming from will be posted on the website and on the back of the menu. We would love to drag as many of you all as possible along with us on this and let's see if we can't change a few things! We look forward to seeing you in the coming weeks - thanks again for all your custom and support. Cheers!<br clear="all"> ‘The industrialization--and brutalization--of animals in America is a relatively new phenomenon: no other country raises and slaughters its food animals quite as intensively or as brutally as we do. No other people in history has lived at quite so great a remove from the animals they eat. Were the walls of our meat industry to become transparent we would not long continue to raise, kill and eat animals the way we do. Tail-docking and sow crates and beak-clipping would disappear overnight - for who could stand the sight? Yes, meat would get more expensive. We'd probably eat less of it, too, but maybe when we did eat animals, we'd eat them with the consciousness, ceremony and respect they deserve.’ Michael Pollen – ‘The Omnivore’s Dilemma’<br clear="all"> -- Feast 219 Westheimer Road Houston, TX 77006 713-529-7788 www.feasthouston.com
  17. if you call 311--- you will be told that lawn clippings put into the new bags will be picked up on your regular trash day-heavy trash on odd numbered months is for tree limbs etc and on even numbered months for "junk"---
  18. The city council told us in September that "In an effort to save taxpayers substantial money and keep biodegradable yard waste from needlessly filling up costly landfills, the City of Houston will soon begin requiring the use of biodegradable bags for such waste" --note that if the new bags aren't used and you get caught a $2000. fine could result--but I also read that " bags, are more expensive. A box of 10 city-required bags, each holding up to 39 gallons, costs $6 to $8, while a box of 70 similar-size plastic bags sells for about $16." so I'm wondering if people will just place yard clipping's directly into the big black trash can. . . . . . . . . then what? here'e the background info from the chronicle-- The City Council on September 2, 2009, approved an ordinance amending Chapter 39, Article IV, of the Houston Code of Ordinances, Collection Services. This change requires residents to use “bio bags” for City collection of green organic material beginning 90 days from passage of the ordinance. Houston waste officials have decided to delay the start of a program requiring the use of biodegradable and compostable bags for leaves and yard trimmings because of a supply problem. Effective Jan. 1, the city will only pick up leaves, grass trimmings and other yard waste that is left out in biodegradable or compostable bags. Some details: The city is making the change in hopes of cutting waste, conserving landfill space and saving money, said Edward Zilton Jr., a senior staff analyst for the city's Department of Solid Waste Management. Under the ordinance, the city will not collect yard waste in plastic bags, and will fine residents up to $2,000 for putting leaves and clippings in garbage bins. Plastic bags, made from petroleum, are sturdy and easy to use, but are widely considered an environmental nuisance that can linger for centuries in landfills. The newly mandated bags begin to decompose within six weeks and leave no harmful residue behind. The program will go into effect Feb. 1, instead of Jan. 1, to allow more time for the bags to reach store shelves, said Marina Joseph, a spokeswoman for the city's Solid Waste Department. The newly mandated bags can be found at Walmart and Kroger stores and will soon be at other retailers, such as CVS, Ace Hardware and Do It Best Hardware, she said. “They are out there, but it's not as widespread as we would like it to be,” Joseph said Monday of the bags. “We don't want to start the program without them being widely available.” The city is making the change to the biodegradable bags because plastic bags, made from petroleum, can linger for centuries in landfills. The compostable bags begin to decompose within six weeks. City officials predict that the change will result in the diversion of 60,000 tons of organic material from local landfills at an annual savings of $2 million in fees, or 10 percent of the city's yearly budget for waste disposal.
  19. I've spoken about PIP --positive Interaction program with HPD-- but telling us the crime stats each month is at the heart of this program-{city wide meets everyother month-- local meets monthly}-- Updates on the Center of criminal activity are always on the agenda-- 2 sections come to mind-- one is further south than sharpstown but still close to I59 and the other is far west on westheimer-- HPD does storefront HPD--where there was a tradition of hight criminal activites and now those places aren't the hotbeds they once were but also if the crime rate goes significantly up-- a mobile storefront is put in place. And about the Heights --awhile back I posted that the murder rate in the Heights had gone up 900%--that was true-- there had only been ONE murder in the previous 12 months in the Heights-- but 8 bodies were found in the heights area-- that had been murdered somewhere else--If there was only ONE murder-- that doesn't exactly scream. . . . . . . center of criminal activity
  20. I attended the GHPA walk through University of St. Thomas-- It was very good-- I found that if I did just a small amount of research before hand, so that I could comment on the things we were shown, it would spark some additional information from the docent that wasn't part of the tour. All the more interesting! As for "Meetup" -------it's been my experience that only a fraction of those who respond they will attend--actually attend--That's a shame-- but what can you do- Still this is a great idea for a meetup! congrats!
  21. I saw this in today's chronicle and thought it was interesting-- a palindromic date--means the number can be read the same way in either direction-- Aziz Inan a professor at Univ Portland has list of such dates (there will be 12 this century) http://faculty.up.ed/palindrome.html
  22. -------i'm glad the antique store is open, that could mean more business in that area but . . . . . . it looks like there is living space above that antique store as well as living space above the continental club-- I point this out because of the potential for other types of business to go into those spaces. And it seems likely that the more things that go in and draw the interest of buyers-- the better all the business will be
  23. If the area will be booming-- I'm wondering about that Antique store across the street ---is it ever open? are those apartments above it rentals? or could those be used for other small enterprises?
  24. I waited 25 minutes and I was the only one in line because my friendly Postal worker wanted to allow her customer to finish her very long and engaging story that she had started telling me but after being called to the window, began again to tell the postal worker and then afterwards came back to me to compliment me on being such a good listener.
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