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Everything posted by trymahjong

  1. what would i do with "infinite" funds? Murals on large blank building walls---a lovely bike trail that connects Herman Park with Allen Parkway--perhaps tall palm trees from westheimer down montrose to Binz--a walkable gravel path beside it--a few wooden park benches--some whimisical public art-- that makes music when the wind blows thru it--- start small-"pocket parks on all those vacant lots---perhaps "memory" gardens---fix all the broken up sidewalks and help the huge trees whose roots have broken up the sidewalks-- i was a little heartsick that a huge oak tree was cut down at Lovett & Roseland--and this after all Lovett-Street talk about "rejuvenating" their esplanade---i'm hoping all that new wood mulch didn't come from that great old tree-------
  2. guess the bohemes and gentrifications and whoever else makes avondale their homes are satisfied that deans won't be too negative an impact on neighborhood or parking etcetc------------dean's has asked for a "late night permit" what ever that is-------- everything seems set to move forward---TNT will lease out their parking to dean's after they have closed---never heard of that before--how will you know those cars are going to dean's? i know plenty who park there and go to ziggy's---and "jewels" has closed---sad since that little strip could have been a funky little magnet for other retail--maybe? but guess everyone will pounce on that parking space also---i was told that "boheme" the wine bar/cafe (althought it doesn't serve food and is mainly full bar not just wine) got a $$$ fine for setting up tables in their limited parking spaces---now those tables on side and in back and new parking next door in front of scuplture house--- and now there is interest in the older building across the street---fairview and morgan---used to be a post office? the talk is that is was tied up in divorce thing--now divorce thing settled (?)--maybe another bar in the future? there used to be a railroad that lead to the fairgrounds on fairview--one of the bars on crocket and fairview still has a loading dock--- the folks at the avondale historic architecture tour --have come up with pictures of the trolley car that made a left turn at taft and ran rail towards first montrose commons-- i love finding out all these little details---
  3. this is supposed to be a second location for Dean's--and the cotton exchange is that old old building across the street that repairs extra long trucks---Dean's will only use that parking lot after the business closes--but one of the worries is that lots of times tow trucks will just leave those disabled trucks in the parking lot at night---
  4. Dean's Credit Clothing has begun preparing to move into the new constructed building on Fairview and Morgan---meeting with local civic asso and contracting for additional parking at the cotton exchange--but i was wondering with ziggy's and boheme so close --meteror to the east---baby barnaby's and the country bar to the west----can this little neighborhood support another bar?
  5. here some of the really old street signs in avondale
  6. As a young women in the mid-seventies in Midland Texas who had come in contact with many workers on oil derricks---one of the pluses I attached to my new Husband was that he was one of the few men I had met that had worked as a rough neck that had all his fingers----i wonder if that is sort of true today?
  7. I am new to this group and saw the "Avondale" from a search---- I have also attended some of their meetings and was happy to learn they were successful in getting their second historical designation last october--i thought i might suggest driving around the neighborhood just to the north of avondale EAST MONTROSE CIVIC ASSOCIATION" EMCA"----- there are some architecturally lovely old homes that are boarded up and waiting for who knows what--they are so pensive looking i'm sure they would photograph well and convey a wonderful story all their own----
  8. I have heard about the HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE tour the Avondale Association is planning and I walked down Avondale street where the tour will take place---To my utter surprise there are only 2 "historic" houses on the north side of avondale street in the 100 -- 200 and 300 block of avondale-----essentially from Taft to Bagby--only 2 houses! ( one a private house and the other an attorney's office) on the north side of the street-- what happened to them? I'm curious as to what they looked like--Are there any old pictures of those houses that were torn down?? Several Houses on that street are vacant--will they likely be torn down?
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