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Posts posted by Heightsite

  1. Here's the link to national politics. http://www.houstonarchitecture.com/haif/topic/26828-obama-signs-executive-order-giving-him-congress-control-over-all-media/

    You have to have posted a minimum of 200 times to be allowed to post in this area. Only 114 to go for me!

    What I don't understand is the snarky tinfoil comment from red and the "IMHO" comment the editor doesn't owe explanations. If a topic gets moved, it's appropriate forum etiquette to let the poster and others know where the post landed. Anyway, have a nice day.

  2. Whoa! Just saw where my post on the control of the airwaves was blocked. So much for that (referring to the post below). Admin want to explain?

    Wow.   A political post turning somewhat civil, reasonable and mildly interesting.   Who would have thunk it?  

    Keep going.....

  3. As I sat through 6 red lights once I rounded the corner exiting the loop, I noticed the light at Hildago was green for only 6 seconds. For travelers on Post Oak, the light stays green for 26 seconds. No wonder traffic on the loop is backed up nearly to above Westheimer often. How do you get the city to change the timing for the stop light?

  4. Hello Police State....


    “The Federal Government must have the ability to communicate at all times and under all circumstances to carry out its most critical and time sensitive missions. Survivable, resilient, enduring, and effective communications, both domestic and international, are essential to enable the executive branch to communicate within itself and with: the legislative and judicial branches; State, local, territorial, and tribal governments; private sector entities; and the public, allies, and other nations. Such communications must be possible under all circumstances to ensure national security, effectively manage emergencies, and improve national resilience. The views of all levels of government, the private and nonprofit sectors, and the public must inform the development of national security and emergency preparedness (NS/EP) communications policies, programs, and capabilities.”

    Read more: http://godfatherpolitics.com/6180/obama-signs-executive-order-giving-him-and-federal-government-control-of-all-forms-of-communication-under-any-circumstance/#ixzz20vDVH96H

  5. When I started this thread, I thought an arborist might weigh in. Full disclosure, I don't live on the powerline side of the street and BTW, I had the trees trimmed on my property about a month ago. I just noticed the trees looked hacked. I'm in favor of tree trimming, especially to prevent power losses during severe weather events. I don't know what "proper" trimming entails but here's what A&M says:

    Topping Versus Thinning

    All too often trees are topped ("dehorned") to reduce size or to rejuvenate growth. In either case topping is not a recommended practice; in fact, some refer to it as the "Texas chain saw massacre". Topping is the process whereby a tree is cut back to a few large branches. After 2 to 3 months, regrowth on a topped tree is vigorous, bushy and upright. Topping seriously affects the tree's structure and appearance. The weakly attached regrowth can break off during severe wind or rain storms. Topping may also shorten the life of a tree by making it susceptible to attack by insect and disease.

    Thinning is a better means of reducing the size of a tree or rejuvenating growth. In contrast to topping, thinning removes unwanted branches by cutting them back to their point of origin. Thinning conforms to the tree's natural branching habit and results in a more open tree, emphasizing the branches' internal structure. Thinning also strengthens the tree by forcing diameter growth of the remaining branches.

    And the link for more info: http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/publications/landscape/pruning/pruning.html

    • Like 1
  6. Centerpoint has contracted tree trimmers to clear limbs from power lines in the Heights. I noticed on Oxford yesterday that most trees now look like giant slingshots as they've cut the tree to look like a giant "U" where the trunk should be. I could understand cutting trees in non-residential areas that way, but don't know if that's the only choice in trimming, particularly in a residential area. While I'm glad to see preventive measures, I'm concerned about the trees' health after this chop job. This seems really aggressive and potentially damaging to the tree. If you live on the powerline side and have trees, they're coming your way.

  7. Back to the conspiracy theory...what show did BHO pre-empt to make the live announcement? Coincidence it was "Celebrity Apprentice"? It is very strange that UBL lived in a walled compound just a few blocks from a military training facility in a major Pakistani city and no one knew he was there? Seriously?

  8. Thanks, Red! Why can't the city present a comprehensive map? Woodland Heights residents must be livid as well as those that live in Memorial Heights. I'm certain they will contest the boundaries as they more likely share common demographics with those of us to the west of them rather than the east.

    Not to hi-jack the thread, but I had no knowledge of Washington Cemetery, another perk to seeing Red's map!

  9. Indulge me on a Kroger rant....while I do wish there were better grocery shopping options CLOSE to the Heights, I continue to shop at the signature store at 11th & Shepherd because it's convenient. I'm really dissappointed that they are sending the West Gray flyer to the Heights area and most of those "specials" aren't on special at the Height's location. I asked the manager at the Heights store what I could do to recieve the Heights flyer and he said there's nothing I could do. So I thought I'd touch base with their corporate offices and they also said there was nothing I could do to have the preferred flyer delivered to my Heights home. Aside from chronically being overcharged and badly bagged groceries in bags I bring, they add insult to injury by offering a sales price on organic milk, lobster, etc. etc. that they won't honor at the Heights location! I guess the Heights isn't gentrified enough to be lurred into this location with upscale food fare!

    At least HEB, who also has different circulars for different stores, sends flyers for both the Katy/Wesalyn location and 18th store. Too bad HEB won't expand that pantry store...it would be well worth the drive. I hope they haven't given up on the Heights area since Walmart snagged the property they were trying to acquire. So much for keeping the customer happy...the customer who used to spend quite a bit of ching every week there.

  10. This is the seventh rape in Houston Heights in the past 12 months, according to the Houston Police Department.

    The six previous rapes in Houston Heights:

    July 31 - 2700 block of White Oak Drive

    July 2 - 600 block of 16th St

    July 18 - 900 block of Algregg Street

    May 1 - 300 block of 27th Street

    March 5 - 3200 block of Beauchamp Street

    Nov 29, 2009 - 300 block of 9th Street

  11. Tried a new Italian place today called Capellinis. It is located on Main St. about three blocks north of Spanish Flowers. I think it is the same place that Chicago Italian Beef moved out of. Anyways, lunch was excellent and reasonably priced. My server came by and told me that they have been open about two weeks. There is no sign up yet on the building, however. Only a small sandwich style sign placed on the ground.

    I will be back to this place and I recommend that you try it as well. I didn't look at the wine list, but they had wine available.

    It used to be Sweet Temptation on Airline. The chefs/owners used to work at Ninos so they know their Italian. They have excellent food at decent prices and are a terrific addition to the neighborhood. Hope more folks find them. They're really great people.

  12. Anyone know when Studewood will be reopened? The traffic on Oxford with the detour is outrageous. With the increase in autos and now Metro busses, the roads & trees are taking a brutal beating. The only good news is the folks at the massive apartment complex aren't parking on the road any longer.

  13. Anybody notice the ad on the back of the Chronicle's 29-95 section last Thursday? I was surprised to see the F*ck Buttons listed (without the asterisk). Seems odd that broadcast stations can get whopping fines for dropping the f-bomb, but it's ok for newspapers to print it or allow it in an ad? And on the back of a section that's often kept for reference, to boot!

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