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Posts posted by Heightsite

  1. While in Tulum a few years ago, the Mayan guide said that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012 and that's where the speculation that it's the end of the world as we know it. He also mentioned the Mayan calendar has ended several times throughout the course of history and it just starts at day1 all over again.

  2. Anybody else having service issues with mail delivery in the Heights? My mail is chronically delivered to neighbors and a package I ordered weeks ago is no where to be found. God only knows what else I'm missing. I've gotten other people's mail and have written "not at this address" on the outside of the envelope and our USPS person puts it back in my mailbox! Complaints about delivery issues have been file. If it was an occasional issue, it wouldn't be so annoying.

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  3. Dang! As if the Heights area hasn't been undersiege enough already, here's a post from a neighborhood website that's even more alarming:

    Woman home alone at night with kiddo, husband working, awoke to police at her door about 1:30a Wed, 9/16. Neighbor across street happened out on his porch to smoke and saw intruder get out of small silver nissan truck with back windows broken out and flying a flag, parked next door to this woman's house, and take out bolt cutters, 10" butcher knife and latex gloves. Neighbor called police, who probably due to all those fires, responded immediately. Intruder cut lock on perimeter fence, walked up on her porch, looked through door, then went around to the back. That is where police found and caught him. They told woman he's a 45 yr old white man who lives on Merrill. Officers told her he's probably been watching her and was aware husband's vehicle was not home. Horrors !!! Anyone heard about this ??? Be careful !

    Be vigilant **Be safe** Be a good neighbor and keep alert

  4. Posting from another bulletin board:

    At 2am May 19, cops closed in on car burglar suspects on Norhill between Temple and Cottage. Three suspects were taken into custody with lots of merchandise and a sawed off shotgun found in the back seat. The suspects seemed to be mid twenties, medium build, 5-6' tall, hispanic with short hair cuts (not buzz- but trimmed)

    They drove a red Chevy Truck with a double cab and apparently were working the neighborhood last night when police captured them. Hopefully, word will get around that HPD did a great job safely apprehending the men. Good job HPD!! Thank you!

  5. They were indeed pouring concrete on the bridge that crosses over Studewood last night. Very impressive sight! The guard rails look really low and I wonder if there are plans to make them a bit taller for safety reasons or put fencing over the top.

    The tressel over the bayou is in need of major work after several fires and general neglect. Now that folks will be able to access the tressel in both directions, I hope they make improvements before someone gets hurt.

  6. In typical Chronicle fashion, the article leaves gaping holes and unanswered questions.

    Surely, someone must have proposed this plan, or it wouldn't be under discussion by city council. Whose bright idea is this, anyway? Shouldn't that person have been identified, and given a chance to explain whatever reasons they had for doing so?

    Such nit-picky details might come in handy, especially at election time.

    So, how do you find out who put this proposed plan on the agenda? BigTex has a great point come election time...

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