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Everything posted by fwki

  1. David Addickes, that's the place...try that cut through....I understand that the CoH will extend Summer all the way, but they will have to condemn that RoW and the very back of a truck parking lot to link to the western part (across Oliver). If you are already on Oliver you will see the little makeshift bridge over the ditch on the east.
  2. Actually I forgot which name I liked from earlier posts. KJ, have you biked the Summer Street back route to the Kroger? Hike-Bike Trail to the Target parking lot (or go behind Target) and cut across to (soon to be extended) Summer St. and go west on the Summer St Right of Way.....you have to go through an open gate by new loft construction and across a lot and a little make shift bridge....Sounds bad, but it's rather easy and a lot safer than Stude.
  3. I like that HEB also, just wish it was closer. That store is in the heart of a long-time residential area, similar to our soon-to-be-gone Fiesta on Studewood, so at least it has something with which to integrate. On the other hand, Party Kay Roger has to integrate with existing industrial and Wally World has to integrate with endless townhomage (once and future ghetto), brownfield conversion retail and Fred Flintstone's job site.
  4. 1.Denial —"This can't be happening, not to me. That’s actually a mixed-use old folks’ home on Yale" 2.Anger — "Why me? It's not fair! Who is to blame?; It’s the dang City, er, dang Airbinger, er, dang 420 agreement, um, dang people with cars….” 3.Bargaining — "If Walmart will just admit they broke the bridge and fix it, just exactly how we want it, with caliper trees and all, then we’ll move on to Eme’s Place, eventually. 4.Depression — "I'm so sad, why bother driving on Yale for anything?"; "I'm going to die soon so what's the point?"; "I miss that ole steel mill." 5.Acceptance — "It's going to be okay."; "I can't fight it, I may as well go get that 2$ waffle iron."
  5. Ok, I was referring to Houston Public Works said "A Houston public works spokesman said load limits on the bridge exist to extend its life. He also said there is no cause for alarm as long as drivers follow the rules." They cannot give specifics due to federal law, so fill in the blanks, ergo the mind game. Play semantics all you wish, but you seem unable play the game because you choose to believe RUDH instead of the city...pick your poison. Throw-in with the whiners and see if you can cause a political closure to really cement RUDH's rep around here.
  6. Who's talking about evidence? The Feds took care of that option. Who's talking guarantees and warranties besides you? I hate to quote myself but...."Play a mind game and believe the engineers and believe that the City's efforts to limit heavy traffic are mostly effective. " The point of the ongoing inspections is multifold, but what is the point of RUDH's bellyaching? To denigrate the good citizens of our neighborhood? That's all they are accomplishing.
  7. Ok kj, playing mind games is difficult for some, but I will try to explain. The City gives us this http://www.houstontx.gov/citizensnet/YaleBridgeFurtherReduced092712.html and the Feds give us this http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-107publ56/pdf/PLAW-107publ56.pdf . The reason we get generalizations only from the City Public Works is because our gift from the Feds (Patriot Act) makes it AGAINST FEDERAL LAW for public servant engineers to give specifics on the conditon of any infrastructure. Don't believe me? Try and get Texas DoT inspection results on anything......then prepare for the knock on the door. KHOU gives us this http://www.khou.com/news/School-bus-trucks-crossing-Yale-St-bridge-illegally-176675061.html and I quote "A Houston public works spokesman said load limits on the bridge exist to extend its life. He also said there is no cause for alarm as long as drivers follow the rules." Fill in the blanks with the mind game, but the gaps are no leap of faith, just watch what they do....the plan is to replace the bridge in late 2016 and keep an eye on it until then, no reason to panic, no reason to harass the City, leave that to the professional whiners in RUDH.
  8. Play a mind game and believe the engineers and believe that the City's efforts to limit heavy traffic are mostly effective. In that situation, the bridge will remaIn open safely until the funds are available 4 or 5 years from now. The engineers say that the bridge is safe and will remain safe for that time under current usage patterns. Without limiting heavy vehicles the bridge was more likely to become unsafe prior to funding possibly leading to an early shut down. The City is avoiding that outcome by downgrading and policing the bridge. Now back to the real world. RUDH is harassing city officials about miscreant drivers, and officials respond by making dumass public statements about school buses full of kids plunging into the ravine. Earth to two-letter Bradford, over, Red's sketch was just a joke! The bridge will not collapse under the weight of a school bus! RUDH is playing politics and you! Stop taking their calls and reading their email! RUDH thinks they can play ball with WalMart, but they cannot! All they can do is make the majority of Heights residents miserable by turning you into Chicken Little! Do not let them! Save us from these people and tell RUDH to STFU about the bridge!
  9. This should be a standard opener to all rebuttals to your fantasy land posts. You have a groveling politician trying to deflect blame for a situation that you yourself placed squarely on the shoulders of CoH, and you now defend this fool. Turn on your monitor, place North to the top, take off the rose-coloured glasses.
  10. But, alas, no Bikram Yoga, and I am disappointed with the ommision. Bikram would be a great Houstonian capitalist, I mean, this guy tried to copyright yoga positions and sues the pants off any studio running the thermostat over 72F. And he had to rewrite his first book to remove all references to medical studies he didn't conduct. I think he is the Canadian behind Eme's Place.
  11. You know it! That's the irony of the whole issue, one by one they will cave in. First it will be to get McDonalds for the adopted counter-ethnic kid, then it will be for rescue dog food and after the debt burden crushes these hypocrites, it's midnite on the first of the month for soy milk.
  12. I was there yesterday buying some rocks (hopefully old enough to satisfy the HAHC), and I asked the proprietor if he had found a new location yet. He just smiled and said "Nope". I took that to mean bye-bye SJS. Incidentally my partner safely detoured our Suburban loaded with a half-ton of rocks ALL the way down Koehler until we finally reached Heights for our left turn across the Bridge Unknown To RUDH. Whew, I was worn out after we got through the massive five-car traffic jam at the light.
  13. I think he meant Mom I'd Like (to) Frequent
  14. Right now it's Not Another Kroger, but we'll let nature take its course over the next year or so.
  15. Shake the branches and see if you see the white aphids buzzing around....also concur taking some leaves to a nursery or garden center and ask.....if you are really crazy (or have kids or both) you can buy a bunch of lady bugs and set them loose for aphid control.
  16. Marksmu, I think you are just the man to perform a "Citizen's arrest! Citizen's arrest!".
  17. To save money I am skipping the new subfloor part and laying a weather seal and new floor on top, thinking about going across at 45 degrees (not recommended to lay the new floor in the same direction0. I have already shored up with additional joists. My kitchen is now higher due to new porcelain tile on top, so this method will level the rooms again too.
  18. Yeah, remember when that revelation hit me after I bought the house in the early 90's....I decided I would never ride out a hurricane and sooner or later the house would have to go. Once the kids are out, I'm going on a world tour and returning to a new build...something to really p. o. the pine stick lovers like Japanese Pagoda style or maybe a survivalist theme with gun slots and a walled compound.
  19. RUDH: Raising money for the CoH one ticket at a time. Using their 5 year estimate, 20 tickets day, $200 per ticket, $4,000 per day, $1.4 million per year.....wow, $7 million clawback of the 380 funds right out of our Heightstonian tail pipes.
  20. I don't know...LandArch says the street is 18', so three-streets width is only 54' and on streetview it looks no more than 3 streets width between fences, to me anyway.
  21. Ya killin' me man! O wait, I'm sorry, hyperbole, right? You really meant "leaving the community to choose one of the other six routes" which would have been ok ten years ago when most of us were stoned, but now we are The Houston Heights, Neighborhood Extraordinaire, Preserver of Pine Sticks and Voice of the People and we want our damned eighth bridge fixed NOW.....and by a French company, with fancy metal like the Statue of Liberty, yeah, and those ballbuster things, and trees on it, big trees, damnit.
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