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Everything posted by fwki

  1. It's the costumes they wear that make it difficult, and then when they group-up and all dress in the same costume, it's hard to drive over the laughter. These guys make the Shriners look like IBM salesmen.
  2. From KHOU: "The Truth Cam 35 is the same camera used to get the doggie door bandit pictures. KHOU 11 News bought one for less than $100 on Amazon.com". http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003PVGA1O/ref=s9_simh_gw_p200_d0_g200_i1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=0QC5W0QFEDYBMVDTQYXF&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=470938631&pf_rd_i=507846 $78...party on Garth
  3. I wish all gun owners saw it this way. Over this weekend we had the tragic shooting in the hood reminding me of the old saying "Guns don't kill people, husbands that come home early kill people." And just today I heard about the pastor's daughter killed by accident at church by some really irresponsible gun owners. Thanks for picking up on my sarcasm, but all the rest was true, so guns aren't for me. Now at thousands of rounds per year, I suspect you own guns for sport/hobby as much or more than for protection. Now when it comes time to take back our country, I hope you're giving lessons because that voting booth just ain't working out for me.......SJL
  4. We agree about about gun ownership anyway. Do you have a list for responsible gun ownership requirements?
  5. Maybe so, but what a total PITA......I need the correct weapon, safes and locks, fresh ammo, cleaning kits, a steady hand on the combo lock during home invasion, training/practice for the whole family, quit drinking, a divorce, perfect children, cure for depression, countless hours hidden under my bed at 9am with the cars parked around the corner..... I think I will focus on that "pursuit of happiness" thing rather than Amendment 2.1 or whatever it is
  6. I don't even know where to start on this one.
  7. This is where you go when you graduate from Onion Creek and pass the bar exam.
  8. Welcome to the Caifornification of the Heights. First it was those bike trails, oops, I mean medical marijuana, then the bike trails.
  9. Agree with most, if not all, of the opinions here, that is I can understand the rationale people have for their views. However, I played a mind game and concluded that there would be no way I could pull the trigger on a thief trying to flee with my stereo. The trade-offs , emotional, financial, legal, etc. don't balance in my mind or conscience. I dont know how many of you have ever killed another human, but I don't think it would be gratifying in almost any situation. And if I'm not going to shoot, why pull the gun and potentially escalate a bad situation? And if I am not going to pull the gun, why have the gun for that situation, which is highly unlikely given I don't patrol the hood sober anyway? (No, I didnt play the family/hostage mind game, just the much more common breaking and entering game). And the chances of actually finding myself in a more critical situation are, well, you know. So I arrived at my global view that there would have to be some other reason to have a gun, hobby/sport etc. or just to feel safe. With 3 kids, wife and crazy me in the house the presense of a loaded gun would make me feel rather unsafe. EDIT: Just to show the gods have a sense of humor, yesterday a thief stole my DirectTV multiswitch off the un-gated side of my house, the day before the Saints divisional playoff game. I have insurance for that and the installer is on his way.
  10. This is hilarious. Did I not get the memo that Houston was moved to West Africa? I'm all for responsible gun ownership (viewed as a hobby or sport), but I have seen very few news reports about crimes in the Heights that would necesitate armed response instead of just callng the cops/insurance company. The cases cited here are common law breaking and entering offenses (although they are defined as burgulary under Texas statutes), but this is not armed robbery or home invasion. The Heights is a safe neighborhood where you don't "need" guns. And we have good government. If you don't think so, move to inner city New Orleans for a few years, then let's talk.
  11. Remember the Ready Room? I was scared to go in there at first, but once I did it became my favorite music dive.....proceed to bar, look at no one directly, order a drink and STFU. You could leave the cigs at home because the air was 50/50.
  12. I wish I was black so I wouldn't have to suffer through all the stereotyping and pre-judgement prevalent in the Heights and these forums.
  13. 11th Street Cafe was the first restaraunt in the Heights we visited back when we were house hunting in 1992. Pat Nunn was the long-time owner at that time, and she had run it as a BBQ joint long before I arrived and converted to Cafe. Archie bought the business and property maybe six years ago and like the rest of his ventures, couldn't make it last.
  14. That is a standard MO for these thiefs, happened to us 3 times over 20 years and all from the back alley, nothing but a Ho Chi Minh Trail for criminals. We trapped a pair in my backyard about 7 years ago, HPD sent in the dogs to flush them out and busted them when they went back over to escape mauling. We havent had a problem since neighbors and I closed the alley by combining fence lines after Ike.
  15. I heard the same thing about a year ago when it all started, and that would explain the money they poured into the lot foundation and slab. I was shocked when they painted stripes on it.
  16. The main property owner has added paid parking down Threlkeld, and that lot was empty. The pay lot fills up often on weekends and seems to be working well absorbing surplus. All the business and property owners have open lines of communication, much of it face-to-face, so I bet they find a way to work it out as long as the city stays out of it.
  17. Thank you! And proud of it, with my rainbow sticker and all!
  18. Vinyl has and will last as long as the recording industry effectively caps digital bit rate at 1,411.2 kbit/s (CD quality) and enough audiophiles remain alive. It won't be forever because eventually the industry will grow a brain and pull out of its decade-long tailspin by offering higher quality, higher bandwidth digital products for a premium price. With the bandwidth cap in place, the birthrate for audiophiles is near zero and boomer audiophiles move on to hearing aids. However once digital music goes hi def, a whole new generation of audiophiles will be born, and just like their predecesors who kept vinyl alive, they will spend crazy money on media and equipment convincing themselves they can tell the difference. The recording industry will be re-born, and vinyl will be dead.
  19. I hope they keep the jumbo-loan prices on the condos....go cougar hunting at Someburger.
  20. IMO, regularly feeding your family restaurant food is a rather expensive, unhealthy suburban practice that is the result of 2 working parents or single parents that cannot regulary home-cook meals for their children. Also higher income families that can regularly afford retail meals are new to this area, so the market is still nascent. I take my family of five to dinner for special occasions and that limited activity will not support a diverse family-oriented market. When we first moved here in 1992 (sans children) we were amazed as well. At that time we had 11th Street Cafe and some taquerias. With the T-Rex appetites of teenage boys in the house, I don't even notice it as a problem anymore.
  21. Maybe Red could mark Howard's grave site too! Back to topic, why does Norhill get disenfranchised? I feel like a Palestinian.
  22. I believe there is a $5,000 fee to register your site with the DCRP which is deductible against assessment costs. I would think coring is mandatory to asses perc contamination since perc tends to head for the water table instead of leach to surface.
  23. It's only expensive if you have to pay for it. The DCRP provides up to $5mm from the state to dig your foundation, er, I mean remediate your site.....not that a developer would take undue advantage of free money or anything. In any case, from the looks of it we don't have to worry about perc anymore, or that nasty lot.
  24. The site had to be assessed at a minimum and remediated pending results prior to construction...it's actually number 6 on the priority list of 100+ sites. http://www.tceq.texas.gov/assets/public/remediation/dry_cleaners/priorlist_current.pdf
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