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Highrise Tower

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  1. I was looking for the residence of one of the original MD Anderson Foundation trustees Horace Morse Wilkins. He was a very powerful man. Worked at two downtown banks. He was the Vice President of State National Bank, and I believe, in the younger days a cashier, or assistant at another bank. According to the City of Houston 1922 directory this is what is listed for him: Wilkins, Horace M (Mary) V-Pres State National Bank, Treas State Bldg & Inv Assn, r 2 Bellecourt Apts, Tel Had 2220. 1922 listing for Houston apartments specifies: Bellecourt The 1405 Webster Av Anyone have pictures of The Bellecourt Apartments located at 1405 Webster Avenue?
  2. A plan review permit was pulled yesterday for the foundation and parking garage. Let's go!!
  3. A plan review permit was pulled yesterday for the foundation for the education building.
  4. John H. Freeman was one of the people who started the MD Anderson Foundation. J.H. Freeman was General Counsel of the Anderson, Clayton and Company. The MD Anderson foundation consisted of: Horace Wilkins (State National Bank Vice President) John Freeman (General Counsel of the Anderson, Clayton and Company) Monroe Anderson (Co-founder of Anderson, Clayton and Company, Co-founder of Texas Medical Center and MDACC) William Bates (Fulbright and Jaworski attorney) As usual, most of the founders of the Texas Medical Center lived in River Oaks.
  5. I was looking around for the famous Texas Medical Center trustee Lamar Fleming, Jr. and came across his River Oaks home at 2945 Lazy Lane. Completed in 1930, 2945 Lazy Lane was designed by Houston’s most eminent architect, John Staub, commissioned by a previous generation oilman, Harry C. Hanszen and his wife, Katherine. Its style was proposed after Staub returned from a European trip moved by a 12th-century Norman chateau. His clients were enthusiastic about the project to add a touch of the medieval to the third mansion in the Homewood section of River Oaks. Then the sound of a bulldozer pierced the air. Peering behind a wrought–iron fence encased in a green protective cover that effectively functioned as a shroud, and arriving in time for a close look as a dump truck departed, there were the visible remains of a once great house — a mansion notable twice, foremost for its architect, John Staub, as well as for its most illustrious resident, John Mecom Jr., the charismatic only son of a man who was at one-time among the top three independent oil producers in the world, wildcatter John Mecom Sr. https://www.papercitymag.com/home-design/storied-texas-mansion-demolished-john-mecom-john-staub-house-teardown-preservationists-outrage/ Persons attending brunch given by W.A. Smith and R.H. Abercrombie for Vice President Nixon Houston, Texas Sunday, June 12, 1955.
  6. I was reading the newspaper The Sunday Citizen dated October 16, 1949 and came across an address for Colonel William B. Bates. It looks like Bates was Vice President of Texas Medical Center, Inc. and was replaced by John T. Jones, Jr. Too many famous Houstonians to type! I love looking where the rich and famous lived back in the day. All these founding partners/members of the Texas Medical Center lived in River Oaks! I guess when you are a world-renowned surgeon you have enough money to buy a parcel in RO. I wonder where the run-of-the-mill doctor in the TMC lives. I'd say in Museum District, Montrose, and Meyerland. Only the very wealth live in RO. Several Area Residents May Get C.C. Posts. Several residents of the Southwest are among the 14 men whose names have been submitted to members of the Chamber of Commerce for three-year terms on the chamber's board of directors. The nominees, seven of whom will be elected, were announced by Hines H. Baker, 2246 Troon Road, chairman of the nominating committee. Mr. Baker is president of Humble Oil. The nominees follow: Col. W.B. Bates, 2128 Brentwood, of Fullbright, Crooker, Freeman & Bates, attorneys. Warren S. Bellows, 1728 North Blvd., president of W.S. Bellows Construction-
  7. I was reading the newspaper The Bellaire Texan dated February 8, 1978 and came across an address for Herman Pressler. H.P. Pressler was another famous person of the Texas Medical Center. DAR Schedules Month's Events The John McKnitt Alexander chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, has two important events scheduled in the month of February. The annual Valentine party given for the veterans at the Veteran's Hospital will be at 4 p.m. Feb. 14th following the February chapter meeting. Members are urged to bring cookies for the veterans to the meeting Hostess for the event is Mrs. Larry Morris, 5326 Mandell. Mrs. Jane Bruyere and Mrs. P.G. A. Singleton are in charge of the veteran's Valentine party. In observance of George Washington's birthday, a tea will be given at the home of Mrs. Herman Pressler, 2133 Pine Valley Dr., honoring Mrs. Ford Hubbard and new chapter members. The hours are 2 to 4 p.m. Mrs. Robert E. Lee is chairman for the tea.
  8. I was reading the newspaper The Bellaire Texan dated October 21, 1964 and came across a residential address for the former President and Director of the Texas Medical Center, William Leland Anderson (W. Leland Anderson.) I don't think he liked his first name. Most of my research had his first name abbreviated as "W." An ancestry.com search helped me. There could be multiple William Leland Andersons but the birth date and place matched up with his family member Monroe D. Anderson. Ancestry.com also had Mr. Anderson living at 3214 Reba Drive in 1940. Both of his properties were in River Oaks. Seems like a lot of the early TMC officers lived in River Oaks. Heritage Society Coffee Slated. The Harris County Heritage Society annual fall membership coffee will be held Tuesday, October 27, from ten o'clock to twelve noon, at the home of Mrs. W. Leland Anderson, 8 Briarwood Circle. Receiving will be: Mrs. W. Leland Anderson, hostess; Mrs. Herman Pressler, president; Mrs. James L. Britton, Jr. chairman of entertainment; and Mrs. Searcy Bracewell.
  9. I was looking around for George Hermann's main place of residence. His mansion after he made his wealth. It was hard to pinpoint a residential address. George Henry Hermann became involved in real estate and had several rental buildings, wood shops, retail buildings, residences, etc. Also, people move around in their lives. I'm sure Mr. Hermann lived in several homes during his life. The newspaper The Houston Post dated September 16, 1898 had a classified ad by G.H. Hermann that specified him living at 512 Rusk. The 1900 census shows Thomas J. Ewing as head of household at 512 Rusk, with George Hermann as a lodger. For Rent- My brick building, two-story, 50x70 feet, No. 505 and 507 Travis street, same block as Capitol Hotel, occupied by Alkemeyer's Dry Good store; also eight-room dwelling house, corner Brazos and Capitol. G.H. Hermann, 512 Rusk. Sanborn Map from 1896:
  10. TDLR Registration from this morning: Project Name: High Street Residential R.O.W. Location Address: 2311 Westheimer Start Date: 2/1/2023 Estimated Cost: $97,000,000 Scope of Work: 209 unit Multifamily Development Square Footage: 544,709 ft 2 Design Firm Name: Ziegler Cooper Architects
  11. Texas Medical Center, Hermann Park would get millions in improvements under Houston plan Mike Morris, Yilun Cheng, Mike Morris, Yilun Cheng - December 13, 2022 https://www.houstonchronicle.com/politics/houston/article/medical-center-tirz-17649026.php Houston City Council this week will consider funneling tens of millions of tax dollars into rebuilding streets in and around the Texas Medical Center and improving neighboring Hermann Park.
  12. Project was registered with TDLR this morning: Project Name: 1661 Tanglewood Location Address: 1661 Tanglewood Start Date: 4/28/2023 Estimated Cost: $204,000,000 Scope of Work: 3 level underground parking garage, 34 level condominium tower, MEP systems, and associated site work and interiors. Square Footage: 603,733 ft 2 Design Firm Name: Jackson & Ryan Architects
  13. I found some of the complex specifications that includes financials, dates, acreage, architects, and location! River Oaks Scrapbook by Hugh Potter. Volume 16 - October 1937 to July 1938. Contains copies of the River Oaks Corporation advertisements; River Oaks magazines for 1937 and 1938. Clippings from: October 1937 to July 1938. Jake Freedman's Domain Privee Casino & Residences was built in 1938. From the newspaper The Houston Chronicle dated June 26, 1938. Half Million Dollars Worth of New Homes Here. At the let, third row, is the $35,000 home of Mrs. J.C. Bering. It is at 1822 River Oaks Boulevard, in River Oaks. J. Leon Osborn is the designer. At the right is the $65,000 palace of Jake Freedman, being erected on a large tract of about 15 acres just west of the San Antonio Highway near the South Main underpass. B.B. McElroy, architect, drew the plans and specifications, and Lenard Gabert, architect, is doing the construction supervising.
  14. One Discovery Way: Unknown Street: Unknown street connecting-entrance to another unknown street: Two Discovery Way: Tower crane base for the 2nd tower crane for TDW: Helix Park new section: Helix Park middle section: Helix Park end section: Collaborative Building: Mixed-Use Garage:
  15. Levit Green Boulevard: Unknown road paved fast! Landscaping!! Retaining wall in the back of the property:
  16. A new marketing property flyer was released. Now using the term Bio Manufacturing. I wonder if this is in relation to the announced TMC BioPort Bio Manufacturing Campus?
  17. It is known Jake Freedman took interest in horses and owned racing horses. I believe one horse of his was named Liberty Sand. Can we confirm this race track was apart of the Domain Privee Casino & Residences? The Denison Press dated August 14, 1941: Texas horses continue to win- of course on far-away tracks against the fastest of competition. Great Occasion, 2-year old owned by Strouble and Collins of Corsicana was close to track record at Washington Park in winning all the way. Lolschem cam home first for R. R. Greennee of Dallas at Rockingham Park in a race for older horses at the same track, Liberty Sand (Jake Freedman, Houston, owner) was winner in another event for older horses-- The Baytown Sun dated June 13, 1953: Jake Freeman, the Texas oilman, gambling impresario and horse owner, Jake mentioned that he might start up a fancy inn and gambling hell in Vegas. "If you do," Jack told him "count me in." And Jake did and Jack was always.
  18. Houston Speedway was just a massive track. Ironically, 2 other oval tracks were built in the life span of the property. Sadly, in present day all of the tracks have came and went. Only thing remains is a new, rearranged, baseball field. Google Earth views. 1944: 1953, school track number 1: 2004, school track number 2: Present-day 2022 features no track:
  19. I can see the Jake Freedman Domain Privee Casino & Residences located at (modern day 11620 South Main Street.) The 2nd picture is pretty clear. The casino was located on Old Main Street Loop Road. Follow the road west. It looks like OMSLR crosses over the train tracks. From there OMSLR seems to probably connect to the oval track and then ends along South Main. I was thinking this had to do with the Domain Privee Casino & Residences. Did Jake Freedman also have a race track? He probably had horse stables on the ranch-style property he owned. Maybe this oval track was where his horse (or automobile) gambling racing took place?
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