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Highrise Tower

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Everything posted by Highrise Tower

  1. @57Tbird mentioned this a very long time ago: The picture was titled Main and Holcombe, but you can clearly see what remained of the Arrowheard Park race track in the upper, left portion of the photo. It was originally built for horse-racing (not sure exactly when), but became a venue for car-racing in the early 50's. I worked briefly for Halliburton Oil Well Cementing Co. in the 50's, and I remember seeing this monorail while it was on display near the HOWCO field camp, which is shown here just east of Arrowhead on OST. For reference, that's the Shamrock Hotel at the right, middle of the picture. My question is, does anyone have further information about the Halliburton property? Any pictures, or even an address? What exactly did they do at that camp?
  2. I was reading the newspaper The Houston Post dated October 11, 1906 and came across an article about Giggling Park. Closed with Fun-Makers. Patterson-Brainerd Company has been Secured. Elaborate Plan for “Giggling Park.” The fun makers for this year’s Carnival have been secured- the Patterson-Brainerd Carnival Company, one of the best aggregations on the road. Representatives of the company will be here today, and the papers will be signed up this afternoon. This company carries a large drove of trained animals and has other features essential to a carnival, with a full corps of well organized “spielers.” Giggling, Charley will be there and all the silver-tongued songster, while the stadium will have many new features that has never been exhibited in Houston before. The association is congratulating itself upon securing this company. “Giggling Park” Plan. The plans for “Giggling Park,” which were yesterday submitted by Scholl Bros., have been accepted. In appearance it will be the most magnificent that has ever inclosed a carnival in Houston. The color scheme will be that of the Carnival colors. In the center will be a grand entrance, composed of a large semi-circle arch twenty feet wide and neatly decorated with vari-colored electric bulbs, flaked on either side with small minarets, allows room for two ticket offices which will facilitate the handling of the crowds. Over the arch will be placed the name plate and other suitable decorations. The terminal of this center is composed of a tier of electric lights in different colors, and above this will be the flagpole and streamers. Ove the minarets will be a lattice, balls and flagpoles with electric lights. Each side of these minarets will be wings extending out to the curb on each side. Throughout the whole will be an innumerable electric lights and elaborate decorations. Those who have witnessed the design pronounce it the most elaborate that the Carnival has ever presented, and the Messrs. School Bros. deserve much credit rot heir artistic work. The Houston Post dated October 23, 1906: Giggling Park Site. Will be federal square- the work will begin Thursday. Council Yesterday Granted Permission to Close Potions of Surrounding Streets and Sidewalks. Work on the Giggling Park for the No-Tsu-Oh Carnival will be started Thursday. It will be the Federal square site, the same as the Carnival grounds last year. The association yesterday secured permission from the city council to close a portion of the streets surrounding the square, and this will give ample room for the amusements and will hold a large crowd of fun seekers. The entrance to this inclosure will be artistic. The plan of Architect Scholl was accepted some days ago. It will be a high arch with ticket offices on either side, with pillars and pedestals, and the whole will be decorated with hundreds of electric globes. This entrance will be at the intersection of Capital avenue and San Jacinto. This site is the most convenient for the Carnival that could be se secured and the association closed the deal with the government officials for it some time ago. The Houston Post dated November 13, 1906: Giggling Park and Revellers. Fun and Merrymaking Runs Riot on Carpet of Vari-Colored Confetti. The park is the Objective Point for a Stream of Humanity- Here the Spieler Holds Full Sway- The Shows are Many and Interesting- All of them are clean, and Were Well Patronized last Night. Upon a carpet of confetti, the Carnival revellers giggle, while the vari-colored particulars fill the air, the eyes, the nose, ears, and the mouth- mirth is running riot in the city of No-Tsu-Oh. When Mayor Rice turned over the keys of the city to King Nettoc yesterday morning and resigned the city to his keeping for a week, the first act of the monarch was to unlock the giggles and chase away care; he put a hobble on rowdyism and issues a decree that each and every one of his subjects who shall enter the gates of his favoured city shall have a good time until the close of the festivities Saturday night. Maun street from Franklin avenue to Capitol and down Capitol to Giggling Park and the whole park was one swarming mases of joyous humanity yesterday afternoon and until a late hour last night. It was the largest crowed that ever thronged the streets on the first day of a No-Tsu-Oh Carnival, and it is the best natured and most ordered crowded. A lady’s or gentleman’s costume is complete in his or her hair, hat, even eyebrows and shoulders, be not bespangled with confetti. Everyone who entered the city last night was out in full garb.
  3. I was browsing the newspaper The Houston Post dated April 10, 1896 and came across an advertisement of Baldwin's Natatorium. Baldwin's Natatorium Now In Full Blast. Water A Fine Temperature. Come down and enjoy a good swim. Natatorium- Corner Louisiana and Congress streets. J.C. Baldwin, Prop'r. In an article from The Houston Post dated January 1, 1909 it states Sidney Westheimer purchased the property. A deal was closed recently whereby Sid Westheimer became the purchaser of the old Baldwin natatorium property located at the corner of Congress avenue and Louisiana street. The property was bought from Mrs. Baldwin for a consideration equal to $60,000.
  4. I was browsing the newspaper The Houston Daily Post dated March 31, 1896 and came across a historic park located in The Heights. Edit: The park is named after Edward L. Coombs (E.L. Coombs.) Coombs' Park, Harry Clifford, Mgr. 3-Sensations-3 Three Thousand Dollar Engagement 1- The Diving Hors. 2- Dr. Carver. Great Rifle Shot. 3- The Clown Horse. Commencing April 1, Five Days Only Admission - - - - - Fifty Cents. April 6, 1896: At Coombs' Park Thousands Delighted! Every promise fulfilled! Great Success of Carver .. and his .. Diving Horses Re-engaged for Five Days, Commencing Wednesday and Finishing on Sunday at 3 p.m. Daily. At Popular Prices: Adults .... 25 cents Children .... 15 cents Great Pigeon Shooting Match on Sunday, Carver to kill ninety live birds out of one hundred. If ninety-five birds are killed he is to received $100, and $10 for each additional bird. Dr. Carver's record is 153 birds at thirty yards rise. November 29, 1895: Bicycle Races. There was considerable sprinkling of people out at Coombs’ park to witness the races this afternoon, in spite of considerable sprinkling of rain. The track was heavy but the sport was good all the same, in spite of the slow time made. Following are the summaries: First race, one mile, novice, first prize, bamboo fishing pole; second prize, umbrella stand-- Second race, mile and one-quarter, for class-a riders-- Third race, one mile match between professionals-- Fourth race, one-half mile, for boys under 15-- A City of Houston map dated 1895 that I found online that outlines Coombs Park. The below link from Houstorian has more in-depth details if anyone wants to read more about Coombs Park. https://houstorian.wordpress.com/2007/11/02/coombs-park-and-heights-natatorium/
  5. HOUSTON – (Realty News Report) — Fein, a Houston-based multifamily development, construction and property management firm, plans to develop a 241-unit in the Conroe area north of Houston. Fein purchased 13.4 acres where it will develop The Terrace at Pine Lake Cove Apartment Homes, a garden-style multifamily property located just south of the intersection of South Pine Lake Road and Highway 105 in Conroe. https://realtynewsreport.com/fein-building-apartments-north-of-houston/
  6. I was browsing the newspaper The Houston Post date November 29, 1906 and came across a business listing for The White Sanitarium, Inc. We Cure Whiskey, Drugs, and Tobacco Habits. In eight to fifteen days without pain or sickness. Cure effected before requiring one cent of pay. No experiment but a thoroughly test cure. We allow the patients to be sole judge of the cure, and should they fail to be satisfied the treatment costs absolutely nothing. See us before taking treatment elsewhere. Address or call on The White Sanatorium, Inc. 1517 Texas Ave. Houston, Texas. Mervin Rives, M.D. Physician in charge. Eph Roddy, Manager. Old Phone 5051.
  7. I was browsing the newspaper The Houston Post dated November 29, 1906 and came across a business listing for South End Sanitarium. South End Sanitarum. A quiet, secluded sanitarium for ladies during confinement. All private troubles of women carefully attended to. Home found for infants. Terms moderate. Mrs. Edith Drennan, 3210 Main Street. Old Phone 5433.
  8. I was browsing the newspaper The Houston Post dated November 29, 1906 and came across a theater listing. I couldn't find this on Cinematreasures. Pretty cool, effectively a rare theater! Big Tent Theater. Corner Prairie Ave. and San Jacinto St. H.D. Rucker's Famous Korak Wonder Co. Matinee today. "Beyond the Rockies" Admission 10c, Tonight "A Southern Romance". Friday night- Ten Nights in a Barroom. Saturday Matinee and Night- Uncle Josh Whitcomb or The Old Homestead.
  9. I was browsing the newspaper The Houston Post dated November 29, 1906 and came across an advertisement for Houston Driving Park. I've heard reports that the Houston Driving Park turned into the Harrisburg Road Race Track. I am not sure of the validity. I don't see any news articles officially indicating the transfer of ownership/name change. Auto Races...At... Houston Driving Park. Today at 2:30 The local entries will make every race an event. Grand Finale Water Wagon Race. Between Commissioner Marmion and Will Hogg. Benefit Monument Fund. General Admission - 50c Grand Stand - $1.00 Children Half Price.
  10. I was browsing the newspaper The Houston post dated January 10, 1906 and came across an article about a new roller rink about to open. A New Rink Building Being Erected on Main and Lamar. To Be Ideal Structure Messrs. Beach and Bruce Are the Proprietors and Will Be Ready by February 1. Roller skating in Houston is to have the additional stimulus of a new rink, built especially for the purpose. Work has already been begun preliminary to the erection of the building, which will be locate don the southwest corner of Lamar Avenue and Main Street, and, according to the contract, it will be ready for use within eighteen days from yesterday. On the 1st of February the new rink will be formally opened to the public. Messrs. Monta Beach and R.L. Bruce have associated themselves together in this enterprise, and they plan to make it one of the nest arranged structures of the kind in the South. The total coast of the building and equipment will ne $5000 and it will be built in pavilion style. In outside dimensions it will measure 75x150 feet. The superstructure will be wood and the building will be roofed with metal. The walls will rise twelve feet from the floor, and there will be an open space of several feet for ventilation between that and the roof. All around there will be placed two tiers of seats and the center floor will be space for skating. The skating surface will be a floor of hard maple and will be made ideal for the purpose. When skating is not in the season it may be used as a dancing pavilion, it is to skating. In fact, the erection of the proposed structure means the addition of another amusement hall to the city and it be hailed with delight by the young people.-- September 20, 1906: Houston Roller Rink Cor. Main and Lamar Will open for the season Monday morning, Sept. 24 Three Sessions Daily (Except Sunday) Thayer's Band Afternoon and evening Everything new but the title.
  11. I was browsing the newspaper The Tri-Cities Sun dated May 6, 1932 and came across an article for the Tri-Cities Speedway, located within he Tri-Cities Fair Park. Auto Races Sunday 3 P.M. Tri-Cities Speedway Goose Creek 5 Professional Races 1 Stock Car Race 1 Motorcycle Race Horse Race, Boxing Exhibition, and Pie Eating Contest. Eddie Cox challenges any stock car in the Tri-Cities to a match race. Bring your fast cars. Dealers or individual owners with Buick, Studebaker, Chrysler, Plymouth, Rockne, Dodge, or any other car, will you accept? Admission Adults 50c - Kids 25c Auto Speedway Being Groomed. Five Pro Events Will Lead Off Varied Race Program. The new five-eighth-mile speedway at the Tri-Cities Fair Park is being carefully groomed today in preparation for the second auto races to be held Sunday beginning at 3 p.m., according to Nolan Wells, manager of the park. The southeast turn, where water made the track so soft it slowed the races last week, has been drained and smoothed over so that the top speed can be maintained on it now. The parking ground around the track has also been drained. The home stretch will be oiled to keep down the dust. A variety of races will be offered speed fans Sunday with a program consisting of give professional auto races, a motor cycle-
  12. George Hermann Sawmill - Brays Bayou Lumber Company. I was hoping to get more information on George Hermann's sawmill from the the era of the late 1800s to the early 1900s. This saw mill warehouse/factory was the site of the present-day Hermann Park. Countless of internet articles reference the 285 (or 385) acres that was donated to the city to build Hermann Park. Sadly, the internet articles do not offer much. Anything deeper? What was the address of the saw mill? What was the saw mill business name? Are there any photographs of the saw mill? Any details about the wooded prairie land that was once apart of G.H. Hermann's saw mill business?
  13. I was looking in-depth at the Greenwood's Sanitarium advertisement and I noticed something interesting. For the location of the hospital, it states: South Main Street, on Oak Hill, the coolest part of Houston. What's the story on the Oak Hill part of town? This would have been in the 1910s through the 1950s. Was the neighborhood, or general area, renamed at some point? This would have been in the area of South Main and Old Spanish Trail.
  14. Another official address of the TMC Helix Park campus. One Discovery Way has an address of 1840 Dynamic Way 77030. Collaborative Building has an address of 7255 Helix Park Ave 77030.
  15. In the latest development in Friendswood’s downtown district, local company Tannos Development Group celebrated the topping out of a four-story, 106,000-square-foot medical office building, 1715 Friendswood, on Dec. 5. The $23 million building at the corner of FM 518 and FM 528, at 1715 S. Friendswood Drive, is nestled behind the Virgata Commons shopping center, which was completed earlier this year. Tannos purchased the 3.7 acres from Virgata Property Co. this past spring and started construction in late May. Before 1715 Friendswood, the firm built the 64,000-square-foot 505 South Friendswood Drive and moved its own offices into it. Tannos is also in the permitting phase for The Albritton, a 102,000-square-foot, four-story mixed-use building with apartments, office and retail at 408 S. Friendswood Drive. https://www.bizjournals.com/houston/news/2022/12/07/tannos-development-group-friendswood-office-topout.html
  16. One Discovery Way: Unknown street: Two Discovery Way: Collaborative Building: Helix Park: This is very impressive. It looks like there will be 3, maybe 4 pathways between buildings. All the pathways go over water! Look at the "Y" pathway!! Mixed-Use Garage:
  17. Levit Green Boulevard: Unknown Road: Landscaping looks wonderful!! New retaining wall at the back of the property, towards Highway 288: Walkway lights:
  18. The new garage is open!! I believe each level is named after species of plant/flower. Level 7 is called Indian Paintbush Level 8 is called Sunflower.
  19. I need to report some illegal dumping along Buffalo Speedway. Can someone please handle this? Message me if needed.
  20. @HTX1121 wow!! Thank you for posting this. Welcome to HAIF! Renderings from the website you posted:
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