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Highrise Tower

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Everything posted by Highrise Tower

  1. Today in the 601 Travis/600 Travis tunnel. illuminated orange to celebrate the Astros World Series game tonight.
  2. I believe this site was originally a raceway called Mason's Boat Racing & Horse Track. https://communityimpact.com/austin/news/2013/11/04/tang-city-plaza/ The property, which is at 1000 Hwy. 90, looked a lot different in the early 1930s. In 1932, a boat racing course was constructed by Missouri City townsman Roland Mason, featuring a 500-person grandstand and an artesian well—a kind of pressurized natural water system—that filled the course. According to "Fort Bend County, Texas: A Pictorial History" by Sharon Wallingford, Mason's boat racing course was successful in the bustling oil town of Missouri City until the Freeport Hurricane of 1932 destroyed the course. In the following years, Mason built a two-story clubhouse on the property and held horse racing at the old track. From 1930's newspapers: "Houston Speedway water track at Missouri City". San Antonio Highway - Greyhound Races At Missouri City - 20 Minutes out South Main St. Buses leave San Jacinto Hotel Every Evening at 7:30
  3. I was browsing the newspaper The Jewish Herald-Voice dated April 11, 1974 and came across this small Kosher market and deli. Called Goodman Foods located at 9224 Buffalo Speedway. Phone: 667-7711. Looks like this is the current site of the town home community called Pemberton Circle? Also across the street is that new senior living complex called The Tradition Buffalo Speedway located at 9339 Buffalo Speedway. Did anyone ever go here? Or knew about it before the demolition? Was this in a small strip center by any chance? This was demolished to make way for residential, so I assume it took out something fairly large. - If it's kosher, we have it - Under supervision of Houston Rashruth Association.
  4. Another rendering provided by WS Bellows. https://www.wsbellows.com/project/conocophillips-woodcreek-campus-renovation/
  5. I was browsing the newspaper Rice Thresher dated December 16, 1955 and came across a business advertisement for Vincent's Restaurant located at 2101 West Holcombe Blvd. "Just Across From The Shamrock". Vincent's For Italian Foods. Also Steaks, Chicken & Seafood.
  6. I was browsing the newspaper The Texan dated July 27, 1983 and came across an article about the birth of the City of Bellaire. Bellaire's founder was W.W. Baldwin, Vice President of the Burlington Railroad. Who in 1902 came to "Houston by the Sea" to look around all the railroads of the south and southwest led to Houston and Baldwin soon realized he had found what he came for. His first venture was the Westmoreland addition, a residential section four blocks long and two blocks wide bounded by West Alabama, Louisiana, Hawthorne, and Garrott Streets in the Montrose Area. The development was so successful that he began to look around for more land and in 1909 bought the 9,700 acre Jim DeMoss Ranch which was located off the end of Old South Main. To help him sell the property he hired two good real estate brokers. A.J. Condit and A.A. Buxton. They advertised the land in tracts of from one to five acres and ten acres. At prices ranging from $275 to $600 per acre. The new community needed a name and since the land was fanned by the bel-air (fine air) off the Gulf of Mexico, the name of his hometown, Bellaire, Ohio was quiet appropriate. The original limits of the community were Palmetto, Jassamine, First, and Sixth Streets.
  7. I was browsing the newspaper The Thresher dated September 20, 1935 and came across a business advertisement for Club Rendezvous located at 6560 South Main Street. Featuring the Bert Sloan Orchestra - Floor Shows Nightly. Couvert - 40 Cents Per Person. This was actually before the Texas Medical Center, if you could believe it. I can only imagine what South Main looked like back then. Wish I was there!
  8. I was browsing the newspaper The Rice Thresher dated October 10, 1946 and came across a business advertisement for Whites Drive-In Restaurant located at 6643 South Main St. Such an awesome, historical find!! Serving Delicious Home Style Fried Chicken - Hamburgers - Cheeseburgers - All kinds of sandwiches - Beer - Soft drinks. I love the design of this small drive in. So simple!
  9. I was browsing the newspaper The Southwestern Texan dated September 21, 1960 and noticed an advertisement for Uncle Van's Pancake House located at 9600 South Main Street. "Right next door to the Las Vegas Motel. 9600 block of South Main at Buffalo Speedway." "Home of the world renowned pancakes featuring 32 different authentic world famous recipes!" Very cool. Pancake Houses were sure popular in the 1960s and 1980s. I know of the following restaurants: Uncle Ben's Pancake House At 2510 Rice Blvd. Uncle John's Pancake House At 8330 South Main St. Uncle Van's Pancake House At 9600 South Main St. Kettle Pancake House At 9047 South Main St. Mike Lewis' Pancake House at 4009 Bellaire Blvd. The Original Pancake House At 5815 Westehimer Rd. Village Inn Pancake House At 1705 Old Spanish Trl.
  10. I was browsing the newspaper The Bellaire Texan dated September 28, 1966 and came across a business ad for Kip's Coffee Shop located at 5320 Bellaire Blvd. Was this the same restaurant at Kipp's Burgers? Or was it a separate business? Looks like it was just an alternative name, because on the ad it lists the famous hamburger, "Big Boy". Did anyone ever have coffee here?
  11. I was browsing the newspaper The Bellaire Texan dated May 7, 1969 and came across a business ad for Sizzler Restaurant located at 5616 Bellaire Blvd. Did anyone ever eat here? I know there were several Sizzler Steakhouses across town. What ever happened to that company? Did it merge with a bigger steakhouse? James Thomason's Sizzler Steak House.
  12. I was browsing the newspaper Southwestern Times dated April 3, 1947 and came across a business ad for Trans-Plastic miracle finish. One of the companies that sells the Trans-Plastic product is Stahlman Lumber Co. located at 6601 South Main Street. Awesome find! I only knew of their Highway 59 at Greenbriar location that was recently demolished to make way for a Porsche automotive dealership. I doubt the South Main location was a huge place? Maybe just a retail storefront? Or maybe back in 1947 they did have acres of land on South Main.
  13. It looks like Camden Securities Company has bought a bunch of Fidelis properties. I am seeing these properties that have recently changed hands. Fairway Center River Oaks Plaza Uptown Collection Retail Center West University Marketplace I wonder if Fidelis is having a hard time these days?
  14. This shopping center will be demolished soon. It may happen in 5 years down the line? Figured I would create the thread now.
  15. The West End located at 5320 Westheimer Road is on today's demo report issued by Cherry.
  16. This week at TMC Helix Park. wow!! Love the trees surrounding Parcel J! One Discovery Way: Unknown Street (Between Catalyst and Dynamic streets): Helix Park: Dynamic Street: Two Discovery Way: Parcel J: Mixed-Use Garage: Collaborative Building:
  17. This week's update. Looks like their building a retaining wall for the underground parking?
  18. Levit Green Boulevard progress. This week, you can see the added blue PVC piping. Trees have arrived and been planted! Sidewalks around the office building and parking garage! The area was in desperate need of new sidewalks and general area cleanup. This is great to see!!
  19. Looking forward to the new pay stations. The current pay stations have been slightly disabled where you must pay inside. Good example of bring your ticket with you to pay!
  20. Toronto's high-rise building scene is one of the best in the world. I prefer their designs and developments over NYC and Chicago. Kinda reminds me of Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane skylines. Maldive over at SSP keeps the native Toronto Highrise Development thread very active. The buildings proposed and under construction are stunning. Wish Houston (Uptown/TMC) would build like this.
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