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Highrise Tower

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Everything posted by Highrise Tower

  1. I discovered some old business listing ads for the Hi-Hat Club located at Main and Bellaire (now Holcombe.) I found these in Rice University's The Thresher magazine. Very cool piece of history! Any photos of the building or of the inside? Was this the place to be back in the 1940s? The medical center was just starting to be built at this time. Tell me more! May 25, 1944. January 11, 1945.
  2. I was browsing a University of Houston The EXtra publication dated March 12, 1949 and came across a business listing for George & Stewart, Inc. At 3120 Dixie Dr. This is right where Levit Green is that has a location address of 3011 Dixie Drive. Does anyone know what type business this was? Was it the founders of Stewart Title? Any photos of the demolished building? I thought Grocers Supply Co. had the 3131 Holcombe Blvd/3120 Dixie Dr. land in their family for 100 years. Levit Green's two primary addresses.
  3. Local business listing from October 19, 1949 for Southern X-Ray Engineering Co. at 211 Medical Arts Building Houston, Texas.
  4. I was reading back issues of University of Houston's The EXtra magazine which was dated June 16, 1948. I came across this local business listing for a cocktail lounge called Congo Jungle Cocktail Lounge which was located at 5704 Almeda Rd. LY-9235. Looks like a year later in 1949 the lounge was renamed to Abe and Johnny Jamil's Congo Jungle Cocktail Lounge. I thought Abe Jamail owned another club in Southwest Houston. Was it in Midtown on South Main or on Buffalo Speedway? Does anyone remember this place? Any memories or stories? June 16, 1948. October 19, 1949. Here's some history from Fieldtripper: http://www.fieldtripper.com/c/6NDyb1a79qM/the-congo-jungle Located at 5704 Almeda Road, the Congo Jungle was one of Houston’s hot nightspots between 1946 and 1962. It featured live music every night and a jungle motif complete with palm trees and waitresses outfitted in leopard print dresses. Abe Jamail, Texas’s most highly decorated World War II veteran, owned and operated the club along with his brother, John.
  5. I noticed this old school historic grocery recently. While browsing old values of Rice University's The Thresher I saw this business listing for Dean's Grocerette At Southgate Blvd. & Travis St. Listing is from April 18, 1968. Anyone remember shopping here? Pictures of the building? What's interesting is that Dean's Grocerette is still around! The business might have been passed down from a family member and moved locations? There is a Dean's Grocerette & Deli located at 7127 Fannin Street. From what I've read, the hand made sandwiches and food items are really good. I really need to stop by sometime.
  6. I noticed this Brooks System Sandwich Shops' One's A Meal spinoff called Dean's Meal-In-One. From what I read, Brooks System Sandwich Shops were nicknamed One's A Meal after a huge sandwich. The sandwich was so big it was considered one meal. This spinoff is called Dean's Meal-In-One and was located at Southgate Blvd. & Travis St. in the TMC. I found this business listing in one of Rice University's The Thresher publications dated April 18, 1968.
  7. While browsing old issues of The Rice Thresher dated January 27, 1984 I noticed a business ad for The Dome Theater & Club at 2525 Murworth Dr. 666-9846. The business listing reads: Dance to Calypso, Soca & Reggae. Island Weekend A Johnny Nash production featuring the Yard Band International Drinks 4 for 1, 5-8 pm Friday and Saturday. Has anyone ever been here during the 1980s? Share your memories and stories! Was this club by the same people who started Dome Shadows Night Club at 9218 Buffalo Speedway?
  8. While browsing the old issues of University of Houston's The EXtra publication I came across this add for an auto dealership called Norman Cadle, Inc. The dealership was located at 3015 S. Main St. with a phone number of L-5774. The add is dated June 16, 1948. Anyone remember this auto dealership? "A square deals or no deal". Memories or stories?
  9. While browsing old issues of University of Houston's The EXtra publication I noticed an add for a local construction company called Brashear Construction Company which was located at 4824 Main St. The magazine is dated November 5, 1948 so it's pretty ancient. Anyone have any information regarding this historic business? Did Braeshear Construction Company close it's doors, or was it bought and merged with the big, corporate building firms we see today? Looks like a 2-story building stands here today. Any pictures of the original building?
  10. I found some information! While browsing old issues of University of Houston's The EXtra publication dated November 5, 1948. The magazine contained an add for the club. Wow!! The add reads: Bobby Meekers Plantation 9101 S. Main, Arthur Long, Mgr. M-2-4454 Now Playing- Danny Beckner & His Mad Cap Merrymakers. Opening, Nov. 12th- Sonny Dunham & Orchestra. Future attractions- Chuck Foster - Jan Garber - Ted Weems.
  11. I was reading old University of Houston The EXtra publications and came across this add for a retail store called Houston Sport Shop located at 4717 South Main St. The magazine issue is dated June 16, 1948, so the sports store is ancient. Does anyone remember this store? Have any memories or stores? I wonder if the mom and pop business closed down, or if it was purchased by a larger company and merged into something bigger. I can't figure out where this building actually was. Google is showing me Main & Kirby near the Fiesta. The address should be in Midtown? Does the building still stand?
  12. Found another historic add featured in the University of Houston The EXtra publication dated November 18, 1950. Looks like it was the grand opening of the restaurant, back in November 1950. The add reads: New Kaphan's Restaurant . . . . Famous For Fine Foods MA-5063, 7900 South Main.
  13. While browsing old issues of University of Houston's The EXtra publication I noticed a congratulations add from Brochsteins, Inc. to University of Houston celebrating the opening of the Ezekiel Cullen Building at 4800 Calhoun Rd. The add was put out on November 18, 1950. The address of Brochsteins, Inc. is listed as 10002 South Main * Houston, Texas * Madison 4451. This puts the old building at 610 South Loop near the Whataburger at 9955 South Main Street? The building was demolished to make the freeway overpass? Their current campus is located at 11530 South Main St. and must sit-on 20 to 40-acres. I sometimes wonder if they would ever sell apart of their land. It's their manufacturing plant and corporate office I believe, so they will probably stay there for a while longer. I believe Brochsteins did the Hines 609 interior work. They have been involved with some fantastic projects! I remember hearing stories about how they got some wood in the remotes of Africa.
  14. Found this add in a University of Houston The EXtra publication dated November 5, 1948. It reads: The BEASLEY Co. Printing - Greeting Cards - Office Supplies - Stationary 4719 S. Main, Hadley 9972. Does anyone remember this store? Any memories or stories about this place? Looks like this was located where ARKA Modern Organic Furniture was and next door to the famous Cokin's Restaurant at 4803 South Main St.
  15. Found an add in University of Houston's The EXtra publication dated March 12, 1949. Gaido's Famous For Seafoods 9200 S. Main, -M-2-444-
  16. While browsing old copies of Rice's The Thresher magazine I noticed an add for Minit Man Car wash with two locations. 5001 S. Main, and 6900 Harrisburg. The add is dated February 24, 1961. Was this the place to be back in the day? Did anyone on HAIF go here? Looks like it's located near Museo Plaza where Mission Constructor's staging area is.
  17. While browsing old Rice The Thresher magazines I noticed this candy store called Suzanne Hand Made Candies located at 7401 South Main St. Located at South Main & Greenbriar. The building was demolished for either the Texas Orthopedic Hospital or the infamous 7200 Main plot of vacant land? Any pictures of the building? Was there a retail strip center, or shopping center here? Regarding the sweets and candies. Anyone from 1983 remember these? How were they? Fine Fudges, Candies, & Ice Cream. Do tell!
  18. Looks like Shearon Barber Shop was also just simply called South Main Barber Shop. The addresses are the same, 6626 South Main Street "Across from the Medical Towers." Add in The Rice Thresher magazine dated March 10, 1961. Shearon Barbers also had a location in The Village at 2460 Bolsover St. in February 24, 1961.
  19. From my knowledge: - Hans House Of Beauty No. 2 - Dutch Kettle Restaurant - House of Vision (HV) I believe Houston Methodist's Scurlock Tower had rentable space as well.
  20. Noticed this place while browsing old copies of The Rice Thresher. This ad is dated May 25, 1944. So, anyone ever been here? Was this the happening place on the weekends? Pictures or stories welcomed. I assume it's a club, and what does that phrase mean exactly? Looks like this was close to the Delman Theater? 4420 Main -Block With Delman-
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