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Highrise Tower

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Everything posted by Highrise Tower

  1. Said the same to my mom about the uptown district. If visitors were driving on 610, they might think uptown is Houston's CBD.
  2. Each CM has their own perks. They're not all uniformed. I believe the main Austin CM has an on-site coffee bean roasting process. Was buying coffee today and noticed the "In-House Roasted" beans are now packaged and shelved. They are hand written with the darkness level and date. The package indicates it was roasted at the Austin, Texas Central Market. I'm guessing Houston got the chocolate factory, instead of the coffee roasting. Maybe Houston's chocolate will be transferred into Austin! 5-days old when the picture was taken. Reminds me of D&Q's Yellow Rose beer situation The package of beans gives off a very strong smell! This is the first time I'm trying this "new" CM coffee beans. Monday morning will have it's perks!
  3. So.. the CM chocolate factory.. This month two vents were installed so the roasted chocolate permeates the intimidate exterior. Every time you walk by you get this strong cacao smell It's been under construction for a while. Asked a partner about it. They said the actual "bean to bar" process takes 3-months. Something like that anyway. The process, to which they are doing, takes several months. Guess the cacao beans are flown in from around the world and then processed into chocolate on-site at Central Market? Once they get the raw beans, it takes 3 months to process.
  4. Saw this during today's trip to CM. The cranes are pointed the same direction. It's so pretty! I could actually cross-post this photo in the Arabella thread? Those cranes are at that site?
  5. Brick appeared! I like this photo because you can see the cross streets The stone at the entrance looks good.
  6. I would have liked to see a Purrel automatic dispenser somewhere near the bathrooms. My favorite design
  7. Friday, April 14, 2017 Going to be amazing!!
  8. Of course everybody knew about the central (cafe area) restrooms remodel? So much better! I did hear different opinions based on the staffs input. Anonymous of course Male restroom It would be nice if every bathroom would be completely remodeled
  9. CM made a milestone in construction this month. The grand entrance is opened! It's amazing..
  10. Officially opening tomorrow! Earth Day, 2017!! Saturday, April 22, 2017 The gates surrounding the property came off today. Neighbors went a head and toured the park. They might have been breaking the rules. The park isn't technically open today? The celebration white tables & chairs were being setup by an event staff. The sound equipment was going in, etc. I toured the park! There was a few families, but it wasn't busy. Here's some photos!! Btw, my grandmother's name is Evelyn. Parking lot facing the park Bldgs Children's Natural Landscape The "stairs" to get up to the slides Butterfly wall. Donors and remembrances. Fitness zone! A small area secluded from other places of the park. Good for yoga, body-weight exercises, stretching, etc. Close up Bldg 1 of 2 (maybe 3) Spoke to one of the head chefs or operators. A Beer Garden!! They already have Yellowrose IPA on tap! Beer Garden opens May 1st! Makes it a nice visit to the park for me! Nice landscaping, healthy "weekend" food, and beer on tap. Neighborhood park serving top-end Texas IPA beer? Must be nice to live in Bellaire..
  11. H-E-B now largest privately owned employer in Texas http://fox4beaumont.com/news/local/h-e-b-surpasses-100000-partner-milestone H-E-B announced Wednesday the growth of its employee population across Texas and Mexico totaling over 100,000, confirming its position as the largest privately held employer in Texas and one of the largest privately held retailers in the nation. H-E-B employs more than 90,000 people in 332 Texas stores and more than 10,000 people in 56 stores throughout Mexico. The company refers to its employees as "partners." Random H-E-B store photo:
  12. While some of their bathrooms might be sub-par (if only a select few are being touched up) at least they give a great flower presentation. Most of the time the flowers are beautiful orchids but this month it's this flower. Named? Think they're expensive.. $30/plant? Classy! They always have a oil diffuser by the sinks as well. One time they supplied John Masters Organics hand soap to the public. Probably $15 for the small bottle of soap. Was awesome.
  13. The olive oil is coming a long nicely. They seem to get craft/designer olive oils weekly. New signage and self-serve machine Front of the self-serve olive oil machine Back This months new olive oils. They're so pretty! Again, the glass bottles remind me of liquor bottles. Cool glass molds and print. Most expensive olive oil is
  14. Took some photos this afternoon. Too nice of a day not to! The proximity of these two residences is wild. Closer together than the Four Leaf Towers down the road.
  15. First day of the new 5:00 news broadcasting! The new studio looks wonderful! I have a home audio/video question. Not the correct forum to ask though. Better suited for AVSForum. Does anybody else have problems receiving the Dolby Digital 5.1 signal? Last night and today the signal isn't coming in. I just turned to HBO-HD and the Dolby Digital 5.1 signal is working just fine. Does anybody mind checking to see if you have this problem as well? I'd appreciate it!
  16. Look what I spy!! The family restroom by the deli/beer department. The door was ajar! I didn't open it or anything.
  17. Saw this last week and was confused. Thought it was the Bellaire Triangle shopping center. Wait! This is the strip center where Auntie Pastos and Lemongrass Cafe are! I think. Great none the less. Edit: The new Bellaire H-E-B coming is really making the surrounding area a hot redevelopment. So many things are getting rebuilt and worked on! I know Alexan Southside Place isn't technically in Bellaire but I bet it's apart of the redevelopment craze.
  18. First pic of the demo! Credit: russell.hancock Tempted to go take my own photos now. More to come!
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