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Posts posted by KatieDidIt

  1. Regardless, thanks for the 45 mil. Maybe we'll build a soccer stadium with it.

    Oh, and welcome back to civilization Katie.

    Thanks Red, we close in a few weeks. Hubby is so excited I'm afraid he'll pop a tent in the front yard until we close. ;)

  2. Don't worry wxman, Houston is not going to annex the woodlands. Woodlands residents don't think like Houstonians. They would be a drag on resources. We would regret it for the rest of our lives. The City merely wants to get paid for releasing its ETJ.

    Red, I have always found it curious that Woodlanders dislike Houston, Houstonians and sometimes Texans, with such passion. Its quirky.

    I even had by boots made fun of when I moved up here. <shrug>

  3. No, I never tranferred. I knew I wanted to be a sustainer in the Houston League. Also, It seemed a big hike to the one up here too. I don't know about the strictness, I think all the leagues have gotten pretty lax in their policies over the past ten years out of fear of law suits.

    My account is not set up for PMs. Sorry

  4. Thanks for all your comments!! HAIF is a fountain of information.

    Luckily we found a house, and the contract was accepted, that is 70% redone. This is great, and we can easily live there while bringing the rest of it back to life. I was getting exhausted just thinking about apartment/condo living with two border collies and two active boys.

  5. Bleach and then paint with Kilz primer paint. Nothing can ever regenerate after being painted over by that stuff.

    We had a house that went through mold remediation back in 2001. What a crock. The insurance company freaked out and gutted the house over a chimney leak after Allison. But hey, it looked nice when it was all done.

    All they did was ripe out the damaged sheetrock, insulation and wood, clean it out with bleach and paint/prime everything with Kilz and some sort of mold/bacteria preventitive that they put in the Kilz.

    Just make sure you get the old insulation and damaged sheetrock out. That stuff is a playground for mold. And just because I have major allergies, I would either get the ducts cleaned or replace the section showing the mold. Even if there isn't mold, its Houston an ducts should be cleaned every once in awhile.

  6. what's really amazing is the people who will buy way back there and then complain how difficult it is to get around.

    I can agree with that regaurding the ones who have bought in the last year. But four years ago, heck even last year, it was a breeze. 10-15 minutes tops to I-45.Who knew this place was going to pack in so fast and all the red lights were going to go in. The reason people want to be back here is because of Coulson-Tough and Deretchin Elem.

  7. the powers that be are aware of the coming influx of people. hopefully, as some have said, they will be working towards growth. if they don't, it will be a nightmare.

    this past week, it took me 45 minutes to get from grogan's mill to kuykendahl and 2920. it was rush hour, but for god's sake! what a mess. i can't imagine buying a house in sterling ridge and commuting to houston. i wouldn't own a house in the woodlands unless i lived in panther creek, grogan's mill or worked in the woodlands proper.

    This is one of the major reason we are moving. I don't do the parkway except to take the kids up to the fields on Budde. Market Street is not worth the 30 minute drive at any given time of the day. I don't even want to talk about rush hour. We really feel trapped back here. The Parkway is a high blood pressure drive. If I go the back way to town (during non rush hour) and hit the beltway, I can be in West Houston in 45 minutes with almost no lights. So, You know which way I usually go.

    They really should have designed the whole "parkway" like the did the Grogans Mill exit/underpass. Instead they opted for a gazillon red lights.

  8. Not only was the lease expiring, the current city hall is not inside the city limits. State law requires some meetings and activities to occur inside the city limits, requiring the city officials to locate meeting space inside city limits for those functions.

    I have little sympathy for these residents. This is THEIR city government, not Houston's or Pasadena's. Are they too good to have their own government located within their own city limits? As for purchasing the property secretly, would they have been happier if the transaction was conducted publicly, costing the taxpayers even more money? Sorry, but I don't feel the outrage. Perhaps if I was worth a few hundred million more, I might understand why my own city government should not be located within my own city.

    Um, Piney Point has no office buildings, nor zoned for them, this is why they lease down the road. If they had been upfront and mentioned that they might have to pursue a residental location (close to a major road) I don't think so many people would be mad. Its the buying under the assumed name with out the tax payers knowing about it that made the residents upset. Wealthy or Poor, any neighborhood would be shocked at this. You are just smug because its a wealthy neighborhood.

  9. Well, lets assume you don't know my heritage...........

    Secondly, thank goodness we are capable of learning from the mistakes made in history. Today's generation should NOT be held accountible for the actions of anyone's ancestors, but learn from their errors. No race should continually get the "guilty finger" pointed at them 100's of years after the fact. I certainly didn't blame my hard times on the oppression of my acestors. This drives me crazy. Nor should the past be covered up or irradicated, like the pulling down of Confederate statues.

    Do Native Mexicans curse Spain? This I don't know, maybe they do.

    This is now. The problem is now. We aren't saying they CAN'T live here if they come in legally and want to at least repect what America is and attempt to assimulate. Many are saying that we shouldn't and won't bend over backwards to make it easy for those that refuse to adopt American culture, or even curse and protest it, and expect a free handout.

    Its better than Mexico here..they know it and we know. I'm curious why they want to be here so badly, yet don't want to respect the US and all the freebies they get just for crossing the border? Its not like we shackled them and drug them from their homeland to come here........... If they keep using the handouts and working the system, it WILL eventually hurt this country.

    But who knows, maybe 500 years from now the Anglos won't have to pay taxes and run huge casinos on their reservations in the Hamptons.

  10. Its basically "instant gratification shopping." Buy it Today, Get it Tomorrow. I see a lot of that in the burbs. They want their entire house fully furnished down to the accessories within one month of move in. Truck loads pull up with prices tags hanging off.

    Personally, we loved saving up our money and buy some really great pieces. And over the course of 16 years we have a great house full of character that's doesn't look like a Louis Shanks/Gallery/Star Furniture Model Home.

  11. Katie, I realize that living where you do

    oh good grief. I've lived here less than three years and I'm getting the hell out so don't lump in me in with the "up here's."

    I went to public High School in Miami with the children of Coumbian drug lords and the Cubans fresh of the rafts. My sisters went to Williams High School in Semi-Rural BUrlington NC. Where if, I remember correctly, the principal did some serious ass kicking to trouble makers.

    I have a lot of firends, and a sister, who are teachers. My sister got mugged at that inner city school in DC by an unhappy 13 year old FEMALE. SHe's a great gal from a great family with a Masters from UVA and a huge heart. Yeah, she'd rather teach in the affluent hood or the suburbs anyday. Today she teaches at a private academy in Alexandria.

    The schools with the bad kids DO get the bottom of barrel when it comes to teachers. You have a few, like my sister, that try to do the right thing though. Usually they get beaten down by the system and move on.

    I think that public education's hands are so tied by today's SUE HAPPY society. Just think, if they could expel freely and actually FIRE teachers (which I understand is almost impossible to do) how much better the system is. That crazy teachers union is a nightmare.

  12. I haven't been paying much attention. When did a teacher get killed?

    They haven't been killed, its the perception that they will. Take a female, UT Grad with a Masters in Education with high scores in whatever the education board throws at her.... Where is she going to want to teach? A school with kids that are at risk, therefore she is at risk? No.

  13. Vicman: Houston citizens and to allow for a diversity of types of schools and types of education for all citizens of Houston (as well as Bellaire, West U, Southside Place, and the memorial villages)

    You really want to blend SBISD with HISD so passionately. You post this all the time. Letting kids from the worst neighborhood chose to go to Memorial schools would implode the quality of safety that has been established there. Even allowing some of the SBISD kids from the far northern boundries transfer to Stratford or Memorial Senior would create havoc. Its a great utopian idea, but the fact is that the children that attend most of the SBISD schools do not have the survival skills to blend in with those from Houston's worst neighborhoods.. It will never happen, the people that pay the SBISD taxes moved there and are often making huge sacrifices to make sure their kids come home alive.

    That's what happened with Grady Middle right next to Tanglewood. They starting busing in all the thugs from the Richmond area and the "Tanglewood crew" couldn't cope so they fled to private. Blending causes flight to private, and flight to private causes a district and a school to decline.

    Part of HISD's problem is the conduct and behavior of its students and the apathy of its parents. The more dangerous the school, the less a quality teacher wants to be there. I think HISD should be able to kick more kids out. Its great to want to educate, but when kids rarely attend school and try to threathen the ones that are trying when they are there...get rid of them. They "don't want no education" anyway. They rather be out terrorizing and taggin' cars. No kids left behind is a great theory, but leave the ones behind that want to be there and focus on the ones that want to get out.

    The base of the matter is, I don't think the QUALITY of the education in SBISD and HISD are really that different. Its the safety and security that allows the kids to learn, attracts teachers that don't want to be killed, that is the difference.

  14. That is a good point, how are all these people allowed to even drive and get a license without knowing English!

    They all can't be using buses and riding bikes?

    They take the written in spanish. :angry2: And their driving instructors are hispanic

    ALways stumped me how we give them a test in spanish yet all the street signs and information signs are in english. If they make road signs in both language, then I'm going to have major "issues."

  15. Not only this, but if we print and provide things in EVERY SINGLE LANGUAGE that is demanded by one minority or another the bill will be enormous, not to mention confusing.

    Could you imagine seeing the TXDOT signs rolling though three to four languages? YOu'd have a wreck watching just so you didn't miss the one you understood.

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