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Posts posted by KatieDidIt

  1. The Cul-de-Sac convos are something I will never get used to. I wish they could find better things to talk about than each other. But that involves getting out of the neighborhood and away from their kid's school every once and a while. There are so much more interesting things to talk about than other peoples lives..

    I'm so busy I usually don't pay any attention to who is doing what or whom on the street, unless they are whacking down the fence line trees between us or blaring spot lights and music. <_<

  2. The Woodlands is becoming more diverse and the proof is in the schooling information. When we were researching schools up here three years ago, the school in the area we bought said 98% white. Now the new precentages have come out and its 86% white. The hispanic population is growing like crazy around here. We have several Mexican families that have bought in the neighborhood as a second home so their kids can be safe and learn english.

    My main concern is whether CISD is prepared for the strain that a growing ESL program will do on their budget. Will CISD eventually lose the funds to provide daily art, music and PE like HISD did? Granted it will take a while to get to that point, but the shift is happening pretty fast up here.

    I appreciate diversity, but I just wish the Nationals wouldn't strain the American school system by depending on them to teach their children english.

  3. Honestly any form of government up here would be helpful. It would be refreshing for residents to VOTE for who runs the place. Currently our choices are made for us by people who were hired by the Development Corp. It would be nice to see the overlord of the association broken down into Village HOAs that would look over their own particular area's interests and contracts. Its amazing that BFI could pick up trash twice a week for nearly the same cost as the Waste Management group, but the association insists on Waste Management.

    I really don't understand why everyone is so afraid of Big Bad Houston. As long as your association and patrol is solid, there really isn't a problem. However this is something that still needs working out here. In fact with the exception of the school district,I would say overall the services provided by the COH were better than what this Association, police and local Mud currently provide.

    We will just have to see how everything pans out, but I can't see tax bills going any higher and keep its current population. What happened to Kingwood's taxes overall?


  4. Rice Epicurian

    Sur La Table, has some of the best in my opinion.

    Now if you are getting serious, The Art Institute of Houston has some great non-degree classes and well as degreed ones.

    • Like 1
  5. When did it become a problem for a mother to feed her child? I don't understand why people get their panties in a bunch when they witness this natural phenomenon. Get over it, there is nothing more natural than breast feeding. Not to mention the fact that it's been going on for thousands of years and will continue to do so.

    Furthermore, if she was in the window seat of the back row of a plane, who was she bothering? The flight attendent? Get over it, it's not your child and therefore not your decision how the child is fed.

    I just don't see how feeding a child is so controversial. It's not like she's at the Super Bowl with a starburst on her nipple.

    Well on the other hand, why can't breast feeders just throw a blanket over the child and breast instead of having to prove a point? For pities sake, its on plane with ZERO inches between people, can't they show a little respect for those they are sitting next to ? Why do they have to whip out a boob while touching arms with stranger.

    Tent a blanket, feed the child in calm and privacy and EVERONE benefits.

  6. If she owned a home in River Oaks Avalon, then she should have no problem affording a home in Memorial which isn't too far from Katy, and still offers some of the prestige and character of her former neighborhood.

    West Memorial has some nice choices as well.

    I think the main goal was to be in her car less than 30 minutes a day, like her old location. I imagine that even from the Beltway to Katy and back would still be a pretty stiff drive.

    I remember looking at Katy 10 years ago and just getting from 10 into the subdivsions was a chore.

  7. I have a friend whom is having to work in a satellite office in Katy and really doesn't want to commute from inside to loop to Katy anymore, so she is moving.

    She is looking for an older neighborhood, for the trees and privacy and lack of construction, but with a very large yard. I have looked on HAR and it seems the lots can be small and the houses can be well over 6,000 sq. feet on some of the older homes.

    Windsor Park Estates looks nice but what about Kelliwood Greens? Or is Kelliwood Greens so far out that it has a 'Texasville' style to it? Is the Golf course surrounding it public or private ?Any opinions?

    She is moving from RO Avalon and would like a to attempt a similar feel.

  8. There may be a more logical thread to the name than it seems. This new Woodforest development in Montgomery County is being built around what is now the Woodforest Golf Club. I believe the Golf Club gained that name after Woodforest National Bank took at least some ownership of it due to default by the previous owners. It wouldn't surprise me if Woodforest National Bank has some sort of financial interest in the development.

    We've been banking with Woodforest National Bank for about ten years and if memory serves me correctly their first bank location (maybe 25 years ago) was on Woodforest in east Houston, which brings us full circle....

    Woodforest National Bank is sort of the Starbucks of Montgomery County banking. There are three branch locations within about 300 yards of the intersection of FM1488 and FM2978. Seems a bit much.

    What is with all the banks being built in West Woodlands? .....HA!! and new regional name, West Woodlands. Since its now a 25 minute drive to get to the back I think its deserving of that.

    But seriously they are building them like crazy in Sterling Ridge, down 2978 and 1488. Before they are done there will not be one major bank unrepresented TWO times in a 5 mile radius.

    • Like 1
  9. There seems to be a number of houses for sale in this "block" all the sudden. A compact area that is suddenly selling always makes me wonder. Is it just time for a good turnover, or is something "going to happen" to this stretch of Memorial?

    12823 MEMORIAL DR

    13034 MEMORIAL DR

    12923 MEMORIAL DR

    13006 MEMORIAL DR

    12926 MEMORIAL DR

    12902 MEMORIAL DR

  10. the county needs a police substation out near sterling ridge/magnolia. the woodlands would probably donate the land.

    Definately needs more police. There is an article posted on here that states that there are .2..yes POINT TWO officers per 1,000. While understaffed Houston is still managing 2.2 officers. So I have NO CLUE what Galatas is talking about with his more police comments.

    As to the look.....you should see all the strip mall complexes they are building in Sterling Ridge. And frankly he probably hasn't been back here. Most people I talk to that live in Cochrans Crossing and eastward haven't ever been to the back, there is no reason to.

  11. it looks the same. many of the trees planted are taking off nicely. but it's like katiedidit said. it's just like a regular walmart inside, nothing special.

    Yup looks the same. Same stuff and service. But really not that full whenever I go by.

  12. Why isn't Woodlands Parkway an expressway. There is too much traffic on that thing.

    Well, it started out ok I am sure...then they added and are continuing to had a gazillion lights. Then they popped it through as the ONLY through street and added the big box at then end of it. If they opened Research up, it may help a little.

    We have no light or sign at our Woodlands Parkway intersection and its takes about 7-8 minutes to make a left turn during rush hour. And you fear for your life when you do it.

    The Gosling intersection has got to be one of the worst lights in the Metroplex. You may as well pop a tent and camp out when you get to it.

    • Like 1
  13. Dunno Bach, but if and when this place becomes incorporated, I hope a HOA is developed, run by the homeowners and a board of trustees, and some sort of "Respect the Fence Line" ordinace is put in place.

    Currently, I don't think the RDC is doing their job enforcing replacement of a GOOD sized trees and amounts. Other neighborhoods I have lived in have by-laws that you "replace any trees along the existing fence line, that become damaged by construction or improvements, with those of a reasonably comparable size." Also, all play equipment was required to be 15 feet from the fence line so you didn't have to play peek-a-boo with the neighbor's sand-eating three year old.

    I love my privacy in my own home and backyard, and am so shocked that others don't covet theirs.

  14. My main concern is that we give far too much consideration to the feeling,rights and health of those that aren't even citizens, yet we don't have the funds to provide proper medical services, housing and support for those that served and were wounded in the UNITED STATES military. OR even to those that paid taxes for decades, yet find themselves on the street or living in a car.

    Not a citizen? You have no rights or entitlements in this country.

  15. Marty can you kick the people out behind us and move in?

    They removed every tree, installed a pool and put in palms. :angry2: The Woodlands only required that they put in two 5 gallon trees of native species back...............

    We planted 15, 100 gallon trees along the back fence lines when we moved in, unfortunately most are decidious. We actually thought whomever bought the house behind us would put in a few more to go along with the existing pines and oaks in that backyard..............

  16. Fonn Villas and Memorial Meadows are pretty close to the "strip malls". The community has retained its value well, hasn't it?

    Fonn Villas has appreciated in the past few years, mostly from families willing to live in older homes on smaller lots to get into those SBISD school. But the lots are so tiny, they aren't the true "Village Acre" Memorial homes I think the poster was asking about. I always called the area around the beltway and west, Memorial Extra Light.

    PS- I think the prices in Fonn Villas and Frostwood are over inflated at this point. But you never know, Houston keeps on trucking.

  17. the house looks like it has good potential, and the realtor looks relly enthusiastic :D

    and that backyard could be spruced up nicely, too

    it is kinda far out there, though...

    Massive traffic problems starting around 4pm in that area.

  18. I think she's hoping to become the Paris Hilton of Houston. I'm a little embarrased for her. I think she'll look back on this ten years from now and cringe.

    Check out this video:


    Is that Franklin Rose's (the plastic surgeon with the trashy wife) daughter.

    Edit: Oops answered my own question. YES it is. RUN SWEET PRINCE RUN!! They look like the Ozbornes in this picture.

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