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Posts posted by KatieDidIt

  1. Now, if they could only fix Grady middle school....

    Actually rezoning all those apartments has more to do with the fact that Briargrove was using over flow buildings at the Post Oak YMCA in order to educate all the kids zoned to the school. With the rezoning The School at Post Oak will close and all will go to Briargrove.

    A majority of the non-apartment neighborhood families go into private or move to SBISD for 6th grade and up. IF they rezoned Grady, they might stay.

  2. The thread is going there....so I'll make my one and only gripe on this topic.

    For the few centuries the United States has been around, all the waves of immigrants, up until this last one, learned english when they came into this country.They had to in order to get a job, and most were so honored that they made it here they wanted to learn it..... and most of them came here legally.

    So what makes this wave of Mexicans so special that they not only get to come over here illegally and work tax-free, but they don't have to learn english in school or learn it in order to become employed?



    Back to the Topic...doesn't this sound like a "City" crime? The Woodlands is not immune, its not Shangra-la as some truely think it is, and its becoming less so everyday. Sure on a daily basis its pretty tame, but there is no reason to close your eyes to it.

    District 2 - Lt. Andrew Eason (South County/Woodlands)

    Man Robbed and Assaulted

    August 8, 11:00 p.m., a 60 year old male was the victim of aggravated robbery August 8th at 11:00 p.m. in the 11000 block of SH 242. He was flagged down by another driver and stopped, thinking the subject's vehicle was broken down. Three males exited their vehicle and demanded his money. After telling them he had no money, they threw him to the ground and began kicking him. They left the scene in a grey older model Buick.

  3. "You people should be thankful you live in a wooded enclave bordered by Spring, Magnolia, and Conroe, that's made up of desirable residents who are tax-paying and law abiding citizens."

    Oh Please

    Edit: Do have any clue how many illegals we have hiding up here in the Piney Woods?

  4. Who in their right mind lets an 8-year old go to a park by themselves? I've seen groups of 8-12 year olds, but never one by themself...

    I wasn't allowed to ride my bike anywhere by myself until I was 10...and even then my mom felt better when I was with friends.

    Wow, I haven't heard of any child abduction attempts in the Woodlands, was this on the news? SCARY! Can someone point me to a story, thanks!! :)


    Parrot, go to the Associations website and woodlands watch..they only have two of the incidents there, but there have been more recently.


    ANd this guy was arrested a few weeks ago


    Surrounding zip codes around the Woodlands have more that fair number of sex offenders, mostly against children.

  5. I protested every year and kept our 60's ranch the lowest on the street...when it actually had the most improvements. On average I got it down 30-40,000. One year I pulled it down 150,000.

    Take pictures of ALL the things wrong with the home and pair them with a CONTRACTOR estimate on what it will cost to fix.

    That is the key.

    All homes need a fix or two, make your problems your argument. Remember to present your argument in a professional and neat folder, perhaps prepared by Kinkos or the like. Add photos of all the BEST homes in your neighborhood...then put your house's picture next to it.

    Now how they determine the land value of side by side lots being so ratically different with the same dimensions I'll never know.

  6. Hey Bach, have any figures come out on how Market Street stores are doing finacially?

    I noticed that unlike Highland Village, Uptown Park and like fabricated centers, Market Street is completely dead on weekdays.... even on weekend afternoons we really haven't seen much activity. It would be interesting how all those stores are doing in comparison to their other locations. However, I kinda like that lack of activity because I can get a spot anywhere and be in and out of a shop quickly.

    PS- That Pot Belly sandwich shop is pretty good and cute, don't know about the entertainment though. B)

  7. I agree. We should've rebuilt 290, the North Loop, and I-10 inside the loop at the same time. We also should've added capacity to the West Loop, extended the Westpark toll road through to Kirby, and built an adequate interchange at Spur 527. That'd fix the I-10 problem (and several others).

    I am certainly not anti-rail, but I strongly believe it will not provide anywhere close to the type of relief "pro-railers" think it will.

    Corporations allowing people to work from home offices or satellite offices 2-3 times a week would have more of an immediate effect.

    Of course..that a Eutopian vision.


  8. That screwy 1964 map of mine lists the road now located at West Mt. Houston and I-45 as Westbrook.

    I guess West Mount Houston was named as an extension of Mount Houston road.

    Great info. But, who was Huffsmith? Almost every road in our area seems to have his name in it.

  9. yes, I understand the fact that many don't work downtown, but the other fact is most Houstonians aren't going to walk more than a few blocks...so an interior system is useless it stops every few blocks.

    And what a trafficmare that would create.

    Systems that run to to mini-downtowns from the burbs make more sense.....but only if people are willing to walk a few blocks. If a station went to Uptown, how many would actually be willing to risk thunderstorms and 98 degrees on a 1/4+ mile hike to work?

    In fact I really think any rail is useless here, Houstonians like there cars and really don't like walking. IMO its just a huge waste of money.....no matter where they put it.

  10. oh I think current rail is a want not a need. Most Houstonians have to drive into town even to use the rail..which by the way has created more congestion in the medical center and around Reliant, IMHO. Its upwards of an hour to get into Reliant parking at times due to the shutting down of half the gates. I also thought it was brilliant to put rail right down the center of the medical center, where people are driving around totally stressed out or emotionally overwhelmed.

    The only people who currently use the rail, that I know of, are those that work downtown and go to an event at Reliant or visit the med center for a few hours. Then they return to downtown to get there car and drive 35 minutes home.

    The only real needed rail, and one that would be actually used, would be commuter lines from satellite burbs into downtown to relieve congestion on the over taxed freeway system. I wish the I-10 construction had left room for that. Perhaps when they widen 45 in the future they will plan for it.

    But this is just my perception of things. Perhaps all those people living downtown really need rail. ;)

  11. A couple weeks ago one of them turned up at Voss and San Felipe, this is a new area for them.

    I was first in line in the left turn when this guy held his sign in front of my windsheild. I tried to do the "I don't see you" routine. He started yelling and pushing on the car so I put my hand on the horn and blew it forever. He proceeding to go to the front of my car doing a dance and banging on the hood while twirling.

    I couldn't go through the light (high traffic area) and my kids were in the car. I looked at the car next to me and the man was doing an "I don't see anything" routine.

    I called 911. Hopefully he got dragged off the sweat the stew he was on out.

    If the kids weren't in the car, and there wasn't a steady stream of traffic, I would have been tempted to give him a little tap. :angry2:

  12. These houses didn't flood. the neighborhood in question was actually higher than the neighborhood on the opposite side of the bayou. It is a government organization with eminent domain powers taking homes. Just like we're talking

    These people were forced out because the bayou was widened so there is no way they could have stayed.

    If the homes the city took were constantly flooding, and they were purchased a fair value to prevent further flooding to other other homes, I can see the benifits to both parties. But the "taking" of homes in non-risk areas is wrong.

    The issue of flooding bayous is so different than a city "want" of a rail I can't even begin. The WANT of rail isn't in the same category as the NEED to prevent future flooding for the good of the city....

    People in flood plain homes choose to build in an iffy area and roll the dice...those homes are also one of the reasons Houston has such problems with flooding. The people who live in the neighborhoods off Richmond didn'tchoose a home in a risky area, and the city has no right to TAKE non-risk homes just because they WANT a cho-cho train to make Houston seem more progressive.

    As to Afton Oaks, many posters keep going on and on how wealthy these people are. We had friends that bought a house there 10 years ago for 138k, and they don't put themselves in the category anywhere close to "blueblood." So I have to say I am miffed at this sentiment.

  13. The one thing Lightrail should NOT do is kick people out of their homes. Property ownership is a RIGHT in this country, its one of the things America was established on, and the city has NO right to take it just because they want to put some rail through it, that probably 80% of Houstonians will NEVER ride.

    I am sick of the number of elderly they kicked out of their homes for St. George school 10 years ago for HISD.....then took forever to build on it. Many of those old folk could have died happily in the homes they worked hard for their whole life. But no...the city takes.

    At least the Richmond line wouldn't displace people. Make the street dangerous and ugly sure...displace no.

  14. If the energy companies start to laying off, as they did in the 80's, would that impact the property value in the area?

    I don't think the energy companies are going to layoff anytime soon.

    Just inside the Beltway has become the "affordable" Memorial Home now. Granted, if the real estate market stops, home values will go down, but the Frostwood/Memorial/Memorial HS dynamic will keep values fair.

    Outside the Beltway you may see more of a dip. Wilchester is still a great area and is seeing some regrowth. Try to stay south of Memorial--North of the Bayou there if you can.

    Gaywood, Memorial Glen and Rustling Pines still seem to be a good deal. They are zoned to Rummel Creek/Memorial MS/ Stratford.

    I wouldn't go west of Kirkwood.

  15. Vic, Briargrove was probably the one of the best Elem. schools HISD had to offer. ANn Sledge was a great principlal and the PTO was fabulous. But when the HISD budget is not there to have daily PE and daily enrichment, there is only so much you can do. They clearly taught for the TAKS test, it was obvious on a daily basis. And yes, the clock was ticking for my kids and I wanted them to have the extra's that would take years for HISD to even attempt to find the funds for.

    You know its all personal opinion and perception. I know you are a big cheerleader for HISD, but if someone sees a public education that is better for their family elsewhere and can move, then they do it. It takes time to change things, and most parents don't want to waste their kid's educational time fighting a school district, therefore they move. When you become a parent of a school aged child, you will understand that you MUST provide the best you can and time is an issue. For a majority of our friends, and fellow PTOers at Briargrove, HISD ended at 5th grade for them. Several families I knew from Briargrove are now living in The Woodlands. I am surprised almost monthly when I bump into familiar faces. BUT, if you finacially can't move..sure stay and fight, because you must.

    I knew of the Briargrove school rebuild, this is why we left along with a large group of families. And no, I didn't want our kids to be moved from one school to another and back again, and then within half a year one going to Grady .... It was going to be a private school or move. This is why the majority of Brairgrove families go into private in 6th grade or, kill themselves to get into a house in SBISD. When Grady was a neighborhood school, the families stayed. Rezoning killed Grady.

    Edit for comment: And at River Oaks the teachers made the kids walk or run one lap around the track before going to recess.

    One lap? Have you seen the size of children these days? They need organized excercise DAILY for at least 20 minutes. Its good for the brain as well as the body to MOVE during the school day. Punishment at Briargrove was to take away recess.which made the child more hyper, which caused them to act up more, which caused them to lose more recess.

    Why mess around with your children's lives when you can move into schools that have all the enrichment in place with scores of 98% ( i hate the tests, but they do help making this point) or better. And the education and social situation is far better all the way through High School for all types of students, not just the super smart set.

    Remember, different things work for different families.

  16. Fleas in the yard..

    Take a yard sprayer...even a miracle grow spray. FILL about a 1/3 of the container Non-concentrated LEMON JOY and FLEA SOAP. spray the yard.......

    It coats the fleas and ticks so they can't move and dehydrates them. We did this the first year we moved to the Woodlands and had an infestation in the back yard.. Kills them all.

    Inside, any powered soap brushed into the carpet, then vacuum out in a few hours

    PS- create a little spray bottle of same mixture and spray the dogs down a little when they come in the house

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