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Posts posted by KatieDidIt

  1. Restaurant picks & pans for the Woodlands area:

    Ok here are mine:

    Ricos- Fair quality food, excellent service and always a open spot on busy nights.

    Perry's- excellent food and service, atmophere is none existant.

    Cheescake Factory- HUGE protions of average food. Horrible service and long waits.

    La Tavola- In Tomball though. INCREDIBLE food and service. Horrible atmophere, I mean really bad.

    Rockfish- um, no

    PF Changs- Its ok, impossible to get into and is nothing like the Highland Village location.

    Sakekawa- Surburban Sushi

    Nit Noi- Just as good as his others. Good atmophere and food, we go often.

    Rancheros- Loved it until I bit into a huge chunk of glass in the Quso Del Mar.

    Sweet Bella- Family Italian. Best Pizza up here? Maybe. Just a horrible location, and not close enough for us to go for a quick dinner. ( Ammending this: The service setup is just awful and the past two times we have gone the pizza oven wasn't working. Fresh ground cheese, not kraft out of a shaker that you have to go get yourself, would be nice. ) They need to visit Collina's or another Mom and Pop Italian to work out the bugs. They could stuff more table in there if they didn't have the Skeeter's/Chipolte setup.

    Flemings- Excellent steaks, fair service, nothing special about the atmopshere.

    Amerigos- My favorite resturant up here. Inventive, excellent food. Incredible service. Neat little building ala inside the loop. Just wish the area it was in wasn't so junkie.

    Jaspers- Fabulous atmophere and drinks. Very average food for the price.

    Brio- Food poisoning says it all. NO and never.

    Tommy Bahamas- Good atmophere, unoriginal menu and I found it flavorless.

    Grotto- I didn't even like the ones in Houston, so we never tried up here.

    Black Walnut- Gorgeous little joint. Great Food. Really bizarre "order and service" setup for the price. Obnoxiously priced for the concept. Went once, probably won't visit again.

    Pallota's- Only thing on I-45 worth mentioning. Great food and service. Horrible location.

    What's missing?

    A really great Family Italian restuarant farther down into the Woodlands, ala Palazzo's or Collina's. One that will deliver top notch pizzas.

    A Great/Fresh Seafood specialized resturant.

    A Goode and Company BBQ!

    What they don't need here?

    Another Mexican Resturant. I have never seen so many Mexican Food places in my life.

    Anyone tried Harris County Barbeque in Tomball? It was PACKED Sunday when we drove by. Its on 2920 just west of 249.

  2. I know what you mean, Katie. But are you referring to Westheimer inside the loop or outside? Two different worlds there.

    I am thinking of the area from Chimney Rock and West to the Beltway. There are a few neat things tucked in that mess, but its a prime example of no zoning going totally bad.

    Good luck with the Woodlands Operating/Development Company. They keep everything as ambigious and quiet as possible. I have been beating my head against the wall with for some time now. But through Montgomery County I did finally get "No Parking" signs placed down a street near our home to keep the mass parking of Tacoria trucks from occuring from 10am-2pm, stopping gunite and delivery trucks from arriving and starting work at 4am (now its 6am-but its better), additional street lights installed and getting the ones we had turned on, complaining to the MUD district DAILY to get water pressure in the morning ..and lots of other little things like that, which I took for granted in town. And I was very shocked to find that I was the only one really bothered enough by all this chaos to do something about.

    You can get things done through different channels with a lot of time and making some good contacts. Its a shame with the outrageous association fees neither the association nor the operating company can do such things for their residents.Glad you are coming, I need backup! There I bitched, but its getting better. But every couple weeks or something will crop up that absolutely amazes me that nobody does something about it.

    I still say this place would be completely different if it had a mayor and some true politics were in play around here.

    I have some developer friends up here that are purchasing and looking into purchasing land for upscale commerical, one of which may be a Whole Foods, which is mentioned in another thread. After finding that three neighbors within our small subdivision go into WHole Foods in town, he started to woo them for development. Actually one was thinking of purchasing the land behind the Wal-Mart on 2978, but really wants to see what clientele actually visits the concrete box first. I think that attitude will hold back development around there for a while...I mean who wants to purchase a track of land and have it become another Dunvale area?

  3. Well I hope it remains as nice as what Wal-Mart wants us to think it will be. ANd it probably will for a few years. But it also has to do a lot with what pops up around it. Lovett Commercial will be building a strip center back there, and they aren't exactly known for architecture and style in their centers.

    The lame WOC needs to keep strong tabs and quality requirements for things to turn out nice in the long run, otherwise it will turn into another Westheimer or 1960.

  4. I heard this evening that a 10 acre tract at the corner of Kuykendahl and Flintridge has been purchased for a "green", mixed-use complex, next to the Indian Springs shopping center. I. M. Pei is supposed to be coming in for ground breaking or some announcement in the future. I can find no mention of this in any publication. The project is to include top notch restaurants and chefs from around the world. No chains. (katiedidit will be pleased).

    if anyone knows about this project..........spill.

    Bach, keep us posted on this..I would not be the only one "pleased" by something more urban back here.

    My thought is though, that whole corner is already under construction and designed, there isn't anymore land of that size left to develop. It would also be hard to imagine something so upscale placed next to a 24 Hour Fitness. Maybe its that little plot of land in the HEB Center, but I think that's only 3 acres. It could also be farther down the road near Carlton Woods Creekside.

    Anyway, it will be interesting to see what pans out.

  5. Where did you get that information? Did you call yourself? I've been reading these forums for awhile and it seems you have alot of answers to things......

    One of my tenants is working at this store. She is one of the floor managers. It opens up somewhere around the 16th and on the 15th the employees and friends get to shop there first. She is going to give us a pass. I will post the differences. She also said that this Walmart will carry goods that no other Walmart does and that it is a "first of it's kind" type of store. Whatever that means we will see I am sure but that is what the marketing tool is.

    You can look here for the that particular info, and the same statement was listed in several other dozen articles. I did call Wal-mart corporate after I had read about the Plano prototype several months ago, in hopes that something similar would be placed here. I was told the same thing as all the internet articles state.


    However, this doesn't mean that this Wal-Mart won't have some of the "elements" of the Plano store, but would seem it will not be as different as the Plano store.

    And yes, I do research and call on things that concern me or peak my interest. Thanks anyway though.

  6. Wow, they are really going to close the WAC? That was really one of the only places that kids got a true day camp, not day care, experience in the Woodlands during the summer.

    Why is the facility closing? I know the club uses the tennis courts up there, but it has no future plans to take over the entire Center.

  7. Just checked the TXDOT website again. The FM1488 widening date has been slipping. Now I see that the bid date was slipped off the end of the FY2006 letting schedule (so the bid date is no sooner than fall of this year). So much for politicians' promises.

    Wow. That's a same because during rush hour and weekends, 1488 is completely back up at the 2978 intersection.

    2978 turning into Woodlands Parkway is backed up to Tomball as far as the eye can see. Well, at least we can use that big old honking Walmart parking lot to cut through. :D

  8. I don't plan to shop it. But, I know that at some point I'll need to get something fast (medicine or school supplies) and will go instead of making the hike up the parkway.

    I just hope that all efforts will be made to keep the place nice.

    As to the Plano Upscale Walmart: Its been stated by corporate that that store is and will be the only one of its kind.

  9. Well, I do think a child has more of a chance to become a Senator if given a good education versus struggling not to get killed in an inner city school.

    But other than educational opportunities, there are few differences between the outcomes of urban vs suburban life.

    I happen to see MORE stress in the families up here than I did in town. Long commutes, excessive fast food restaurants, stress on being the perfect team mom, and financial over extension etc etc etc. I've never heard so many women delicate flower about their husbands in my life!

    The crime rate is better up here, however there is minimal police coverage and the city is fast approaching. Preserving the environment has been thrown out the window in order to make a fast profit. It is however cleaner up here, but then EXCESSIVE association fees (that are not tax deductible) are paid to insure that.

  10. I really don't see the same level of excessive affluence here as you do, as say in Uptown/Galleria. Its here, but its pretty well balanced out with the same or more number of middle income.

    And in reality, homes are so much more affordable up here that I am often shocked to walk into expensive homes that are furnished in velour lazyboy. Seems many are killing themselves for a home that is beyond their reach, when they could have another incredible home that is within their reach.

    In fact, in a collection made to beautify a cul-de-sac up here, I was shocked to find that two of the checks I collected, bounced...and they weren't big checks either.

    I do think the kids are bored up here, but teens are always bored..everywhere. I find it hysterical that the Woodlands teen demands to be catered to as a population.

  11. the church in question has many mature trees. i assume they'll be bulldozed so that walmart doesn't have to incur any additional costs.

    The Walmart Effect strikes again. I'm surprised to see them build a THIRD superstore in a 13 mile radius. You'd think they'd wait to see what happens with the new one on 2978, which is almost complete. 3 Superstores for a 100,000 person population seems a little like overkill.

    I feel bad for the people that live up there near Sawdust. Its pretty junky already, now there will be concrete shell.

    PS- Target is building a Superstore at 2978 and 1488.

  12. "youth dominating"

    Bach, I think you have hit the nail on the head here. In Montorse and other parts of Houston you can go where the kids are not. There are choices, therefore Houstonians can let kids "have" places. But quite frankly I have never seen kids in packs, near upscale resturants at 11pm in Houston.

    Just as kids need a place to be, so do adults. In the Wooldands your entire life is consumed by kids, that's basically what its about. That's fine, but sometimes you want to escape..without driving an hour, and be with adults.

    Town Center, Market Center, Main Street Disney, what have you, made a huge mistake by not making a teen area. But to me Market Center was really was designed for the kids. You don't see Uptown Park with a JOhnny ROckets, Creamery, Jamba Juice etc etc. Uptown Park made its point clear from the getgo--ADULTS with MONEY. Market Street seems to want to change the rules now after the fact. While I think the kids should just have Town Center, I think for their safty there should be an 8pm curfew. The Woodlands is changing fast and its rather close to I-45.

    We went to dinner ONCE up there on a Friday night for adult time. The kids can have the place. It gave me the creeps to have bland food at 30 bucks a plate while dining in a fish bowl.

    So you can't have the bottle of wine and drive back when you go to HOuston, but at least you can have incredible food in a place with character... and in anonymity.

  13. for one who has spent hundreds (ok, over a thousand) of evenings, inside the loop, dining, drinking, etc. jasper's is indeed "surreal". it's a rush, actually.

    By 10:30 pm, I felt we were the throng of teen's, who lingered in central park, entertainment. The atmosphere was neat( kinda Vegas like), drinks great, service great, food...very average.

  14. Katie-

    There's contact information listed if you want to check it out. Here's another development updates link.

    Speaking about the 24-Hour Fitness, did you know that there's a YMCA right down the road on Woodlands Parkway? I think they call it the Branch Crossing YMCA. It has a mini-Splashtown-type area along with the lap pool and a rock-climbing wall indoors. It's right across the street from the new library.

    Yes Pine, I go there often.

  15. Katie I don't think TW has actual "gangs" just wanna-be thuggie teens.

    If you see a kid that has his pants hanging halfway down his arse and he has to reach down around his ankles to get his wallet out of his back pocket, and his baseball cap is kicked to the side, a 40" chain around his neck and he wears a bandaid on his cheek for no reason, it is a good possibility that he is a wanna-be thug. <_<

    TJ, I don't think TW "has" gangs either. But I wouldn't be surprised if gangs didn't joy ride around and spray. They've kinda been known to do that. ;)

  16. As an administrator of the website mentioned by katiedidit I feel I needed to present our website to all of you as what it really is, not what katiedidit decided we are. She/he logged on to our site, which is open to anyone, and introduced herself by denigrating everything about TW. For whatever reason she thought we were all as unhappy here as she is. What we are is a group who finds that while we don't fit the stereotype of a TW resident, we do have things in common with others here. This website is our way of connecting with one another.

    As you can see by her info under her avatar on your own board, katiedidit is unhappy that she left her life in Tanglewood to slum it up here in TW with the rest of us. The tone of all of her posts was that we are a bunch of unwashed heathens who don't know anything because we don't all live in $500k custom homes. She came across as crass and snobbish. Most of us on this website aren't particularly interested in the net worth of our online friends. It is about character or the lack of it that is our main concern. Perhaps some of our posters do have a chip on their shoulder about those with wealth. But it isn't right for her to bad mouth a great group of people based off of very limited experience with us. We, for the most part, our good-hearted folks. We do get into heated arguments and we do disagree. We aren't afraid of disagreement - some relish it more than others.

    If anyone is truly interested in seeing what WUG is all about, check out our thread about BJW2 and how a group of us tried to keep her from being wrongly evicted, filed court documents on her behalf, cooked for her, and then helped her move. That is what we are, not a bunch of jerks.

    Wug, I actually never gave the full name of your site or the link. And I yeah, after reading a number of posts at your site, which did apply aformementioned topics, I replied. I joined before reading any posts and most of my responses were due the the ridiculousness of the opinions of the few. I should have never responded to any of it. Granted most of your site is friendly and friends talking, but I was shocked to find that attitude and the headers of many posts. Your right, I should have never mention that you site exists. But in turn why are you bringing problems with a poster from your board to this board?

  17. Katie-

    How you heard any mention of gang activity in the Woodlands area? The reason I bring this up is because there is now graffiti on the Gosling Road Bridge for the first time since it was built, and usually when a gang starts to mark its' territory, graffiti will begin to appear. I wonder if this possibility of gang-related activity has been considered by the Fire Marshal in The Woodlands as a cause for the many fires.

    Pin, I haven't hear of gang activity, but I wouldn't doubt it. Tanglewood got sprayed about 5 years ago by a Mexican gang, but nothing came of it. But I have heard of massive hatred towards the priviledged up here. Heck, some of the parents have a website called The Underground and talk about their hatred of the wealthy up here, and claim the entire class can't raise their kids. Who is to say that attitude hasn't rubbed off on bored teens.

  18. I'm sure Bruce Tough was frustrated when he made the broad sweep of a comment about "undersupervised, overprivileged students" being responsible for this rash of fires in the Woodlands, but this many fires sounds more like a serial arsonist in the area, not bored rich schoolkids. I hope they catch whoever is responsible soon, because the Woodlands is just one big tinder box of fuel right now.

    I was just reading this article and got really mad today reading this.

    I'm really offended by this quote, considering most of the car vandalism and house fires have occurred in the wealthier neighborhoods. Mr. Tough should be ashamed.

    ''I attribute this to under supervised, over privileged students whose parents are not doing their job," Tough said. "Someone in this neighborhood is doing this."

    There is TREMENDOUS hatred towards the wealthier families here and I would venture to guess that wealthier kids would not torch their own neighborhoods. If you want to make a statement about parenting up here it should be broad. Regardless of income level, its the parents of these individuals not teaching respect for other people's things no matter how nice or how average. And who knows, it could be "parents/adults" doing this.

  19. Ok this thread has really gone off topic.

    In the neighborhood I used to live in the Galleria area, the girls didn't dress in :unsure: the hiphuggers and too small T's with the lipgloss and high heels. I think its more of a suburban thing. My husband and I agree that if my son brings a girl dressed like that into our house she will either have to put on and X-large T over herself or go home and get dressed. I know this will MORTIFY the boys, but that's what makes a good parents.

    As to Market Street: I hate the loitering but its a heck of a LOT BETTER than the Fire Bombs they are throwing at houses now. And setting the Country club and parks on fire.

  20. Dec. 27, 2005, 4:27PM

    Town Center looks to bring more art to The Woodlands

    New committee begins a study on various options


    Chronicle Correspondent

    The Town Center Improvement District is looking into its next big project: a cultural arts offering in the downtown area of The Woodlands.

    The TCID board is forming a committee to study options that may be feasible for The Woodlands. Among the potentials that will be examined are a children's zoo, a permanent ice rink, a natural science museum or an indoor performing arts center.


    The ice rink will be the NEW place for teens to loiter, like the old roller rinks.

  21. Hi Daisy & Welcome to the forum!

    You might try this:


    mouse over the word Departments

    click on Transportation

    click on Regional Transportation Plan

    this pulls up the RTP viewer

    type in Street Name

    Under Project Type All

    Great site! I find it hard to believe that they aren't going to widen 2978 next the the Walmart for several years. Its going to be a nightmare keeping it a two lane country road.

  22. this is how I see it.......you run to Alaska....the same problems you leave will find you...but lets be real now....how many places are teenage friendly these days? Astroworld is gone so now, those folks who dropped their kids off everyday, what will they do?

    Well, I don't think I'd ever drop my kids off at an open air street to linger, that has been having crime in the parking garage, and leave them til late evening. But everyone is different. The mall during the day is a completely different story.

    I'd just rather them come hang in the gameroom or out by the pool.

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