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Posts posted by KatieDidIt

  1. I have heard a rumor going around that now they are going to build a Super Target across from the New Walmart on FM 2978. Has anyone heard of this or has knowledge of it? I would have been fine with only a Super Target, but doing a Walmart and a Target this close to our house has us very concerned. If its true, I truly think we will sell. I am very sad about what has happened to what we thought the Woodlands would be.

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  2. The whole campus is like that. I remember the first time we had assembly in that auditorium. Somewhat awe inspiring. The Juniors had to sit in the balcony. The seniors, of course, got to sit in the lower level. Seeing some of the older HISD schools reminds me of those days. I'm proud to see HISD renovating a lot of them. They are classics.

    Ok Red, now it all makes since. I grew up in Chapel Hill and Burlington and YEAH, I could have gone without AC there too! Texas on the otherhand....no. I always laugh when I go back in the summers and my NC relatives are complaining how they are gonna pass out in 93 degrees.

  3. My 82 year old dad and 79 year old mom lost power for two days. When I insisted on bringing them a genset and an air conditioner, my mom told me not to waste my money or my gas, that they toughed it out during Alicia for two weeks, so they could handle this.

    Somehow, I think if my 80 year old parents can handle two days, kids ought to be able to handle a couple of hours. Maybe it's just me.

    Red. Our parents and grandparents went to schools that were constructed with high ceilings, WINDOWS and fans. I mean seriously.............

    These kids have NO WINDOWS, 8 foot celings and no fans. AND THE WATER WASN"T WORKING. There is a huge difference. Sure, if they were in a 1950-60's schools, it wouldn't be a big deal. In a brand new SEALED school it is a health hazard. My son was cover from head to toe in sweat when he got in the car and snatched the water bottle out of my hand. He stood in front of the freezer for 5 minutes when we got home.

    Pineda, It would help if Entergy had built some substations rather than just stringing miles and miles of more wire.


    I was at the Y today off Ashlane, near the new CWM Library.

    Their building was very cool inside. People kept going up to the reception desk and asking why the Y had power but none of their homes did. The Y personnel told them that their building is powered by Centerpoint, not Entergy. Interesting, huh? A lot of people were just hanging out in the cool lobby area to get some respite from their homes. None of the shopping centers around Indian Springs had power either. I feel sorry for the people from Entergy, this is their second big power outage disaster in the Montgomery County (and several surrounding counties) in less than a year. Really inspires confidence in their abilities...

    Pin, our sources say this will bankrupt Entergy. THANK GOD. Centerpoint will most likely purchase the lines and build some substations. The Y thing is interesting. 2978 is Centerpoint. I will call my friend again. I wanna get hooked up too!

  4. Indian Springs is still without power...

    GGGGr. Just had one back here in Sterling Ridge. 4 hours. I JUST bought groceries and now they are spoiled. NOt to mention the chicken I was cooking when the power went out. We went up to Market Street and all the resturants were closed. Its going to kill them finacially.

    Our friend is the Public Relations head for Centerpoint. They are helping HICKPOWER Entergy as best they can. Centerpoint isn't rolling power.

    The kids had NO AIR CONDITIONING and limited water in school today (Deretchin Elem.). We of course didn't know til we picked them up. Its 102 outside and they kept school on? What's WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE??? If there is No AC tomorrow, we aren't doing school. CISD had their message machine on of course, the school lines on constant busy. They don't wanna talk. :angry:

    I think the FOR SALE sign goes up tomorrow.

  5. No, I am a man...and I can prove it. Wanna see? :)


    Well, all the stores in the Woodlands area are out of water today <_< . Glad I got mine yesterday and made reservations at the Resort just in case the power goes down. According to my neighbors, now all the hotels are booked

  6. I bought a whole bunch of supplies today. I know areas of the Woodlands flooded during Allison, I have not clue what will happen in our area though.

    But considering that a lightening bolt took out 8 counties earlier this summer, who knows what this thing will do............ :unsure:

  7. thanks for the bio, katydidit.  i understand you better now.  i too, at times, wish for restaurants without tons of families or a quiet hole in the wall where i can visit with a friend or read a book.  none of that out here.  i plan to check out the new wine bar "cru" at market street.  i'm hoping for a more adult environment there.  :)

    bach, The one is Dallas is pretty good. I have heard the one in Chicago isn't. Haven't heard about the others. Hopefully this one will be good for you.

  8. It's on the news right now. I'll post a link if they put it on their website.

    Excerpt From Newscast:


    A girl who works in a "luxury" store in the Galleria admits that she let a man with a Red Cross debit card purchase a $250.00 bracelet.

    Red Cross admits that there is a high amount of Red Cross issued debit card abuse, but they claim to be helpless over it.


    ..I have to say though, after watching the report, that the girl ought to be ashamed of herself for selling the bracelet - as much as the man who bought it.

    Geezz, maybe the man bought it for his wife/girlfriend/daughter or mom. When you loose EVERYTHING of value and importance, something like that means a lot. It will probably be something she charishes forever. What's wrong with having a little beauty and a little something in a time of ugliness?

    When you donate your money its gone. If you want to put stipulations on your contrubution you should give items, not cash. I gave three bags of new Nordstrom brand outfits in different sizes. With quality shoes and purses. Something a person could start a life with, get an office job with. Yeah, it was a little bit of luxury, but these people lost not only their basics, but things that made their lives liveable.

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