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Posts posted by KatieDidIt

  1. I've emailed The Woodlands' Development Co. and the president of the Grogan's Mill Village Association (my homeowner's assoc.).  I will email more contacts after I get home this evening.  Maybe someone can explain what this is intended to accomplish.

    I think I hear KatyDidIt groaning all the way from Sterling Ridge.  I do hope her water pressure issue is working out ;)

    Water smodder. Who needs a good shower anyway?

    As to the WOC or the WDC or the Mafia, what have ya..... Considering how they have been acting lately, there has GOT TO BE money in it for them. ;)

  2. i went by the new walmart site this weekend and found the 60 foot buffer intact along woodlands parkway and the 50 foot buffer along 2978.  i'm not sure where the "buffer" has been clear cut.  yes, they cleared the entire pad.....with the exception of the forested buffer.  :huh:

    Bach, Much of the "NATURAL FOREST" barrier is not at 60ft. Maybe 15-20ft at best.

    Men always see things begger than they really are. :P

  3. "There are also some major offerings planned for the future. The Woodlands Waterway Arts Council announced plans to bring an international juried art show to The Woodlands May 20-21, 2006. Set against the backdrop of the waterway, the show will feature 200 artists in every category of art, including paintings, sculpture, woodworking, crafts, furniture, graphic arts, metal and leather. It is being produced by the Art Colony, which is responsible for the Bayou City Arts Festival, ranked one of the top in the nation."

    Sure hope those artists know that there's no nekkidness allowed, or else that christian woman from Shenandoah will protest to commissioner's court.

  4. Charles Chips?  Back in the early 70's when I was a little girl a big brown delivery truck would stop at our house and deliver those big cans of Charles Chips.  We got the regular and BBQ flavors.  Man they were delicious!

    YUP! The Voss Randalls carried them in brown bags for a little while. Love those things.

  5. Galleria Barbie: This princess Barbie is only sold in Uptown Park. She

    comes with an assortment of Kate Spade handbags, a Lexus SUV, a

    longhaired foreign dog named Honey, and a cookie- cutter house.

    Available with or without tummy tuck and face lift. NOTE: Workaholic

    Ken sold only in conjunction with "augmented" version.

    Sugar Land Barbie: This modern-day homemaker Barbie is available

    with Ford Windstar minivan and matching velour gym outfit. She

    gets lost easily and has no full time occupation or secondary

    education. Traffic-jamming cell phone sold separately.

    Greenspoint Barbie: This recently paroled Barbie comes with a 9 mm

    handgun, a Chevy with dark tinted windows, and a meth lab kit.

    This model is only available after dark and can only be paid for

    in cash, preferably small, untraceable bills.

    The Woodlands Barbie: Better known as The Woodlands Bertha, comes in a

    200lb size, dressed in a Foley's velour leisure suit with a Coca-cola Big Gulp in

    hand. Also comes a standard issue, sports sticker covered mini-van and

    surgically attached cell phone. Commuter Fatigued, Transfer Daily Ken sold


    Friendswood Barbie: Short, highly tanned and ready to land a

    husband, we meant get an education. Comes with standard issue UT

    shorts with "U of T" printed largely on the butt. Also comes

    wearing latest "themed" sorority party T-shirt, hair in pony tail

    and a gaggle of similar looking friends, each carrying the latest

    in "knock off" Kate Spade bags. Honda Civic, undecided major and

    drunken backward hat Frat Ken sold separately.

    Dickinson/Texas City/Santa Fe Barbie: This pale model comes

    dressed in her own Wrangler jeans two sizes too small, a NASCAR

    shirt, and Tweety Bird tattoo on her shoulder. She has a six-pack

    of Coors Light and a Hank Williams, Jr., CD set. She can spit

    over 5 feet and kick mullet-haired Ken's butt when she is drunk.

    Purchase her pickup truck separately and get a Confederate flag

    bumper sticker absolutely free.

    Clear Lake Barbie: This collagen injected, rhino-plastic Barbie

    wears a leopard print spandex outfit and drinks cosmopolitans

    while entertaining friends on her boat. Percocet prescription


    Pasadena Barbie: This tobacco chewing, brassy-haired Barbie has a

    pair of her own high-heeled sandals with one broken heel from the

    time she chased Beer-Gut Ken out of Baytown Barbie's

    (discontinued) house. Her ensemble includes low-rise acid-washed

    jeans, fake fingernails, and a see-through halter-top. Also

    available with a mobile home.

    West University Barbie: This doll is made of actual tofu. She has

    long straight faded blue hair, archless feet, hairy armpits, no

    makeup, and Birkenstocks with white socks. She prefers that you

    call her "Willow." She does not want or need a Ken doll, but if

    you purchase two West U Barbies, and the optional Subaru wagon,

    you get a rainbow flag sticker for free.

    Sharpstown Barbie: This Barbie now comes with a stroller and

    infant doll. Optional accessories include a GED and bus pass.

    Gangsta Ken and his '79 Caddy were available, but are now very

    difficult to find since the addition of the infant.

    Harrisburg/Navigation Barbie: This Spanish-speaking-only Barbie

    comes with a 1984 Toyota with expired temporary plates and three

    baby Skippers in the back seat, but no car seats. The optional Ken

    doll comes with a cowboy hat, shovel and work gloves. Ken comes

    with his own 1979 Ford pickup with a Telemundo bumper sticker,

    tinted windows, and Our Lady of Guadalupe rear window stickers.

    Truck is painted primer gray, but wheels and rims are not

    available. Comes with cement blocks. Green cards are not

    available for Navigation Barbie or Ken.

    Montrose Barbie/Ken: This versatile doll can be easily converted

    from Barbie to Ken by simply adding or subtracting the

    multiple "snap-on" parts.

  6. If we didnt invade Iraq, Suddam Hussain would of still been the trash talking, paranoid president he was. In other words he was NO threat before the war, he had NO ties with terrorist and only had conventional weapons(you been watching too much FOX news). ...The Lady is on public property not camped out on his ranch

    .....The war was an ill conceived plan. May I point out. The Lack of body armor, armored vehicles, equipment, and training.  Not to mention that he greatly underestimated the amount of troops and time needed to win this war. ALL these things were all brought up to him by his top generals. GEN Shinzinski(miss-spelled)  he went ahead and retired in part becuase Bush wouldn't listen to him.

    .......This war has NOW created a haven for terrorism. They sneak through the border set up camps and blow up people, if not they are going back to their country and spreading what they learned. The IRAQIS are NOT the ones that are blowing things up FOREIGN extremist are

    .....We have messed up the country we should fix it

    WIth this final concept I think both sides should agree on. Pulling out of Iraq, after promising its more peaceful citizens a better way of life and stirring up the area, would be an IMMORAL thing to do. We have to stay the course now.

  7. Originally Market Street had been trying to woo NitNoi Thai into going in there, but I guess that it didn't work out. Any one know anything about the new Woodlands Crossing Shopping Center across the street? Tenants?

    I think Market Street is turing into one big Chaingrala. This place is in DESPERATE need of a nice Italian Bistro-individually owned and family friendly. Like a Palazzos or a Collinas. But I guess the rent and taxes impossed by WDC are outrageous.

    Also, we tried to get delivery of SOMETHING, ANYTHING the other night other than pizza. <crickets chirpinging>

    My hope is that with the 2978 opening something original will open.....other than the Woodlands Original Walmart...... Rancheros is there and its the best Mexican up here.

  8. Ever since I heard that The Woodlands was getting another Wal-Mart I expected clear cutting and overall ugliness. The Wal-Mart in College Park has got to be the worst mistake The Woodlands has ever made. NO trees, NO maintaince. I especially enjoy the poeple setting up tents and selling dogs in the parking lot..NOT! Very un-Woodlandslike. Atleast that one is not near residential ares though, like the new one. What do we need another Wal-Mart for? I would have been much happier with a Super Target instead. It's been my experience that they atleast bother to maintain their locations. Nicer store and products too.

    Super Target would have been a better choice

    We got the sneaking feeling that the Walmart Co. swallowed the expense of popping Woodlands Prkwy through. Its interesting how its a Prkway then down to one land then a Prkwy again right where the Walmart will be. They also stripped the median in the Walmart area. <_<

  9. On the other hand, I have been stuck in situations when driving on a freeway with which I am not very familiar.  There can be times of day when the traffic for a given exit may start accumulating well before one would think to "get over" just by following the signs. The everyday travelers know what to do depending on the time of day, but it can leave the naive driver in a bit of a jam trying to get in the right place at the right time.

    While we're on pet peeves, here is another:

    Those signal lights where there is one dedicated left turn lane - and then a second lane where you may turn left or go straight - BUT - there is a dedicated signal light for turning left.

    It is easy to get caught in that second lane to turn left with a red light - while others behind you are presuming to go straight and they have a green light.

    (This is hard to explain so hope you are following me.)

    When I am aware of these, I try to avoid that second turn lane, but at times I find myself in that turn lane with a red light just praying I do not get plowed into!

    One more...

    After living several years in Atascocita, I got to where I despised the continuous left turn lane on a heavily developed thoroughfare with a high speed limit.  (FM 1960 in this case.)

    When there are a large number of businesses on both sides, this could be a "life flashing before your eyes experience" to go from traveling 50-60 in the main lane and then rapdily decelerating into the continuous left turn lane, while praying that your neighbor coming at you is not wanting to do the same.

    These are CRAZY!

    After driving on 1960, to get on US 59 felt like an oasis of meditation.

    End of rant (for now!).

    Its ok, people in the Woodlands have absolutely NO IDEA what to do at a 4-way stop. Its crazy.

  10. I like the fact that the HOV lanes are separated from the regular traffic by a barrier. In other states (New Jersey's I-78 comes to mind) where the HOV lane is just part of the rest of the freeway it doesn't work for two reasons.

    1: Many people are scared to drive 60 in the left lane when the other lanes are stopped.

    2: Selfish people will continually dart in and out of the HOV lane, using it as a passing lane when traffic is slow.

    I really enjoy Atlanta's HOV lanes and the ability to get off where ever needed. Granted it is a little scary to travel along at 45+ next stopped traffic. There is alway a risk that some joker is going to pull out in front of you.

    Also the fact of trucks having to stay in the right two lanes takes a lot of the fear out of highway driving. The I-45/Big Rig situation is out of control.

  11. while the travel to an airport, getting through security, boarding, flight, disembarking and travel from the airport can take 3 hours or more.

    I think anything with the term "High Speed" or "Bullet" in its name will require the same security checks now. ;)

    Even with gas prices going the way they are, I just don't think anyone would pay the ticket price for a train to sprawled out Dallas. You still need a car or a cab when you get there.

  12. It's not like he's doing anything important with his time. He's spent fourty percent of his presidency on vacation. There's certainly time there to meet with the 1800 families who've lost loved ones.

    Everyone seems to forget an important fact here. When someone signs up to go into the military, they sign up for the possiblity of being killed. I don't think Kennedy and LBJ went around and consoled every Viet Nam vet's family...what there were 60,000 dead????

    That being said, what happened to real wars? Ones with big bangs that resolved everything? Korea, Viet Nam and now the Middle East are failures because we are not using the power we have. Winning a war without civilian causalities is a pretty idea, but unrealistic.

  13. Actually, having an ENTIRE family in the oil and natural gas business, the price run ups have nothing to do with supply or big oil greed, but due to the speculation of INVESTORS and WALL STREET selling short.  My family thinks its nuts, irritating and makes no sense on a daily basis. There is plenty of supply. Heating oil supplies for the NE were reached months ago.

    All those people who ran the tech stocks in 99, are after this market now. Give it time, it will bust too.

    So in theory, your anger needs to be at the day trader, not at oil and gas people.

    But also in turn, due to enviromental restrictions, the days of 1.50 gas is gone.

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