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Everything posted by Ethanra

  1. Todays rally makes me sick to my stomach. I wish people could start using facts to form a logical opinion. Today I heard one person against rail because it would lower his property value, and then 10 minutes later another person stating he is against rail because the rail would raise property value to high, so that mom and pop stores could not afford the taxes. Someone else stated that the Main Street line serves just a few people a day, mostly bums trying to escape the elements. I ride the line daily a see tens of thousands of other people on it. Theis perople are students, doctors and every one between. Seriously what could I do to make sure the ground breaking is in '08. This will determines our cities fate for decades........
  2. The show was going to be "Houston", but the Cowboys were winning their super bowl rings, and became "America's Team". The people in charge then changed the show title to "Dallas" thinking it would be more popular then "Houston".
  3. When it comes to education rates, I think you need to include the whole metro area. Also wouldn't cities with a high immigration rate, like Houston or L.A. have a lower number of educated people. The cities with a higher college edu. number do not have almost half their population as first or second generation mexican. Their sure has been a lot of crying on here later. Some of you are trying to compare Dallas's best freeway stretch to the south loop or another cities project that is 10 years old to a Houston project that has been on the board for a year. Houston has many great things going on, I can think of over 12 cranes that are up right now, with many more to rise over the next 6 months. To many of your peepee's hurt. Lets try to focus on the many great things from the 88,000 new jobs we have to the great new parks etc...
  4. Across from the black Federal building on the south side of DT next to I45 their was a surface lot with a passport picture place in the corner. I drove by to today and the whole lot is torn up and dug, maybe 4 or 5' deep. Does any one know what is going?
  5. Forgive me, where do you park or how can you get to the park?
  6. I drove by the site today and looks like they were preparing to put up the crane. I wonder if this was the official groung breaking?
  7. We were on the island last weekend. Their were four cranes, two for a high rise condo, one behind the new chilies, and one in the galveston medical center. It is very good times on the insland. Galveston is becoming our areas playground. Houston doesn't need tourist trap attractions (family attractions), were built on buisness. Galveston has all the family attractions our metro area needs. The new water park was great... We are very lucky to have such a great city in our metro..... Two Thumbs up for Galveston.... Todays Galveston and her history is very under appreciated by to many people....
  8. I think the park is great. It's very exciting times for the city right now and should continue over the next decade. A couple surface lots are being filled in with smaller projects already. Does the new park cover any surface lots?
  9. True, Houston benefits. From egineers to scientist to the blue collar guys, they all get paid more and new people are hired. Their wifes buy new cars and shop more, a trickle down effect is caused, everyone benefits. If I understand right, oil companies matain a 7% profit margin, The gov't taxes per gallon is more then what the oil companies make. The oil companies are not the bad guys, they add to the economy a lot more then take away. Companies like Walmart have a 12% profit margin, hire illegals, get 90% of the goods from other countries who have child laborers. Oil companies donate to charities more then any other type of company. Next time your buying that $5 coffee or $2 bottle of water think about that $3 gallon of gas. Oil companies are the back bone of this country, with out them we would be a third world country.
  10. I do know there are stuck up people in every part of the city but majority of the people that live in the suburbs are the way I describe. The areas you listed above are close to the city core though, they don't have to drive wasted miles every day to get to where they need to be. If people want the quiet, nice family setting they have plenty of choices closer to town. I don't have a problem with SUV's and soccer moms, my wife is one and my mom was one. They are important for a succesful family. I guess I went on a pointless rant, I just paid my taxes..... Just because I chose to work hard in life and earn a good living I have to pay for everyone else. I sent my e-mails, hopefully in 2011 I'll be taking the light rail down Richmond to town instead of driving.
  11. Wow, fit 30,000 more cars a day for 2.8 billion dollars, plus the effects on the enviroment. Light rail on main street, 35,000 paying riders a day for 300+Million. Sounds to me if light rail is done correctly it benefits the whole community in so many different ways. I'm glad I bust my ass at work every day so I can help pay for a 3 Billion dollar freeway exspansion so the fat stuck up gossiping parents can have there "perfect little world" out in Katy and take only a hour to drive to the crime ridden horrible city instead of 2 hours.
  12. I know you will always add reality and facts to a post. Thanks Red.... To many other people try to use opinions as facts...............
  13. Editor, you hit it right on..... Very impressive post............
  14. So a city is completely judged on having rail lines? You mean you want to throw rail up any where without research and tests so it can take a 10million dollar a month loss and have pathetic ridrership numbers like our friends in Dallas? What about Atlanta, there own citizens don't understand why they built rail? Give me a break, pal, you have no sense of reality. You just got put on the same list with citykid and plastic.
  15. Between you and plastic, it is unreal. I try to ignore most of your post, ignorance just pours out of your mouth constanly. I tell you what, I'll pay for a one way first class ticket, so you can move to Atlanta.
  16. Iis 2727 just North of the new bank? I drove down Kirby today and their were several bull dozers working on several deep holes on the property.
  17. Any updates on this project? I never feel safe with any project untill I see a crane... Is Junipers' last statement legit?
  18. Angelica Movie Theatre, Someone said they only play Indie films....
  19. The River Walk is scenic, outside of that its exspensive bad food, gift shops selling crap, the shopping is similar to any other mall. The Alamo has alot of history (I love this place, I have very close personal history to it, I will tell the story if anyone wants to know) has to many ties with all the cheesy shops. S.A. gets tourist here with great tourism marketting but it is a trap to buy over price food and crap on a walkable creek.
  20. "indie films" My wife and I go their, most recently we saw "Pride and Prejudice" their
  21. Chicago - Annoying Cubs fans, always chasing NY, Capone Atlanta - Huge airport, Ghetto Dallas - Great city at marketting herself, The biggest little town in the country, Money, Always hosting an event somewhere in the metroplex New York - Capital of the world, Exciting, Words can't even justify the feel of the best city in the world Miami - Beautiful people and beach front area, Huge gap between the few rich and many poor N.O. - Poor, people who don't work, welfare, French Quarters, bull dozer Seattle - Natural Beauty, high unemployment rate, suicide, starbucks, hippies San Francisco - The most beautiful city in the country, gay, hippies, homeless Houston - Anyone can make money, Big and ugly freeway system, unique and cozy neighborhoods, Always something to do, Great art and music scene, Inside loop - real city, outside loop - sprawl and ugly Austin - fake, trying to hard to be cool, thinks she is S.F., over rated by to many know-it-all college kids, beautiful lake, great queso S.A. - Tourist trap, Brags about any development, clean D.T. San Diego - Beautiful weather, nice D.T. but reminds me of the fake D.T. like in the Woodlands or Sugarland Vegas - Adult Disney World, very exspensive play ground, fun fun fun These are the cities I've visted for fun or family, and are truly what I thought of first when the city is mentioned.
  22. I've been to Atlanta several times and your review was close but not right on. Comparing Buckhead to uptown is true and its wonderful Atlanta has the train from the airport. I would never want Houston to be like Atlanta though. You tend to forget about the Village or Montrose here. Thats just two of our areas that are unique and have street side shopping and eating. Does Atlanta have anything similar? To answer my own question, no? To be very honest, Atlanta outside of a couple areas is a dump. Some of you wish Houston could be like Atlanta or Dallas. Why? Houston is Houston... Just look at the photo threads at SSP. Dallas and Atlanta threads are DT and the Uptown area only. Houston photo threads consist of DT, Uptown, and many other great communities, from montrose to rice to upper kirby etc..... Their are so many more things to do here (live music, art scene, etc....) then Atlanta. That new movie, "ATL" sums up Atlanta perfect. Western Gulf, Houston does have it head screwed on straight. You always provide us with great pictures, and news updates (thankyou). How does Houston not have their head screwed on straight compared to the cities you have listed outside of mass transportaion lagging along?
  23. Park 10 - 4 to 5 story structure West 8 - 4 to 5 story structure galleria area - two 4 -6 story structures to be condos 10 + story structure around woodway energy corridor - 2 cranes at eldridge and I-10 6 + story hotel on eldridge and enclave 10+ story on enclave (beleive sysco HQ) DT - 2 cranes for new addition at UHD Crane at the new church Medical Center - At least four cranes at seperate locations. Greenway Plaza (off of Richmond) - The beggining of new condos. Also seems like hundreds of townhomes from midtown to off of Washington to east of DT. I wish their was some sort of stock to buy in Houston consruction...... I've noticed these new projects in the construction phase, during the last two weeks. How do you find out what is going on or what other projects that are in the city right now ? What ever happen to the Camden project off the rail line around midtown. I see the bllboard at the site still up.
  24. Your exactly right.... In my research paper, Houston had a an enormous number of people worth 1 to 10 million.... This is where they made their money ( high ranking doctors, old oil money, plenty of small buisness persons). Also many athletes who are retired live here because they want there money to last longer but still have very good quality of life (great food, golf, etc....). 1 to 10 million here can go a lot farther here then in NYC or Southern California.
  25. I did an economic report back in 2000, and come to find out........... Houston has the most millionaires per capital in the U.S. Houston is only behind NY in total number of millionaires. It is not even in the top ten when it comes to billionaires though...... I wish I still had the paper to show the source, it was real interesting.
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