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Blue Dogs

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Everything posted by Blue Dogs

  1. Sifuwong, will Corona anchor at a different news station in Houston anytime soon like KHOU or KRIV ? I feel that KPRC has gone downhill since the late Ron Stone retired in 1992.
  2. Ricco67, what Ch.13 needs to do is bring back the Million Dollar Movie and the late night movie on the weekends.
  3. You guys forgot to add Shara Fryer at KTRK back when she was getting started in the mid 80s: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOD892Hqj7Y I believed Shara Fryer didn't become a 10pm co-anchor with Dave Ward until 1993. Sonia Azad of Ch. 13 is very hot and I think she's Middle Eastern.
  4. What's up Porchman ?

  5. For anyone who likes Ch. 13, here is an old-time news update with Dave Ward back on April 25, 1989: This KTRK news update video with the enlarged Texas flag behind the Circle 13 logo debuted in 1986 (either in the spring or summer of that year I'm not sure).
  6. 24 Zulu, so Jim McConn was Houston's last Republican mayor right ? Wasn't Louie Welch a Democrat because the last few mayors are Dems (Whitmire, Lanier, Brown, White, Parker).
  7. I heard that some Houston city term limits commission is proposing extending the current terms of the mayor, controller, and 14-member city council from 6 years to 8 years (including those who were elected in 2009 to serve a total of 10 years by winning re-election in 2011 and 2015). Which means Houston Mayor Annise Parker could serve up to 10 years (like Kathy Whitmire did from '82 to '92 for 5 2-year terms).
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