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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. FWIW, I was told by a Lululemon employee that they still plan to complete the "experiential Lululemon at Highland Village, but he didn't know a timeline.
  2. You are a little late to the party. I already noted that the UKMD extends to the north right-of-way line of Westheimer, which would include the street sign. At this location, the property itself (everything north of the Westheimer right-of-way) is not in the district.
  3. Agreed, a door on the Westheimer side would have been good. But they may not have followed the UKMD sidewalk design for Westheimer because it sucks. A 5-foot-wide sidewalk (and I presume 2222 Westheimer's are 6-feet wide) with pedestrian buffer is better urban/pedestrian design than a 5- or 6-foot wide sidewalk with trees and light poles plopped in the middle of it. I've never understood why they did Westheimer sidewalks the way they did.
  4. Lee should check his legal documents. ;-) 2222 Westheimer is not in the district. Technically, I think we may both be right. The district ends at the northern right-of-way line of Westheimer Road, but the property itself is not in the district. I showed you a map from 2015 because, per the city, that is it the last time the district's boundaries were expanded. Here's the City's map of the district from 2022. https://www.houstontx.gov/ecodev/tirzmaps/maps/tirz_19.pdf
  5. The legal description from the formation of the district, and the official maps in the various amendments and legal documents show that the subject property (2222 Westheimer) is not part of the UKMD. That's probably why UKMD didn't do to these sidewalks what they did to the other sidewalks when this section of Westheimer was rebuilt. https://www.houstontx.gov/ecodev/tirzdocs/19/boundary2015.pdf https://www.houstontx.gov/ecodev/tirzdocs/19/boundary2015.pdf https://www.houstontx.gov/ecodev/tirzdocs/19/boundary2015.pdf https://www.houstontx.gov/ecodev/tirzdocs/19/creation.pdf
  6. Per the map on their website, the UKMD only includes the south side of Westheimer, but they do seem to have followed the UK design as they re-did Westheimer (and have the UK street signs) on the north side. FWIW, I like this better than the sidewalks half-blocked by trees. Love street trees and love sidewalks, but if they're going to plant trees and place light poles in the sidewalks, they need to make the sidewalks that much wider. On the Kirby part of Upper Kirby, they have pedestrian buffers, more like 2222 Westheimer.
  7. Hmmm... so, what is it that you are going to report to Public Works? FWIW. I don't think this property is in the UKMD.
  8. vs. a 1-minute walk to both light rail and transit center from the new location.
  9. The new station is at an intermodal location. I cannot imagine there is much utility to having an intercity bus station adjacent to an Amtrak station, especially Houston's Amtrak station, with its barely-existing service.
  10. From the CNN article: ". . . Greyhound last month closed its centrally-located terminal and moved to a smaller stop with less access to public transit." Their new station is a good deal closer to a light rail station and a transit center than the old Midtown station.
  11. Not significantly. This count comports with my casual observations in the past. Polk just does not carry much traffic, especially eastbound. And to the extent the holidays might have impacted my traffic count, I cannot imagine any reason Polk would be more impacted by the holidays than any of the other streets leading east out of downtown.
  12. The fact is, Polk Street carries very little traffic outbound from downtown. I am in that area somewhat frequently and I happened by it yesterday evening on my walk. I stopped at Polk at the southeast corner of the GRB, and stood there counting outbound vehicles for 15 minutes, from 5:20 pm to 5:35 pm, surely one of the busier times of the day for outbound traffic. Results: In 15 minutes, again, pretty close to the peak of rush hour, 11 cars took Polk Street outbound under the freeway. And 6 of them turned left on the frontage road, so were not proceeding on Polk to the East End railroad crossing. It seems reasonable to presume that some of the remaining 5 cars also took other turns or stopped somewhere in the 1.2 miles before getting to the railroad tracks. Meanwhile, Leeland, Jefferson and Pierce were all MUCH busier with outbound traffic. Really no comparison to Polk; Many multiples of the number of cars. With outbound traffic already heavily concentrated on Leeland, Jefferson and Pierce, the addition of the few vehicles currently taking Polk will be inconsequential The railroad crossing situation is much better addressed at the railroad crossings
  13. Yes, the Polk Street crossing is going away. Time to let it go. OR, as Samagon put it (before his most recent 3 posts on the topic), no need to get in and rehash all of that now. Any additional amelioration of the impacts of the Polk closure, whether they be real or imagined, will have to be addressed at the railroad crossings (where the actual issue seems to be). Mods, please move the railroad posts to the appropriate thread. https://www.houstonarchitecture.com/haif/topic/50164-west-belt-project-underpasses-in-district-h-i-railroads/page/2/
  14. Mods, can we (again) move the discussion about East End railroad crossings to the appropriate thread?
  15. Bikers will probably end up better off. While you won't be able to go straight across at Polk, there will likely be better bikepaths over the cap, just to the north, and will definitely be better crossing paths on the bridges across the freeway to the south. The new bridges in the area to the south of Polk are all going to have very nice wide bike/pedestrian spaces on them.
  16. Not hindesky's fault; he accurately quoted Community Impact. This is another example of why one should never trust a journalist to do math, or for that matter, to write an intelligible article. They start by telling us it is a "60,000 square foot memorial plaza" by which they apparently meant "parking lot". Then later they tell us that the "plaza" [parking lot] includes 6,000 square feet of "public gathering and tribute space" (i.e., the memorial plaza).
  17. International Traffic Report: OCTOBER 2023: Houston: Bush Intercontinental: 920,833 (up 18.3% from 2022) Hobby International: 61,440 (down 2.2% from 2022) Houston Total: 982,273 DFW: 921,351 (up 8.3% from 2022) San Antonio: 53,159 (up 32.3% from 2022) 2023 YTD through October: Bush Intercontinental: 9,627,297 (up 23.3% from 2022) Hobby International: 826,186 (up 8.0% from 2022) Houston Total: 10,453,483 DFW: 9,245,649 (up 14.9% from 2022) San Antonio: 497,430 (up 8.7% from 2022)
  18. 🤣 Actually, I think it's one of the electric air taxis. Other renderings show landing spots for at least 4 on the roof of the addition to the Terminal B Central Processor
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