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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Thanks for the report. When it was first announced, it was reported they had a ground lease with option(s) to renew. Do you know if the 30 years is just the initial term?
  2. Yeah. That seems very unlikely. So unlikely that it sounds more like something would read on The Onion. ;-)
  3. They have plans for a parking garage, just as they have plans for the whole development. There is nothing in that story to suggest they are going to build one without the other. (In fact, they likely would not be able to get a COO without the parking facility.)
  4. When you say "removed", do you mean they cut it down, or did they move it?
  5. Interesting. But Hines' 61-story Salesforce Tower claims "direct express elevator service to all floors".
  6. The NCAA Final Four is coming back to Houston in 2023. (Phoenix, San Antonio and Indianapolis were also selected for succeeding Final Fours (2024-2026). Competing cities that were not selected: LA, Detroit and DFW (apparently now going by the pseudonym "North Texas"). https://www.bizjournals.com/houston/news/2018/07/16/houston-to-host-the-final-four-again.html?ana=e_hstn_bn_breakingnews&u=uBqE1YCQOITc04lRpC0%2FyvVIkzz&t=1531841407&j=82743071
  7. In the linked case, the landowner won and the easement reverted to the landowner.
  8. Yes, in Houston HEB has developed a lot of "HEB Market" stores, which are a cross between a regular HEB and Central Market.
  9. Houston has at least 40 buildings at that height and above. As with many of these rankings, it depends on what you measure. Why 490 feet (150 Meters)? Why not 200 meters (656 feet)? If we use that as the cutoff, Miami has 4 buildings and Houston has 15.
  10. Earlier in this thread there was some discussion of the two buildings along the bayou, 1201 Commerce Street and 49 San Jacinto. A newsletter just received from the BBP reveals that they plan to extend the bayou trails through the two buildings. Very interesting solution!
  11. In reality, what TCR is acquiring now is not easements, but options to purchase the right of way property. Those options have expiration dates. If they are not exercised, it is indeed status quo ante (except the property owner has some additional money in his/her pocket). We can be sure the options will not be exercised if the project is not going forward.
  12. Of course the land owner would have been compensated for that discounted value (and probably would still be farming/ranching the land. So, where's the harm?
  13. ^^ 7-story "office tower" LOL Steve Brown is hilarious
  14. You have apparently been living in Illinois too long. ;-) The idea of the State of Texas bailing this out doesn't even pass the giggle test. What are the pitfalls to Texas citizens? Worst case scenario, the project fails and we get infrastructure paid for by unfortunate bondholders.
  15. Do you have evidence that eminent domain has been used? I don't think they have gotten to that point and they have expressed any number of times that they intend/hope to acquire all of the right-of-way without resorting to eminent domain.
  16. They would still only take an easement for railroad purposes. If the railroad is not built, it's status quo ante.
  17. Edit function does not work.
  18. Pretty sure they are renovating. https://www.bizjournals.com/houston/news/2017/08/11/more-details-revealed-about-midtown-building.html
  19. McDermott Bridge May Have to Be Demolished Like Fake Kayak Rapids http://www.dallasobserver.com/news/some-think-mcdermott-suspension-bridge-might-need-to-be-demolished-10880572
  20. Dallas will spend $2 million to remove $4 million whitewater feature from Trinity River https://www.dallasnews.com/news/dallas-city-hall/2017/06/14/dallas-will-spend-2-million-remove-4-million-whitewater-feature-trinity-river
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