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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Or it might be the recent Plan Downtown. Handel Architects does not appear to be mentioned as contributing to either the Plan Downtown or the Theater District Master Plan, so it might be something else.
  2. There's obviously some qualifier missing from that statement. I guarantee there are more than two cities in the United States without a botanic garden.
  3. As I said earlier, read more. Type less. Naviguessor did not say two were being built.
  4. Read more. Type less. Hanover is currently building their second tower, as Naviguesor said. The first one is right next door. Are you in Chicago by any chance?
  5. This project is another step in support of the long term vision of creating a dense pedestrian-friendly environment. Contrary to the dishonest suggestion above, no one has said it will cause imminent (within 2-3 years) redevelopment all along the boulevard. Again, it's part of a vision for the long term. Contrary to the repeated dishonest attempts to diminish the project by referring to it as "buses and trees", the project consists of more than that: wider sidewalks, more shade, better lighting, better landscaping and art. And as everyone here surely knows, the buses are not just standard buses.
  6. Not sure that anyone suggested a wholesale redevelopment is imminent (within the next couple of years). This is about the long term
  7. AND Vy ignores the extent to which the market has already moved... BLVD Place for example. Also, The shopping center across POB from BLVD Place seriously considered a more dense redevelopment several years ago, but decided the time wasn't quite right. They made it clear that such a redevelopment is likely to happen in the future.
  8. It's not really indicative of weak demand so much as it is of (temporary) over supply. That might seem nitpicky but it's an important distinction. As I reported in another thread a while back, downtown saw net apartment absorption during 2017 of 1093 units. (Assuming 1.4 people per occupied apartment, downtown has been adding more than 125 people per month.)
  9. They are coming back.
  10. The concepts I've seen suggest the rail would stop on the north side of Airport, at a transit/parking center.
  11. Very cool. But "relic of Houston's golden age"???? That's a little odd.
  12. UTSW Academic/Clinical Building & Garage are almost done (Hat tip to Kingpin at Dallasmetropolis.com):
  13. UT Southwestern William P. Clements University Hospital rendering: As built (construction is on-going for the third "tower", part of the original master plan):
  14. LOL You're also going to pay every month for all those extra amenities. (A comparably-sized unit at 2727 Kirby has HOA fees of $2200 per month.)
  15. It's in the works. Last we heard, they expect/plan to start construction of the double helix structure sometime this year.
  16. It seems unlikely it would have 400 rooms. That would be unusually large for a W Hotel (or any "boutique" hotel). But hopefully, it will also have some condos on top. My understanding from the original RFP is that the base structure was built to be able to handle a hotel "up to" 400 rooms and "up to" 15 stories.
  17. I'm just adding context and facts that were otherwise "overlooked." By all means, post corrections if I have misstated anything. If you want a forum where only your curated set of "facts" are allowed, you should publish a blog.
  18. These were built almost 10 years ago and they've not been able to sell any of them. The "final phase" consists of finishing out the interiors,
  19. Agreed, Houston First is not trying to get a W franchise. It's the development group that will do that. But I also don't see anything that indicates that Houston First would manage the hotel. It is probably something more along the lines of the Marriott Marquis deal. Houston First makes a deal with the hotel developer whereby Houston First "provides" the land/site and the development company builds and operates a hotel.
  20. While you are certainly correct that this is not W Hotels/Marriott selecting DT (W Hotels/Marriott are not very often in the business of selecting particular sites; they just approve/disapprove sites proposed by licensees), I don't think we have any reason to think it is "nothing more than Houston First trying to get a W franchise" (and the information we have suggests that is not accurate... it appears that Texas Hospitality Partners would be the franchisee/licensee and perhaps owner of the hotel). I don't think we have any reason to think Houston First is seeking to be the franchisee or operator of the W Hotel. Further, Houston First does not own either the hotel or the franchise for the Marriott Marquis.
  21. The voters voted against a particular plan for the Dome with a particular price tag. This is a different plan with a different price tag and a different funding mechanism. What is your evidence that the Astrodome is beyond saving? (Hint: There is none.)
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