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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. ^ Yeah, the mfastx posted some bad information all around on Chicago metro population. 2010 population 9,461,105, not 8.5 million. There are no census estimates for 2017, but in 2016 the estimate was 9,512,999, having peaked in 2014 at 9,543,893.
  2. One never knows, but I would put about zero weight on this marketing piece with regard to Ocean Prime. It looks like they just took some dated listing for Blvd Place. Note it also lists RDG+Bar Annie, which has since changed names, and Phillipe Restaurant, which I think was two concepts in the past.
  3. That's not what the article said. And Dallas city limits maps appear to show Dallas proper stops at the tollway. West of the tollway is Addison.
  4. "Demand for rental apartments fell short of new supply by about 100,000 units nationwide, according to RealPage, a real estate analytics firm. Apartment occupancy is still high, but it is softening a bit, dropping to 94.5 percent in the first quarter of this year, compared to 95.1 percent at the end of 2016. Occupancy has been falling for the past six months."
  5. There is easy access to Jensen; the exit will just be earlier and then take the feeder that connects directly to Jensen. I think I agree with you on the Walker St.- Allen Parkway connector, especially the way they show it designed. The Walker Street traffic would have two right turns to get on to Allen Parkway anyway. They might was well just use Bagby and Lamar and remove the current Walker Street connection to Allen Parkway and gain more parkland. That little one-lane connector looks kind of ridiculous and ineffective. I think Pierce Street still connects to I-45 south; it will just be down at Scott Street, about 1 1/4 miles further out. Not so bad, considering there are not even any stop lights on that whole stretch. I think you are putting unfair expectations on TXDoT. There is only so much they can do to connect the east and north sides. The fact is, the disconnection that exists on the east and north sides is not primarily the fault of the highways and even if they were to completely remove the highways from the east and north sides of downtown, the disconnect would largely still exist. Not so for the south side or west side.
  6. I think in apartments, you would want more like 95% occupancy. (Other than hotels, I'm not sure what industry or market would want only 80% occupancy.)
  7. I'm presuming you miss-typed and did not really mean to say that when people turn right, they look left for traffic and that drivers never look left. But even allowing for that, I'm not really sure what your point is. How does that make this driveway more of a concern than the other 8 driveways in the block?
  8. ^ Are we sure there are not entrances/exits proposed on both ends of the building? Funny thing is, there are driveways all along that bike path. And most of the other driveways have cars backing out over them, rather than driving forward as they will be from this building. It's hard to see a legitimate concern about another (safer) driveway being added to the eight already on this block alone. I'm curious about the setback question. Is the rendering just inaccurate in that regard? From where is the proposed zero setback measured?
  9. FWIW, I agree he is a great contributor to the forum. That does not put him above being corrected when he (very rarely) makes an inaccurate post.
  10. You seem to be reading a lot into that rendering... It appears to me that there is quite a distance between the garage doorway and the bike path, at least a full vehicle length. And I'm not sure how one would design a garage entrance where one would not have to pull part way out before being able to see to your right, or to your left; which raises the question of why you have no concern for bikers coming from the north ;-)
  11. That doesn't exactly look like zero setbacks in the rendering. The building has an 8,261 square foot footprint on a roughly 14,520 square foot property.
  12. As of 1st quarter, 2017, downtown residential has a 58.5% occupancy rate. 286 new units were delivered during the first quarter. Net absorption was 279 units. The metro-wide occupancy rate is 88.3% Downtown seems to be maintaining a pretty decent pace of absorption. The "Central Houston" market (downtown, Montrose/Museum/Midtown, Heights/Wash Ave., HIghland Village/Upper Kirby/West U, and Med Center/Braes Bayou) had a 78.3% occupancy rate. 2,120 new units delivered during the quarter, with 1,247 units net absorption.
  13. I never said you were making things up. Just that what you told us was not accurate. Now, however, you have started making things up. I never said all of those places were going to be open in February. I never thought that, so certainly never would have said it. All I said was that you were wrong when you said that most of them would not open until Feb or March. Here we are months later and you are still not able to admit you were wrong. Get over yourself already.
  14. Emporis only has the Latitude at 423 feet. Methodist Outpatient is 512', O'Quinn Tower is 477', Texas Childrens: 457' Memorial Hermann Medical Plaza: 430'
  15. Nice looking building. But shouldn't this be in the suburban thread?
  16. What you said (and what someone called you out on) was that "most of the Avenida restaurants would not open until February or March". That was inaccurate (as someone told you at the time).
  17. Aren't Park Place River Oaks, The Ivy and The James all different phases of the same development? Not sure about Westheimer Oaks, but I don't see it being discussed in this thread...
  18. Yes, some ramps will remain, but it will be very much less of a divide than currently exists on the west side.
  19. Good points. But the recent comments from Brookfield suggest the ground may be shifting.
  20. It was actually just half the property that sold for over $500,000. The lot was redeveloped into two townhouses, each of which has recently sold for more than $500,000.
  21. But it should be acknowledged that a bunch of the "80s" (and 70s) garages were pretty well-disguised. Heritage Plaza, 2 Shell Plaza, Texas Commerce Tower, Tenneco come to mind.
  22. Typically, hotels will be on the lower floors with condos above. It would have nothing to do with EB-5 investments. EB-5 investments are not condo purchases. That's not the way the program works.
  23. I think we (or at least some of us) might be surprised at how quickly Hines develops this site. I say that for a number of reasons. (1) Hines has not typically been in the business of banking land for some theoretical future use. (2) The overall vacancy rate of downtown office buildings is almost irrelevant to whether a new office building gets built. All it takes is one big or several mid-size leases; see, e.g., Capitol Tower now under construction. And that assumes the new building will be offices, which leads me to... (3) I don't think Hines has ever given any indication that they necessarily plan an office building on this site. They could very well have residential, hotel or mixed-use in mind.
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