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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Why would they need to separate the jurors any more than they currently do?
  2. "...the Chronicle is framing it..." That's funny stuff right there. The Chronicle merely parroted United's press release. (and only a week after every other publication covered this news.)
  3. There are a few things in life one can count on. One of them is that a HAIFer will find a cloud to wrap around every silver lining.
  4. I'm afraid they may have removed the story because it was bone-headedly ignorant and incorrect, even for the Chronicle. The $64 million referenced in the story was the amount distributed to Houston in February. That amount was based on sales tax collections made in Houston in December and 4th quarter 2016, periods that were greatly influenced by the Super Bowl. How can a major-city newspaper be this bad??
  5. They are two related projects. Uptown is doing the lanes in Post Oak Blvd. TxDOT and Metro are doing the lanes from Post Oak Blvd to the Northwest Transit Center. Last I saw, construction of the 610 bus lanes was anticipated to start in late 2017.
  6. http://www.dmagazine.com/commercial-real-estate/2017/03/bdrc-partners-no-longer-associated-with-the-drever-redevelopment/ Yikes. Apparently they don't yet have construction financing for The Drever, formerly Elm Place, formerly First National Bank Tower.
  7. Link doesn't take us to the article (and I can't find the article with the Chron's worthless search engine.)
  8. And it's a stretch to say it has access to light rail. (1) Austin's "light rail" is more accurately called "commuter rail". It only runs approximately every 30 minutes. (2) Very few people ride Austin's rail (average daily boardings are only about 2,200! and (3) it's a pretty long walk from the station to the Domain. Something like 3/4 of a mile.
  9. You are right about the purchase price, it was estimated to have sold for $50-55 Million. But I think your square footage is off. 62,291 square feet would just cover the main block (maybe not even quite that). I believe downtown blocks cover 63,435 square feet (not quite 1.5 acres). 1 1/2 blocks would be 95,152.5 square feet. At $50M, that would be $525.47 per square foot. At $55M: $578.02.
  10. I tried to give a direct link, but the CBRE site won't let me do that (or at least I cannot figure out how to make it work). As I noted above, one has to register on the site and sign in to generate the reports. Registration is free. To try again, here are the links copied directly from my browser: https://researchgateway.cbre.com/Layouts/GKCSearch/DownloadHelper.ashx https://researchgateway.cbre.com/MyGatewayAdvanceSearch.aspx
  11. The source is CBRE, (but you may need to sign in)
  12. To add some more context, the total vacancy (including sublease space) and total availability in the two markets is: Total Vacancy (including sublease space): Houston: 15.7% DFW: 18.6%. Total Availability (all existing space being marketed for lease, so it includes space on which leases are soon expiring and is being vacated): Houston: 20.9% DFW: 23.7% Source: CBRE
  13. Supertall is generally defined as over 300 meters. Both Chase and Wells Fargo qualify.
  14. Yes, we know, and I alluded to that fact, but it will be well below 60 feet in the sky for the vast majority of the alignment.
  15. Not sure why moving the elevated highway from the absolute middle of their property to the northern edge would wipe out their expansion plans. (I suspect they've been keeping up on TXDoT's plans and are planning accordingly.)
  16. We actually have a pretty good idea how brief, because it is mostly below grade at the other end of Hardy Yards, and the I-45 portions that remain elevated are much less so. Another thing that isn't in question is that the proposed elevated major interstate highway through the middle of the 4th-largest city in the USA is just a slight relocation of a current elevated major interstate highway. The suggestion earlier in the thread that this elevated stretch will be replacing a currently-submerged stretch was, as is so much that gets posted about this project, not exactly correct.
  17. Just having a little fun. You said you could see Houston's "first" supertall there. Our first supertall is Chase Tower. Our second supertall is Wells Fargo Plaza.
  18. At that point, you may be right. But that is by far the highest point and it is brief.
  19. I don't see them moving Chase Tower over there. I'd rather we build our third supertall (and new tallest) there .
  20. The extension doesn't just serve Allen Parkway. It also picks up traffic coming from the southern end of downtown and midtown. Go hang out in that area today at 5:00. A LOT of northbound traffic flows through there (St. Joseph Parkway at I-45).
  21. Because a lot of traffic flows from Allen Parkway to the freeway and vice versa. (In fact, the initial plan did not have this connection. Comments received at the early public meetings made it clear this was a necessary connection.
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