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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. The best place to see HCTRA's revenues and "profits" is in their own audited financial statements. HCTRA's revenues and expenses are also included in the county's financial statements, because HCTRA is part of the county government. The $591 million spent on toll roads is the amount of expenses incurred by the HCTRA. Note higher up in the same financial statement, it shows approximately $703 million of charges for services. The vast majority of this is tolls. (Elsewhere in the linked report (page 175) it shows toll road revenues comprised approximately $689 million of the $703 million.)
  2. Again, 2121 Flora does not appear to be 40+ stories. 39 stories.
  3. What's the 2nd 40+ story structure possibly going up?
  4. Or one can just go to the HCTRA website and the Harris County websites and look at their audited financial statements.
  5. It's clear for anyone interested in looking at the facts. https://communityimpact.com/houston/cy-fair/news/2016/12/19/north-houston-association-calls-on-harris-county-to-use-more-toll-road-revenue-on-mobility-projects/ https://www.hctra.org/reports#overviewsection With regard to the $120 Million + transferred from HCTRA to the county every year, of course specific projects cannot be identified on which THAT particular money was spent. The money goes into the county's mobility fund, which is spent every year on roads, bridges and other non-toll mobility projects. There is zero reason to assume it is spent to build more toll roads.
  6. Actually, I'm pretty sure HCTRA does make money. In the early years BW 8 had to subsidize the Hardy but I'm pretty sure those days are past. I think the Hardy is self-sustaining now. And HCTRA contributes money to Harris County every year. HCTRA transfers millions of dollars every year to the county for non-toll transportation projects. From HCTRA's FY 2016 report: "Transfers consisted of transfers out of $124,031,107, which was for funding a county thoroughfare program to increase general mobility."
  7. Posted 19 hours ago · 19 hours ago, Houston19514 said: They get to ride free on both systems during HOT hours. Period. No. No they don't. Stop lying. Quote You actually revised what I wrote and then used the fake quote to accuse me of lying? The depths of your dishonesty are truly astonishing.
  8. Didn't twist anything at all. Just quoted what you said, which was and is false ( as are so many other things you've said). And you CAN ride a motorcycle on the I-10 managed lanes during the HOT hours that are also HOV hours, just as you can on 290. The motorcyles-ride-free policy on both is entirely based on HOV policies. It has nothing to do with the HOT lane operations on either road. The fact that the lanes also operate as HOT lanes and the hours in which they so operate is completely irrelevant to the motorcycles-ride-free policy on both systems. I don't know why you think motorcycles should be entitled to ride free at times when all other vehicles are required to pay. Again, contrary to your original claim (and contrary to your revised claim) motorcycles are treated exactly the same in both systems. They get to ride free during HOV hours on both systems. They get to ride free on both systems during HOV/HOT hours. Period. They do not ride free on either system during non-HOV hours. The facts are neither childish nor mere senseless technicalities, but they are stubborn. By the logic of your revised complaint, we'd be somehow better off if HCTRA closed its lanes during non-HOV hours. I doubt even you would actually pretend that is true.
  9. LOL Senseless technicalities like the fact that the HOV motorcycle policies are exactly the same? Senseless technicalities like the complete falsity of your statement that HCTRA doesn't "allow motorcycles on for free" when they in fact allow motorcycle on for free under exactly the same terms that Metro does on 290? Stop posting lies and nonsense. (Yes, that effectively means you should stop posting.)
  10. There is no differing motorcycle policy. Both have their lanes open and free to motorcycles during every minute of every hour during which the lanes are open and operating as HOV lanes.
  11. The 290 HOV lane is ALWAYS HOV. Every hour it is open, it is HOV. The fact that there are a few hours during which it is ALSO HOT, does not change the fact that it is HOV during every hour during which it is open.
  12. good question. It's a shame this town doesn't have a journalist who can do more than reprint a press release. Do we have many HPE employees in Houston? Does anyone know? I would imagine the bulk of their Houston presence went to HP in the split, not HPE.
  13. Try to keep up indeed. Both the 290 HOV lane and the Katy managed lanes allow motorcycles free usage during all HOV hours. Your statements to the contrary are false. The 290 HOV lane is ALWAYS HOV. Every hour it is open it is HOV. It is impossible to use the 290 HOV lane in non-HOV hours. In fact, on the Katy managed lanes, motorcycles can ride free 12 hours each day, in both directions. The 290 HOV lane only offers free motorcycle rides 6 hours in one direction and 7 hours in the other direction each day. After examining the facts, your initial idea that HCTRA doesn't care about the lives of motorcycle riders because they don't let them ride free the way Metro does on 290 is even more insane than it first sounded.
  14. I guess it will be something like the one they have in Houston.
  15. Bank of America, which declined to comment Friday, leases 423,614 square feet in the [700 Lousiana] building, according to Houston-based Enriched Data, a research and data firm.
  16. OMG. I know this is a waste of time, but here goes. You did not commute on the 290 HOV/HOT lanes during non-HOV hours. The 290 HOV/HOT lanes do not have any non-HOV hours during which the lanes are open. When it's open, it's an HOV. It's free for motorcycles during all HOV hours, just as are the I-10 Managed lanes. Stop lying. For anyone interested in facts: Here are the hours the 290 HOV/HOT lane is open. Note that all open hours are HOV hours. US 290 West Northwest Freeway Monday - Friday 5 - 6:30 a.m. 6:30 - 8 a.m. 8 - 11 a.m. 1 - 8 p.m. Inbound Inbound Inbound Outbound 2+3+ 2+2+
  17. I did read it. Contrary to what you told us, motorcycles get free HOV privileges on the Katy managed lanes just as they do on Metro's HOV lanes. They also get the bonus (as do other motorists) of being able to use the lanes in non-HOV times for a charge, something that is not possible for any price on Metro's HOV lanes. I believe you when you now tell us you don't know how many lanes are being added to 290 (it's more than 1). You've demonstrated in pretty much every post in this thread that you don't know what you are talking about, but are perfectly happy just making it up as you go along.
  18. Only expanding the main lanes by one lane in each direction? Wrong. Here is information from HCTRA's website regarding motorcycles on the Katy Managed Lanes: MOTORCYCLES Quick toll guide: • Free during HOV hours: Monday through Friday, 5 am – 11 am and 2 pm – 8 pm, eastbound and westbound. • Be sure to pass through the tolling plaza in the HOV lane on the left. • No registration is currently required. • Subject to tolls at all other times, and on all other Harris County toll roads. • EZ TAG or TxTag required to ride the managed lanes during non-HOV hours • Tolls during non-HOV hours, including weekends: $0.30 - $0.40 per tolling plaza. Every one of your posts is riddled with misinformation and lies Are you really that ignorant or are you that dishonest? Either way, please stop.
  19. Agreed that retail in this spot would be ideal. Even better than GAP and the like would be something unique to Houston and unique IN Houston, so that it is attractive to visitors from out of town and metro area residents. That may be asking too much...
  20. Agreed. I was just thinking maybe we should put the library department in charge of architecture for other city departments (e.g., the fire department).
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