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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. The "end date" stated on the TCEQ permit is not the completion of the building. It merely indicates the date they expect to achieve final stabilization (with regard to storm water runoff).
  2. It is (was) the Church of Christ, Scientist, NOT the Church of Scientology. Two VERY different things.
  3. 4 in the GRB itself. Plus another in the Partnership Tower. Plus 6 more in the Marriott Marquis. 3 in the Hilton Americas. (I'm including cafés and such). 2 in Discovery Green. Brasserie du Parc, Hearsay on the Green, Total in Convention area: approximately 18
  4. I'm surprised this new 12-story Courtyard planned for downtown Dallas has not already been posted.
  5. That's not my timeline. That's what the ABC13 story said. As to your second sentence... so what? I suspect it was just a vote that was required for the issuance of some bonds, so that the revenue from several (or all) roads was pledged in support of some bonds. It does not in any way prove or even suggest that the initial vote was premised on a campaign promise that the roads would become free when paid off.
  6. I have no explanation for the news judgment of ABC13. That was kind of my point. There was no "news" in that so-called story and the whole story was based on an apparent lie. They are the ones who said the brochure was printed after the vote. If a rochure that hadn't even been printed was indeed used to get us to vote for the toll roads, that is one powerful magic brochure.
  7. Vinny, you aren't really worth responding to, but I have to point out this example of the excruciatingly painful incompetence of Houston media. Per your quoted material, ABC13 told us this brochure they uncovered was "printed after we OKed building" the toll roads, and then proceeds to tell us that they used this to get our vote. HUH? A brochure printed after the vote was used to get our vote? It is possible that such claims were made in the campaign for the vote but there is nothing in this laughable "undercover" expose that even suggests, let alone proves, that such claims were made in the campaign.
  8. Just to be clear for those not familiar with Dallas. The parking garage proposed for the Harwood Center (two posts up) is in downtown Dallas and has no connection to the Harwood District, which is on the north side of uptown Dallas.
  9. To bring another real-world observation to the discussion, I just watched a new restaurant go from shell space to ready-to-open in just over 2 months. 3 1/2-4 months should be relatively easy. (And this one did not require anything close to 24-7/7 days a week work.)
  10. Good point. On the other hand, that ramp may need to be altered again for the highway project anyway (because it currently terminates under the freeway).
  11. No, I'm pretty sure it was just a matter of swtsig having read the linked article, which includes: "Another developer, yet to be announced, is planning a large mixed-use project across Steel Street from Hanover and Stolz’s projects."
  12. I would bet money there will not be a year-long service interruption for the Metro rail line. My best (very amateur) guess would be something along the lines of the suggested temporary relocation of the tracks. That block of Lofts at the Ballpark apparently have to be torn down. Perhaps they will be tear those down and build temporary tracks through that site.
  13. Not to mention, no one really needs "billions of dollars" to invest in order to accomplish a project that costs well under $1 Billion. But we all know that facts are not high on VinnyVincent's priority list, to put it nicely.
  14. Harwood Center Plans to Build 10-story garage in downtown Dallas.
  15. Yeah, probably right. But pretty lame, especially since it is not actually across the street from the Custom house, and there is no "federal district" in downtown Houston.
  16. The original announced thought was to open the Garden Oaks store (which I'm sure has also been referred to as the Heights). They still show the that location on their website. If they have changed the Midtown store to a 365, someone should alert the people who maintain their website. It is still listed as a Whole Foods (not 365) under development). http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/company-info/stores-development
  17. Federal District??? Where did that come from?
  18. Where did you see that the county/state has to subsidize the profits of the 288 toll developer if the road isn't profitable? Here's the development agreement. Please direct us to the section(s) of the agreement that provide for this subsidization of their profits.
  19. Where did you come up with the idea that there is a guaranteed profit written into the 288 toll development contract?
  20. Do you know of any private toll road developments where the bonds were not non-recourse to the government? I'm pretty sure the 288 toll lane financing is non-recourse to the government.
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