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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Do just a little bit of research and read more carefully. HCTRA is not a private entity as you have suggested; it is a part of Harris County government. Further, I don't know where you got the idea they are netting more than a Billion Dollars per year. Their total gross revenue is well under $1 Billion per year (under 1/2 Billion in the year that was linked above). In Fiscal Year 2015, total gross revenue was about $711 Million. Their "Net" was about $118 Million. And contrary to your claim that none of the money makes its way back into infrastructure, in addition to the money they spend building and maintaining toll roads in Harris County, they transfer money annually to fund non-toll County road or enhancement projects ($120 Million in Fiscal Year 2015, and that is in addition to $200 Million that HCTRA contributed to TXDoT for the 290 project) Harris County Toll Road Authority Financial Statements - Fiscal Year 2015
  2. Yes it does seem really good. But HAIFers generally don't like to dwell on good news, or even acknowledge it.
  3. Well, yes. It's an addition to the current Humphreys School Building. The explosion of arts facilities continues. Really amazing.
  4. This might be of interest: http://architecture-schools.startclass.com/
  5. I'm pretty sure Atelier is still 39 stories. I know there is a Steve Brown column out there that says it is 40 stories, but Steve let his cheer-leading get ahead of the facts. The tech drawings indeed show a "Level 40", but that is because there is no Level 13. Hence, the building is still slated to be 39 stories. On what basis do you make the claim that AMLI is highly probably [sic] to get the go ahead? At the last report I am aware of, they had not even bought the property. At this point your 40 story AMLI tower is little more than a rumor pumped by Steve Brown and nothing more has been heard since June. Be sure to let us know when there is a 40 story building under construction in Dallas. But please check your facts.
  6. Oh. So your 3 40-story buildings consist of : The 39 story Atelier Lofts The kinda speculative AMLI tower and The 27-ish story Hall Arts condo hotel Indeed I can see why I missed this "news" of 3 40 story towers. ;-)
  7. Okay, I'll play along... What are the 40 story buildings on the horizon soon?
  8. They've already done their EXPANDING in the CBD. in the Harwood Center.
  9. Because JEC already has a place in the Harwood Center, with at least 7 years left on their lease, and has given no indication whatsoever that they are looking for or are interested in looking for a different space.
  10. You have it exactly backward. Once the new Terminal C North is completed and occupied, the old Terminal C North will be demolished and replaced with the first portions of the new Terminal D.
  11. North of Will Clayton Parkway and east of the terminal complex; presumably near their existing hangar.
  12. From the story announcing Pappadeaux: "The new Pappadeaux, seating 250 guests, jwill cover two floors with dining on both levels. There will be a full bar with seating for 18; counter seating with for 12 looking into the kitchen; three private dining rooms on the second floor; and a large patio facing the Avenida. It will open January 2017."
  13. Downtown had a good third quarter. Occupancy rate climbed from 56.2% to 58.4%, with 224 unit net absorption, up from 142 units absorbed in the second quarter. 338 new units were delivered in 3rd quarter. The area CBRE calls "Central" Houston had net absorption of 1,170 units in 3rd quarter! https://researchgateway.cbre.com/Layouts/GKCSearch/DownloadHelper.ashx
  14. I dispute your assumption that nobody really loves Jones Hall. The article that kicked off this conversation included several quotes from several people who clearly love Jones Hall. The organizations that are housed in it clearly have a lot of love for it; hence they have decided to go the route of refurbishing, rather than abandoning and replacing. to coin a phrase, How quickly did you skim the Chronicle article? ;-)
  15. I don't think you'll find anyone worth talking to who would disagree that the Meyerson has better acoustics than Jones Hall. That is a huge part of the reason they started looking at building a new venue in the first place and is one of the driving forces behind this refurbishment project.
  16. Dude, you are off to the races to condemn this project based in large part on the $200 million number. I thought it was useful to point out that the number was just thrown out there based on almost nothing. Of course projects often come in above estimates or budgets, but we don't even have anything like an estimate or budget yet.
  17. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one suggested you made it up. Sheesh. I have not been able to find any attendance numbers for the two symphonies per se, but I did find attendance numbers for the two performance halls. Meyerson claims 912 concerts, rehearsals, tours, classes, meetings and special events throughout the year, bringing 255,383 patrons to various events. Jones Hall claims that it entertains more than 400,000 visitors at some 250 events annually.
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