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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Ennead Architects are working on the plans for the refurbishment of Jones Hall.
  2. I think you're making unwarranted assumptions on what can and cannot be accomplished in a remodeling of an existing structure. It is instructive that the New York Philharmonic chose the same path for a building of similar vintage. I don't know the details of the decision-making process, but I do know (because I read the articles), that the Houston Symphony and Society for Performing Arts spent a long time studying the possibility of building an all-new structure (and I think it's fair to say that the assumption from the beginning of the process was that the Houston Symphony would be building new). After years of careful examination, they came to the conclusion that a major refurbishment would be the best route. I would be interested in learning more about the process of getting to that decision, but I have complete faith, particularly in the Symphony, that the people making the decision did not do so lightly and have every intention of delivering a first-class, dedicated symphony hall. And the $200 Million is not even a real number. Note that the article said It could cost as much as $200 Million. My impression is they are not even close to the point where they can come up with a meaningful estimate of the cost. PS 'Regarding the factoid that the Dallas Symphony consistently sells more tickets than ours: I have not been able to find any information either way. If you can find any sources, I'd love to see them.
  3. I've been up in Williams Tower/Transco several times since 9/11. It is smaller than it used to be. They've converted most of what used to be observation area/sky lobby into leaseable office space.
  4. Well, goodness knows, if Dallas isn't replacing any parts in their symphony hall, then we certainly shouldn't be doing so either. And on that note, someone should probably alert Lincoln Center officials in New York City that Dallas isn't replacing any parts in their symphony hall so Lincoln Center shouldn't be wasting their money refurbishing the home of the New York Philharmonic. They did a relatively minor refurbishment to Jones Hall a while back mostly, I think, to bring it into ADA compliance and then to repair the exterior marble... had nothing to do with the flexible ceiling (the flexible ceiling was a feature when the hall was originally constructed).
  5. Frisco ISD Delays New School Openings Wow. Is the Frisco ISD being run by the Dallas Police and Firemens Pension Board? They can't afford to operate new schools they are building, but their football teams have a flashy indoor facility to play their games in.
  6. How do you mean it is the same as Terminal D? Are you saying it will be 10 years before "seeing a dozer on site" for the Terminal D rebuild?
  7. Now 14 stories, down from 18 stated in last month's DMN article and down from 19 or more in the first renderings 16 months or so ago.
  8. Saw this sign Saturday as well. It's a clever play on words. Cowboys and Indians--Indo-Tex cuisine.
  9. Not going to be in Deep Ellum. It's going to be inside the Macy's in the Dallas Galleria. Read about It here and here. Apparently, The cull name will be "Macy’s Taste Bar Café featuring Martha Stewart’s Café". More info here
  10. FWIW, that was not for interviews. That was an orientation session for some 10,000 volunteers. I think interviews are over.
  11. I can't attend it this week, primarily because it's not being held until next week. ;-)
  12. The double helix is not Baylor St Lukes. That is a Texas Medical Center project.
  13. It has been refined since the earlier rendering th atwas posted in this thread. We have not seen this rendering before.
  14. 1,600 square foot glass-enclosed terrace. This place is going go be an amazing addition to downtown Houston.
  15. Additional info from the Houston Symphony's October magazine: ... The renovation will most likely include many more restrooms and far fewer stairs. It's also likely that access to your seats will be facilitated by the addition of aisles running from the stage to the back of the seating area
  16. Houston Business Journal reports that Skanska is hiring CBRE to do pre-leasing for this tower.
  17. I think that is an outdated rendering. The current rendering looks a little different and is not as tall, either in floor count or relative to the KPMG Plaza building. Looks to be about 27 stories (which comports with the latest news items: 2-story base; 11-story hotel; 14 stories of condos.)
  18. FWIW, I'm pretty sure the 288 toll lanes are being financed and built, and will be operated and managed by a private entity under agreement with TXDOT.
  19. Except HCTRA Contributed to the funding of the Katy Managed Lanes and was involved pretty early on. So to say TXDOT built it and HCTRA manages it doesn't quite give the full picture. Is there any indication of such funding or involvement by HCTRA for 288?
  20. I don't think this is an HCTRA project. I think it's a TXDot project.
  21. Tell us again what those subsidies are?
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