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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Look around. there are plenty of options beyond pizza, tacos and burgers, including at several of the restaurants we just listed.
  2. Cool! Even better, Batanga, Moonshiners, and La Fisheria have tacos too!
  3. In reality, any damage this does to inner city Houston was done several decades ago.
  4. I think the left exit ramps are required in order for the 288 express traffic that is going to 610 to be able to merge with the 288 main lane traffic before going on to 610.
  5. And not all that unusual for huge convention hotels. See, for example, the back side of the Omni in Dallas.
  6. Most of the windows and curtain wall appear to have been removed (at least that's what it looked like from the Metro rail train yesterday). It's become very see-through. Very exciting to see SOMEthing happening with this building. EDIT: I had forgotten about this misbegotten post. I was obviously tricked by an optical illusion. My apologies for what turned out to have been an incorrect report.
  7. I think they've sold another batch of seats since the open house.
  8. Is there another city (or at least urban discussion board) with so such low self-esteem that they pee their pants at the possibility that something might be seen to be derivative of something in New York City? Cities all over America have downtowns, uptowns, midtowns, SoMas, NoDos, EaDos, LoDos, etc., etc., etc. There is even an East River some place outside of New York (an actual river, unlike the non-river East River in NYC) and any number of other things named East River, in places other than NYC. And FWIW, the entire East Side is not EaDo.
  9. They may think that there are people who are not aware that bayous are rivers. And judging by the reaction of some on this board, they are apparently correct.
  10. What old buildings have we turned into parking garages? I can think of one and part of another. Hardly a tradition.
  11. The 11-story parking garage is included in the 40-story floor count. You can tell by counting the floors in the renderings.
  12. It's the one that is the topic of this thread. It says "Structure Name: Villa Borghese Condominium" right there on the FAA form
  13. Odd article. A developer has now been chosen to build the hotel??? EDIT: the real news (that Candace apparently missed in her DBJ article) is that the project had formerly included a residential component, which has now been dropped. Construction was also slated to start in Spring 2016, Summer 2016, October 2016. Interesting project to follow.
  14. "...the big game is a driver for projects such as Midtown Park, where ESPN plans to set up camp for its coverage ..."
  15. It appears to be moving along nicely. But you should look more carefully. Pretty sure they are not yet building jetways. (And FWIW, when the time comes, they won't be "building" jetways; they will be "installing" jetways.)
  16. We only need 3 million additional residents to match the Chicago metro area (actually, by now a little less than 3 million).
  17. Before we get too carried away, it should be noted that One Shell Plaza is not being totally vacated. It has tenants other than Shell.
  18. FWIW, Grotto's website says the downtown location will open "Winter 2016". Pappadeaux is scheduled to open January 2017 (and they were the last one on to be announced).
  19. Seriously? In case you hadn't noticed, oil prices have been languishing for some time. All oil & gas companies have been cutting spending right and left. Shell is consolidating into buildings they own so they will save money by not continuing to pay rent on space they don't need. Disappointing of course, but I think that is the full story.
  20. Shell is consolidating into buildings they own so they will save money by not continuing to pay rent on space they don't need. Disappointing of course, but I think that is the full story.
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