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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. I'm guessing you are referring to the construction at the Chevron Phillips Chemical plant.
  2. How would a trip to Germany change their minds?
  3. Or it could have been a bank. On Arch-ive.org it is called the Southwestern Savings Association Building http://arch-ive.org/archive/3300-main/
  4. I guess we just have to assume they decided to close it? Another day, another Chronicle disappointment.
  5. It would he news if that was not the case. Do you have a link so we could see the rest of the data?
  6. The processing center that will be moving to the new joint processing facility next year? . . .
  7. If true, that's pretty hilarious (because the Chronicle apparently thought it was all marble. The entire primary structure was clad in white marble.)
  8. Does anybody have any idea what they will do with all the marble? That would make a lot of great kitchen counters.
  9. I presume you meant parking "requirements" and not "restrictions." FYI, there are no parking requirements downtown, so your wish is granted.
  10. Someone has told you a tall tale, unless one of the richest people you've ever worked for took up residence in a hotel room.
  11. Yes, we had technical drawings on here a while back that showed it at 756'9"
  12. But a bunch of the adjoining half-blocks are undeveloped or underdeveloped, so the pierce removal can create a bunch of full blocks.
  13. Great article about Buffalo Bayou Park
  14. Southmore is designated as a "major collector" street that is projected to have 4 lanes from South Main to Scott.
  15. Hmmm... the opening paragraph says construction will start in January and then it quotes the developer as saying construction will commence in November...
  16. That slide was dated April 20, 2005. (Because it's much easier to throw up a slide show of old file photos than to discover and report on any actual news.) The plans have changed a couple times since then and I think it's safe to say American Apparel will not be opening a store in downtown Houston.
  17. If your goal is to eliminate parking garages, having zoning is neither necessary nor sufficient.
  18. Yes, but the end of August 2016 is 5 weeks away. A lot more feasible than 2 weeks...
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