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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. can you provide a link to the particular form you are speaking of, or give us the exact name of the form? Found it. Interesting and a little surprising. Elsewhere in the documents it says construction must be completed in 150 or 180 days.
  2. It's a restaurant and live music venue. It's being done by Free Range Concepts. You can get an idea of the types of places they do here.
  3. No. It's on the Polk/Hamilton/Chenevert/Clay bloc, and looks to be far more extensive than just Super Bowl popup.
  4. There's really nothing complicated about it at all. The BIG (10) will not invite OU to join them as long as OU is not a member of the AAU. OU knows that and they have been trying to elevate their academics (as was said a few years ago, David Boren has been working hard to make the university worthy of its football team) but they started so very far behind and still have a ways to go, I'm afraid.
  5. In spite of their national gridiron prominence, money and fandom, trust me, the BIG (10) will not take Oklahoma unless and until they get their academics up to a point where they get themselves admitted to the AAU.
  6. Exhibit halls are generally pretty blahhh. They are just large open spaces. This space used to be part of the exhibit halls. Convention center lobbies, on the other hand tend to be more exciting, dramatic, impressive (choose your own adjective). The GRB never had an entrance lobby, per se. That's the issue they were addressing with this remodel.
  7. Except that the BIG (10) won't take Oklahoma because it's not up to their academic standards.
  8. Because there was no lobby in this location, and no single lobby for the building; only a number of entry vestibules (which were never dingy). The interior change is indeed dramatic. But it did not change from a dingy lobby to a well-lit dramatic lobby. It changed from exhibit hall space to a well-lit, dramatic lobby.
  9. Interesting. It may depend on how they define "dining area". ;-) Is a picnic table a "dining area"?
  10. It's slightly less interesting, I suppose, that 2 out of 3 of Pickard Chilton's new buildings under construction in Houston right now have a similar angled roof. ;-)
  11. I missed that announcement. Do you have a link or source?
  12. The city tax abatement was on the improvements (construction of 1600 Louisiana). No improvements === No abatements.
  13. Gotcha. Thanks. So... roughly 50:50 chance of being correct. ;-)
  14. Where did you see a 2020 start for the extension?
  15. Interesting, but not quite accurate. Turns out it is only illegal to ride bicycles on sidewalks "in a business district." "Business district" means the territory contiguous to and including a roadway when, within any 600 feet along such roadway, there are buildings in use for business or industrial purposes which occupy 300 feet of frontage on one side or 300 feet collectively on both sides of the roadway. FWIW, in non-business districts, the city traffic engineers can designate sidewalks on which it is illegal to ride bicycles.
  16. These easily pass that test. (But FWIW, I don't think bicyclists are supposed to be riding in sidewalks.)
  17. How wide do you think sidewalk in a neighborhood such as this need to be?
  18. Well, consider that the article that reported that Hanover's new building will be south of the current one also reported that it would north of Blvd Place.
  19. There is so much wrong with this post... but let's just start here: Taxpayer portion of NRG Stadium was in the neighborhood of $287 Million, not even close to $500 Million. (The stadium did not even cost $500 Million).
  20. Astroworld was 104 acres, and as Samagon pointed out above, that was all amusement park; that 104 acres included no parking.
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