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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Only leasing to "early invitees"? Did they really tell you that? I just love real estate marketing. For those interested in pursuing a lease, you can also call 713-777-7000 and get your own "invitation." Or go to their website and fill out a lease application right on-line, no "invitation" required.
  2. I don't think you can grow St. Augustine from seed. You have to either lay sod or plant plugs (the plugs work great. St. Augustine spreads quickly.) Just do an internet search like "where to buy St Augustine sod or plugs"
  3. Light rail would be fine, as long as it runs in exclusive right-of-way for the long portions of the trip. It's not the car technology that makes the current service run somewhat slowly. It's the frequent stops at stations and traffic lights. As has been posted above, our trains can go 60+ mph. For comparison, Washington Metro rail cars are limited to 59 mph (operationally).
  4. I wouldn't bet on it dropping. The price seems in line with the market.
  5. I think you exaggerate the difficulty of converting at least part of the first levels of the two parking garages to active street-fronting retail, and also greatly exaggerate the amount of GreenStreet devoted to loading docks. FWIW, I believe the Dallas Street retail corridor plan only runs from Milam to Avenida de las Americas, with the focus being very much on the portion fronting Main, continuing east to Avenida de las Americas.
  6. ^ Thanks for posting that update. (And thanks for being a stand-up guy)
  7. Interesting! I was not aware of the El Paso casino either. Here's a Fort Worth Star-Telegram article that sheds some light. (Side note: Interesting that the Star-Telegram has an article about this proposed casino south of Livingston, which, as noted in the article, is about 240 miles southeast of Fort Worth. The major metropolitan daily newspaper located less than 75 miles from the proposed casino?... They managed to reprint the Star-Telegram's article.)
  8. Sounds reasonable. It's pretty minimal -- about 14 spaces. Perhaps they have parking available for vendors and merchants who call on the store? On the Google street view, there is a semi trailer parked there, using up about half of the spaces.
  9. From today's Dallas Morning News: New storage projects land in central Dallas A new development starting up on the east edge of downtown Dallas isn’t for another office tower, urban apartments or a hotel. Paul Glover’s project on Canton Street near the Farmers Market will be a 6-story self storage facility
  10. More pics of the nearly-completed McKinney & Olive:
  11. -- I believe in almost all cases of street abandonments requested by developers, the developer has to pay the city for the abandoned right of way. The documents in this case refer to an "abandonment and sale", so I presume the developer is paying in this case as well. -- This abandonment was initially denied because Traffic said the street was needed for area circulation. There is a later email that says Traffic later withdrew their objection after learning the ROW will be open to the public for pedestrian traffic.
  12. The Fort Worth Omni does not particularly support your case. The hotel portion, with 604 rooms, is about 15 stories tall. I look forward to the renderings.
  13. And the Dallas Omni, with 1001 rooms, is 23 floors. So that would make this one about 6 floors. Probably closer to ten floors than twenty.
  14. I believe the rendering is for the new Terminal D. What is being constructed is new C North. In any event, it's a preliminary rendering, so the final result is unlikely to be exactly the same as the rendering.
  15. Good catch. Yeah, I can absolutely guarantee, from my own very clear memory, that Southwest Freeway was elevated at Montrose. I remember parking in the shadow of the freeway. And it is simply not true to say that Southwest Freeway has always been depressed from Shepherd to the Spur. It appears to have been elevated at Shepherd, and then went on a downhill run so that it was depressed under Hazard, Woodhead, Dunlavy, and Mandell; then came back out of the ground near Graustark, to be elevated before Montrose.
  16. No. No it has not. That is a completely false statement. Until the rebuild in the early 2000s, 59 in that stretch was elevated. Southwest Freeway expansion The Southwest Freeway expansion from Shepherd to Spur 527 was a landmark of a different kind: the first Houston freeway to be rebuilt to reduce its neighborhood impact. After intense lobbying by neighborhoods alarmed by a proposed second level of freeway, a mile of elevated freeway was depressed into a trench.
  17. A few thoughts: 1) This is from the Chronicle, so there is at least a 50:50 chance it is wrong. 2) In fact, the Chronicle, a day earlier, in an article written by the same "reporter", quoted the County Commissioner as saying he was allocating $250,000 to $300,000 for this same project. 3) Google maps tells me it's .4 mile. That is 2,112 feet, not 1,700 feet. 4) How wide of a sidewalk are they building? The sidewalk cost calculator works by square footage, not by linear footage. 5) What all is planned? Do they need to acquire easements, move and/or rebuild any existing infrastructure, do any significant grading, etc. etc.? Will they install lighting?
  18. Had lunch at Main Kitchen recently and I seriously do not understand your qualms over supposedly eating in the lobby. It does not at all feel like one is sitting in the lobby. The dining area is completely separate from the lobby, not by doors, but it is visually and spatially separated from the lobby.
  19. Just a little curious about this. If they are going to demo the building and replace it with surface parking, why would they wait until summer? I would think they would want to get it done ASAP and start earning a little money from the parking.
  20. The 2015 estimates table on Census.gov shows the 2014 estimate was 6,497,864. It looks like they revised the 2014 estimate upwards since last year. (The 2014 estimates table shows 6,490,180.) I think the most accurate comparisons would need to use the numbers from the 2015 table.
  21. Demoing the building also will make it easier to forget about the Chronicle's existence.
  22. All things considered, that is remarkably good news. Some metro areas think anything below 20% vacancy is a tight market (and you don't have to look far to find such a metro area).
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