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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Interesting indeed. And almost entirely about companies moving from smaller cities to Chicago. Very little about companies moving from the suburbs to downtown Chicago.
  2. LOL You may have 'jumped the shark' with that one.
  3. Once you take out the buildings that are: -- no longer under construction; -- not in downtown Dallas, even by the new expansive definition (Click on "Get To Know The Districts": http://www.downtownd...com/#/main/home ); -- not an imaginary second tower (I know Steve Brown likes to pretend Ascent is somehow two towers; But the architects and developers refer to it as a single building and renderings confirm the same.); we are left with 18 "towers" under construction in "downtown" Dallas (and that's stretching the definition of tower to include a 7 story building). Impressive, but not 24 towers. I wonder how many "towers" are under construction in a similarly expansively-defined downtown Houston...
  4. Can you name 5 companies that have abandoned suburban Chicago campuses and moved downtown?
  5. Good catches.. Except Trammel Crow, the developer of the Park District residential tower, says it is 33 stories, not 34. Corrections made.
  6. I have no idea what point you were trying to make, but you made me curious about those 23 towers under construction in "Downtown" Dallas. Here's what I could find 8 stories and above. As you can see, it's only 17 buildings, ranging from 10 stories to 33 stories.Could you help me complete the list? Deep Ellum Case Building 17 stories Victory Park Lennar Apartments 22 stories ? Ascent (apartments) 23 stories Victory Place (Skyhouse) 25 stories Katy Station 30 stories Alexan Skyline 10 stories? Uptown Bleu Ciel 33 stories 1900 Cedar Springs 14 stories Park District (apartments) 33 stories Park District (office) 20 stories The Jordan 23 stories One Uptown 20 stories? The Brady 18 stories M-Line Tower 20 stories KDC Tower 16 stories (6 on top of 10 parking) McKinney & Olive 20 stories CBD LPC Tower 23 stories
  7. Well, yes, I suppose it would. Just like my house would be better if it was in River Oaks. But, just like my house would not be my house if it was in River Oaks, this project probably would not work with Uptown Kirby/RO land prices.
  8. Never thought of that before. I guess that's why Houston puts LED light shows on its buildings. Oh, wait, Houston doesn't really do so much of that, do they?
  9. Not so sure of that. The Fairmont pool is on, what, the 3rd floor? This parking building is 10 floors tall, and immediately across a narrow street.
  10. Iconic downtown Dallas Fountain Place tower plans massive garage
  11. I wonder... given the general competence of our news media (Swamplot in particular generally prefers snark over facts)... The lobby of the hotel is on the 2nd floor of the building. Is it possible that we are getting a 20-story hotel in a 21-story structure?
  12. Color me skeptical. I'd love to see the CBRE report. Note that Houston currently has more than 3,200 apartments under construction downtown. It seems highly likely that Houston has well more than 1,400 apartments under construction in the nearby areas surrounding downtown. (I count more than 1,500 in Midtown alone.)
  13. Work started sometime last year.
  14. According to the information to which you linked, Miami has zero buildings taller than 600 Travis (formerly known as JP Morgan Chase Tower) either existing or under construction. Six are proposed, but none under construction. (Cool site, by the way... thanks for the link)
  15. LOL Yeah, that was a pretty ridiculous exaggeration.
  16. You should probably read the articles you link to more carefully before posting. Like I said above, posting false information is not productive. For example, there was NOT 1.75 million square feet of office space absorbed in DTD by the third quarter of 2014. After cutting through all the weeds and bramble you threw up to try to obscure the false facts you previously posted, the simple facts remain... 1401 Elm does not, by any stretch of the imagination, comprise about 50% of the vacant office space in DTD. 1) Downtown Dallas still has more than 6 million square feet of vacant office space (more than 5 million square feet of that vacant space is Class A space, not space sitting around waiting for someone to convert it into apartments. This is according to the commercial real estate research services. They know what they are talking about. 2) Buildings that are not occupiable (such as 1401 Elm) are not included in the office market inventory. 3) Even if it was included in the inventory, 1401 Elm's 1.25 million'is is not "about half" of 6+ million. Not that it's relevant to the question of 1401 Elm's share of the vacant space, but if it makes you feel better, I can readily agree that the downtown Dallas office occupancy finally seems as if it may have turned the corner after literally decades in the doldrums. There was more net office space absorption in the downtown/uptown area in 2015 than in the prior 5 years combined.
  17. FWIW, posting false information is also not productive.
  18. Found it. I see your numbers are from 2008. And they are for freshman students in 4-year degree granting institutions, who graduated from high school in the previous 12 months. FWIW, here are the comparable Texas numbers for Fall 2012 (seemingly the most recent numbers available): Total enrollment of freshman in Texas 4-year colleges: 93,616 Total Texas freshmen enrolled in 4-year college: 104,945 Total Texas freshmen enrolled in Texas colleges: 85,548 19,397 Texas freshmen attended out-of-state schools 8,068 out-of-state freshmen attended Texas colleges Net loss of 11,329. Now the 4th largest net loss among the states. New Jersey: -26,688 California: -15,064 Illinois: -15,943 I'm still curious about whether there is actual evidence of a brain drain, meaning people leaving the state for their careers. Usually it refers to natives of a state getting their higher education in their state and then leaving. I suppose it might also consist of people leaving the state for their education and not returning (and not balanced out by people educated in other states and then moving here.) The numbers of people leaving the state for their college degrees does not tell us much at all as to whether we are suffering from any brain drain.
  19. Interesting, but usually when people discuss "brain drains", the issue is where people go for their careers, not where they got to college. May I ask your source? Is that really saying that only 6,425 out of state students attend college in Texas. Seems unlikely.
  20. LOL It's not a matter of disagreement, dude. Some things are just facts. FACT: There is still more than 6 Million square feet of vacant office space in downtown Dallas. FACT: 1401 Elm has nowhere near 3 million square feet (closer to 1 1/4 million square feet. FACT: 1 1/4 million is not about 50% of 6 million. About 20% would be more accurate. And that assumes that you are correct that the building is and will continue to be recorded as part of the inventory "until the someone moves forward with it." 1401 Elm is almost certainly not included in the current office space inventory because it is not currently occupiable as office space. So here in the real world, 1401 probably actually comprises about 0% of the vacant downtown Dallas office space.
  21. Is there evidence somewhere that Texas is suffering a brain drain?
  22. Did you really mean to say that 501 Elm accounts for about 50% of the vacant office space in the Dallas CBD? (I presume you meant to say 1401 Elm, not 501.) But neither comes any where near accounting for 50% of the vacant office space. There is still more than 6 million square feet of vacant office space in the Dallas CBD.
  23. If their proposal is deemed to be an encroachment, they will sell the land. No harm, no foul. (And they say they got the land for below-market price, so they should be able to sell it for a profit. And fwiw, their is support for that claim from real estate experts)
  24. Let's review the facts, AGAIN. There is no encroachment because nothing has been built. No programs have been started. UT is proceeding through the process, including with the Higher Education Coordinating Board. I don't know exactly the source of the encroachment rules that were enforced against UH and I don't know if the exact same rules apply to UT. But it is disingenuous, to put it nicely, to pretend that the rules have not been enforced against UT in this instance, when they are just at the very beginning of the process. And FWIW, contrary to your tendentious claim, that issue has been addressed several times in this thread. You just apparently don't like the reality.
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