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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Golconda Venture. Per HCAD, I find 13 parcels they still own totaling about 7 1/2 blocks, all in the southeast part of Downtown, plus one (1/2 block) in the north end of Midtown.
  2. That balance of course is what needs to be carefully considered. It's easy to say, well, it won't add much to the cost, so it will be fine. It's not a boogieman. It's a very real consequence of regulations and must be taken into account. As I said, every time another regulation is imposed, it adds a little bit more to the cost until one day, seemingly all of the sudden, few people can afford housing.
  3. As discussed up-thread, I'm not sure any decision has been made about whether to charge for parking at this garage.
  4. OMG. Every time I think Houston journalism has hit rock bottom, they find a way to be even worse. That is truly pathetic. (To be exact, the opera and ballet moved out of Jones Hall more than 36 years ago!) I’m looking forward to seeing and hearing this year’s improvements to Jones Hall.
  5. Hopefully, that's an under-promise, over-deliver. FWIW, the design team having been selected does not necessarily mean they are under contract. The first period of time may be spent getting contracts. Only then could the design work start...
  6. I imagine that stretch will probably be both TX-146 and TX-99
  7. I get the downside of streets full of driveways (although the negative impact on pedestrians could be at least party ameliorated by enforcing the law that bans blocking sidewalks). Just recognize that every additional regulation such as this adds to housing costs.
  8. FWIW, they appear to be taking restaurant reservations well into late October (I checked for October 20, to be specific).
  9. The batter's eye paint is interesting, but I'm pretty sure the building permits referenced up-thread are not related to this new paint.
  10. Yeah, and that article talked about as much about the other cities as it did about Houston. Interesting that the Chron article says the four cities are working together. The recent DMN article makes it sound like it's Houston vs AUS/DAL/SAT
  11. And the overall ranking (public and private national universities), UH moved up 48 spots! (tied for #133)
  12. ROFL Riiiiiggghhttt First you told us Live Nation "drilled this stuff into [your] head". Now it magically becomes Isaac Tigret who told you . . . Isaac Tigret has not been CEO of HoB since 1997 and he left HoB entirely in 1998, long before anyone from Live Nation (let alone Isaac Tigret himself) was telling stories to HoB Houston employees. (The Houston HoB opened in 2008.)
  13. Someone may have told you that take, but that doesn’t make it true. The founder’s stated mission was the preservation of blues music and they opened as a restaurant and live music venue. Here’s a story about their grand opening. https://www.thecrimson.com/article/1992/12/10/the-house-of-blues-pbmbonday-november/
  14. To be clear, the first House of Blues was a concert hall and restaurant.
  15. FWIW, Metro is also engaged in a large bus-stop improvement project, including hundreds upon hundreds of new shelters. (And, per this Chronicle article, before these new shelters, about 63% of Metro bus stops were without shelters.) https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/transportation/article/metro-fan-bus-shelter-solar-power-18298783.php
  16. I think it's still there. Zoom in and you can see what are probably the jets or inlets where the water comes in to the feature. The layout is pretty much as was shown in the renderings.
  17. It is still the headquarters of Southwestern Energy. IF there was a building name-change (and I'm not at all sure there was a name-change), it probably occurred when Southwestern Energy down-sized their space usage and it became a multi-tenant building (in 2020).
  18. I'm trying to locate this. Did you mean something other than Holcombe Blvd? I don't think Holcombe Blvd ever gets near the South Loop.
  19. Sales appear to be going very well. Per a recent Chronicle article, there were only 20 units left (out of, I think, 115).
  20. It’s been reported on airliners.net that “Terminal B North is closing January 7, 2024 for demolition” Terminal B North is closing January 7, 2024 for demolition
  21. Not seeing how it would depress the value. They may indeed be required to charge their sister company a market rent. But by definition, charging market rent neither depresses nor elevates the value of the building. And more to the original point, renting to a sister company tells us nothing about the softness of the building. Again, if the lessee sister company is going to pay market rent for office space, why would they not pay it to their lessor sister company, rather than to a third party? It would be kinda odd to do otherwise.
  22. Interesting, but I don't think it smacks of a soft building. Why wouldn't they want to pay rent to their sister company, rather than to someone else?
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