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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. They (an affiliate of Enterprise Products) also own 1100 Louisiana. I think it's a Duncan family entity. Interesting news. But it may be nothing more than an investment for them.
  2. The older buildings with high HOA fees often include all utilities. Be sure you are not comparing apples to oranges. The expensive ones have high taxes. That's how property taxes work.
  3. Relax. The project involves a LOT more than just removing Tal's Hill. And there is a lot more to the delay than the mere fact of going into the playoffs. http://blog.chron.com/ultimateastros/2015/10/15/astros-delay-renovations-to-minute-maid-tals-hill-lives-another-year/
  4. Not sure what you're looking for, but a very quick search on HAR turns up 75 townhomes and condos on the market within or just outside Loop 610 in the 250-300K price range.
  5. That's odd. They have it on their menu.
  6. I ask again, what upper management has Munoz fired? Or is that just another one of your made-up "facts"?
  7. New construction Hampton Inns that are built to significantly higher architectural standards than this are few and far between. (I have not been able to find any.) Take a look at the glorious Hampton Inns in the much-envied downtowns of Austin, Chicago, Denver and Seattle. When viewed in the context of the real world, ours looks pretty good. The back side of ours looks better than the front side of any of those.
  8. I think you meant to say the SW corner of Bunker Hill and I-10 (not NE). Za Za is not going on the corner. It's going in behind Ciro's and Guadalajara.
  9. What upper management has Munoz fired?
  10. I've always hoped for water taxis or maybe duck boats to take people from downtown out to the San Jacinto Monument. I don't know if it would just take too long that way or if it's in any way feasible. Or how about boat rides from downtown to the Kemah Boardwalk? If there's anyone who could make it happen, it's Tilman.
  11. Seems extremely unlikely that either of those areas would overtake downtown within 20 years. They would have to gain almost 1 Million square feet per year, and it's not as if no office space is being added to downtown. According to Transwestern, no DFW submarkets are larger than the Dallas CBD. FWIW, however, both the Energy Corridor and Uptown/West Loop submarkets exceed the Dallas CBD.
  12. Transwestern shows 34,435,183 square feet in the Katy Freeway/Energy corridor submarket, with 2,589,956 square feet under construction. New Energy Corridor total inventory: 37,025,139 square feet. For Downtown, Transwestern shows 53,105,156 square feet, with 1,680,820 under construction. New Downtown total: 54,785,976 square feet. For Uptown (West Loop), Transwestern shows 33,135,145 square feet, with 1,213,000 square feet under construction. New Uptown total: 34,348,145 square feet. http://www.transwestern.net/Market-Research/Documents/Southwest%20-%20Houston%20Office%20MarketWatch%20-%2009.2015.pdf
  13. I imagine it means nothing more and nothing less than that they hope (and are scheduled) to complete the building in Fall 2018. No doubt they will make decisions as to the moving date as the completion approaches. Having said that, there is zero reason to think they would complete the building in the fall of 2018 and let it sit empty until August 2019. I am certain they would make the move over Christmas break, or over a weekend. FWIW, the website says the construction is scheduled to end in, and target opening, is 3rd quarter 2018. I suspect Urbanizzer (or Urbanizzer's source) mistranslated "3rd quarter" into "fall".
  14. Is that performance actually an improvement? Or did American and Southwest (and others) get worse. Pretty sad situation when 79.5% gets you to second place.
  15. Not sure if this has already been posted. FAA cleared this building for 489 feet.
  16. As H-TownChris2 suggested, it seems pretty obvious that the project is not DOA. If it were DOA, they would not be wasting their time filing for extensions with the FAA. Also noteworthy: they are only allowed one extension. If they don't start construction by September 2016, they will have to start over with the FAA.
  17. Yes. Extending the supports out from both of the two adjacent ramps should not be a particularly challenging engineering feat. We're not talking about cantilevering it. We're talking about a support beam extending for the width of a one-lane ramp, supported on either end by the columns already necessary for the two adjoining ramps.
  18. At the location of your concern, the direct connector runs between and immediately next to the other ramps. I'm not sure we necessarily know that the design would require additional columns.
  19. I don't think it is nearly the obtrusive sore thumb some are making it out to be. I have passed by the renovated Alley any number of times, in car and on foot, and not once have I even noticed the fly loft structure.
  20. Not sure what you're trying to say in that last sentence. To be clear, the Marriott Marquis will most certainly have a skybridge connecting it to the GRB; as does the Hilton Americas, so no cause for unhappiness in that regard.
  21. Cool. Thanks. There will also be a skybridge connecting the GHP Building/parking garage to the convention center. Hence my question as to which skybridge. :-)
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