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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Doesn't matter. We all now know that if Burger King can't make it at that location, nobody can. ;-) Thanks for the informative report, bobruss.
  2. You seem to be estimating low for the Pierce Elevated park costs and high for the deck park over the east-side freeways. 1. The numbers you presented show a market value of $43 Million for the Pierce Elevated land. That would be the cost to the city, not DOT's expected net of $28 Million. (The city might be able to work a below-market price deal with DOT since the DOT might avoid some brokerage fees, but they would not avoid the other legal and professional fees necessary for a conveyance, so there is no reason to expect the City could get the land for $28 Million.) Plus, that only gives you the land (and I guess the elevated structures). Add in the cost of converting that into a usable park - presumably at least comparable to your estimates of $50-200 Million estimate for creating a park on the freeway decks; Now you're up to $93-$243 Million. 2. Your estimate for decking over the freeways seems quite high. The total cost of Dallas's Klyde Warren Park was in the neighborhood of $100 Million, including decking the freeway. If anything, putting decking over a freeway while it is being designed and built ought to be less expensive than retrofitting a pre-existing freeway.
  3. Exactly. It's only been 4 years, with completion in sight. The benefits already far outweigh the cost and so-called headaches (which in reality have been pretty few and short-lived for 610-290 interchange project).
  4. Thanks. I found what you are apparently referring to. The plans show a 50-foot corridor running north from the Northwest Transit Center to Hempstead Highway, and then following the Hempstead Highway corridor out to the northwest, meeting up with 290 just west of the Beltway.
  5. So people can see it when driving down the street?
  6. Munoz was on the pre-merger Continental board of directors.
  7. What cleared land? By whom was this designation made? When was it made?
  8. Way to bury the lede! ;-) From the linked article: "Right behind the quartet is another blighted building that’s about to be redone—801 Calhoun is being redone as a Sheraton."Read more at: https://www.bisnow.com/houston/news/office/behind-the-scenes-at-central-square-plazas-redevelopment-50075?utm_source=CopyShare&utm_medium=Browser
  9. I don't think it was torn down. Pretty sure it is still standing. 1300 Main Street (not part of Allen Center).
  10. Yes, it looks a lot better after the power washing and painting.
  11. Using census data, it's more like 5 years after the city pop. I'm not sure why Illinois is so pessimistic about Chicago's city population-- per the Reuters story, they are projecting Chicago city population to drop by more than 200,000 between now and 2025. While they are stagnant, they have not, at least so far, experienced recent population reductions.
  12. Actually, Houston is getting near Chicago in metro population. Assuming continuing trends, we'll surpass Chicago metro not that many years after we pass Chicago city.
  13. Yeah, I know. I was wondering if Triton really thought that was evidence of the existence of a market for another new building,as he seemed to suggest.
  14. Ideally followed by a term in federal prison
  15. Yeah. Looks like a highly conceptual rendering. Will be interesting to see it evolve.
  16. It is hardly news to anyone that the downtown street level retail market is not particularly strong. Having said that, this particular transaction tells us literally nothing about the "market." The landlord is a nonprofit foundation. The tenant is a closely-related nonprofit entity. And, FWIW, the church indeed wanted street-level, street-front space for this facility. They very specifically did not want it hidden away in the upper levels of the large church complex. They want a very visible outreach to and engagement with the downtown community, especially the thousands of new residents coming soon.
  17. Houston First's COO gave a report on this project to the hotel committee at a meeting last week. It would be nice if Houston had a news reporter who was aware of, covered, and reported on such things.
  18. Yeah, and they have a little bit of an "in" with the landlord.
  19. Plus Thursday nights. Plus Friday nights, and a few Sunday games. Plus college basketball! There are probably 100+ days/nights of college basketball every year.
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