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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. I don't think it's quite as simple as that. In general, there are no signs above a certain height allowed in the CBD (I think it's 42.5 feet), along with some other restrictions. But obviously there are exceptions. There are various exceptions to the general rules in certain districts within downtown, including the sports/convention district, the retail district and the Theater District. I think these exceptions may be what is allowing the Hilton, Westin, et al. to have their signage. I'm guessing the Houston House might be grandfathered in.
  2. Yeah, I like our proposed Whole Foods/residential project better anyway.
  3. LOL Yes, let's resist the urge to show with photos and proof that many pre-conceptions about other cities are exaggerated, at best. In case you missed it the first time, here's the brand new suburban CVS that just wouldn't be allowed in the nirvana of Uptown Dallas.
  4. Or sort of like building the very suburban-style Truluck's restaurant (that is just now being completed)? Or their suburban Walgreens at McKinney and Lemmon. Or maybe their brand new suburban CVS at McKinney and Lemmon. Pretty sure that wouldn't be allowed... ;-)
  5. That diagram indeed shows the location of the new Terminal C North which they broke ground for yesterday. But it's an old diagram and the details of the new concourse have changed a bit. (e.g. It will have some wide-body capabilities which I don't think was in the plan shown in this diagram). This concourse was previously going to be phase II of the Terminal B project (not Phase 3). Phase I was the south side concourses. And it still is often referred to as Phase 2 of United's Terminal B program (it just ends up resulting in a new Terminal C North. It will also be connected to Terminal B. Yes, the removal of the north-side banjos is and always has been Phase III of the Terminal B program. AFAIK, there is no set schedule for that phase. It will certainly be after this new C north concourse is completed. Phase III will be done when United decides they need additional capacity. I would be surprised if they start it before the new Terminal D is completed, but who knows?
  6. Yeah, Dallas would never ever ever allow abominations like these in their Uptown area: https://www.google.com/maps/@32.801441,-96.794494,3a,75y,144.33h,101.86/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s7g3nlLf9j0OMJLnExWFMig!2e0!6m1!1e1 https://geo0.ggpht.com/cbk?cb_client=maps_sv.tactile&authuser=0&hl=en&output=thumbnail&thumb=2&panoid=Zqfql-hr0ZoyJ9vaKHfn7A&w=402&h=168&yaw=182.739448271579&pitch=-9.92653077167742&ll=32.805617,-96.798081 https://geo0.ggpht.com/cbk?cb_client=maps_sv.tactile&authuser=0&hl=en&output=thumbnail&thumb=2&panoid=Zqfql-hr0ZoyJ9vaKHfn7A&w=402&h=168&yaw=78.41542995178565&pitch=-9.094352943752938&ll=32.805617,-96.798081 https://geo0.ggpht.com/cbk?cb_client=maps_sv.tactile&authuser=0&hl=en&output=thumbnail&thumb=2&panoid=7Ssd4e_hmV3MS3Zs-iPAog&w=402&h=168&yaw=358.8258072415271&pitch=-10.529958657249892&ll=32.806422,-96.799
  7. Yes, the banjos survive, for now. But they have a pretty limited life expectancy. Phase III of the Terminal B project will eliminate the remaining banjos.
  8. A Wal-Mart Market, perhaps. But nothing at all like the suburban model they have in Uptown Dallas.
  9. Ground-breaking for new Terminal C North (sometimes referred to as Phase 2 of the Terminal B project) is today. http://www.fly2houston.com/0/3922549/0/83280D83283/
  10. Good grief. They are taking down a small 2 story building about which almost no one has ever said a kind word.
  11. I would imagine that the good folks at Rida Development are aware of those mighty lower floors and pretty sizable roof structure. And yet they sought and received a determination letter from the FAA for a 395 foot tall structure. As others have pointed out, that is nearly 100 feet shorter than Hess Tower. For an additional useful comparison, the 24 story Hilton Americas Hotel is 324 feet tall.
  12. It appears a large backhoe was delivered to the site yesterday. It might herald the start of construction on the parking garage/tower base.
  13. The purple city article seems to have the lane counts wrong. At least I can't make sense of the lane counts he shows for the new plan. I think his claim that the plan adds no through capacity is just wrong.
  14. He also said that while they expect the energy sector to lose more jobs, they still expect overall employment growth in Houston. And, not only have we not overbuilt housing, housing is still in short supply... only a 2 1/2 month supply on the market. In related news, today's Wall Street Journal has an article about Houston's Housing Market Holding Up.
  15. Cool. Thanks. It's fair to note, however, that your story about tearing them down "literally just a few months" after they were built appear to be false. According to the pictures on Google Earth timelapse, the first two townhouses were built at least as early as 2003. The other two were built by 2006. They were all four still there at least as late as February 2010.
  16. I would think replacing the elevated structure with a depressed freeway would more than offset the loss of a few street crossings. I would happily make that trade.
  17. It is definitely Pappas Steakhouse. It's even shown on the Houston Center retail leasing map.
  18. I think renaming the street is pretty silly. But if there is actually a possibility of renaming it, Allen Parkway is by far the best idea yet!
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