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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. More routes out of Hobby? By that, I presume you mean you wish they flew out of Hobby? ;-) Last I checked, I don't believe Virgin America flies to Houston.
  2. "We remain committed to the new building" does not sound very wishy-washy to me.
  3. Both could be true. The Midtown Redevelopment Authority could be "building the underground garage" (i.e., paying for it) and Camden could be managing the construction of the parking garage.
  4. No. Jones Hall is also the home of Society for the Performing Arts (SPA). I think both they and the Symphony have more performances than ever. Plus there are other traveling groups and occasional (non-resident) groups that perform in the hall. My understanding is that we have again reached the point where performance space is very tightly scheduled in the Theater District and we could use some more.
  5. Several months ago, I heard a rumor that a new symphony hall is planned for the Chronicle site. I don't know the person well, so cannot vouch for the credibility of the rumor (which is why I had not shared it until now). FWIW, the person who told me this said it is all but a done deal.
  6. Starting from when? Are you talking about 75% of the remaining vacant lots as of today?
  7. Interesting. The parking garage is a lot taller than what is represented there. I wonder if the first 10 floors or so of the tower (2 in the base and 8 of the tower structure) are parking?
  8. It seems likely Texas Central Railway will with a development partner for the station site, just as they are doing with Matthews Southwest in Dallas... I can't think of anyone better than Midway for the job.
  9. To be completely clear, the taxes are not lower. But the taxes you pay directly are lower. The other part (the taxes on the commonly-owned part of the building and land), is paid through the monthly HOA fees.
  10. What, in your mind, makes the IAH Marriott lame as compared to, say, the ORD Hilton or the hotel at ATL? Oh wait, ATL doesn't even have a hotel.
  11. High Density Polyethylene. I've been trying to come up with a rationale for canceling a project because the feedstock prices have dropped. Wouldn't that make the project all the more feasible/lucrative? (Unless of course this particular project was targeting the O&G industry as its customer.)
  12. I think the answer is "No." The block closest to Minute Maid is slated to be a parking garage (with possibly some mixed-use elements and ground-floor retail) to be jointly developed by Houston First and Annunciation Church/Incarnate Word Academy.
  13. Yeah, that's pretty much what I expected... The content is "basically 'Westcreek'" because your link is to the Westcreek page of the Houston EB5 website. The site is marketing investments in development projects. It is not marketing condos (or apartments). Give it up, dude. Your understanding of the EB-5 program is just wrong. (I'm not sure what you are trying to say with your last sentence. No one has suggested there is no "relationship" between EB-5 and condo towers and of course you know that. Of course there is a "relationship". It's just not the relationship you assumed. Foreign investors cannot qualify for an EB-5 visa by purchasing a condo.
  14. I don't have anything at hand. You must be remembering the cursive Marshall Field sign on the curved wall. The building we are discussing (currently occupied by Sak's Fifth Avenue) was originally built in 1979 for Marshall Field. The facade was designed for Marshall Field by Phillip Johnson. Sak's Fifth Avenue took over the building from Marshall Field and completely remodeled the interior prior to moving over from the Pavillions on Post Oak Shopping Center circa 1996. Lord & Taylor was in the building now occupied by Oceanaire, Del Frisco, Forever 21, etc from the time Galleria II was built (circa 1976) until about 2005.
  15. No, it was not. Lord & Taylor was in the building now occupied by Oceanaire, Del Frisco, Forever 21...
  16. That's the Marshall Field/Sak's Fifth Avenue building, not Lord & Taylor.
  17. Not producing glare is not the same as producing shade. Unless the sun has been recently re-routed, Museum Tower will not be casting shade on this proposed building to its south.
  18. Museum Tower will cast shade on its neighbor to its south??
  19. Interesting. Thanks. How is the City of Houston "endorsing" the apartment project?
  20. Of course you know that no one suggested an EB-5 investor cannot live anywhere they please. Of course they can. And as you also know, that is not the point at all. Of course An EB-5 investor can buy a condo for himself in the West Creek project or in Astoria, or he is free to rent an apartment in the Block 384 project downtown, all of which are being financed, in part, with EB-5 investments. But neither buying a condo in either of the first two projects or renting an apartment in the third will qualify the person for an EB-5 visa, even if they spend more than $500K or $1 Million on the same. Neither buying a condo nor renting an apartment is a "qualifying investment".
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