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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. That's a DART concept. FWIW, DART is not building the HSR nor is DART deciding where to place the station. Texas Central's possible station locations only get as close as just southwest of downtown Dallas (i.e. south of I-30).
  2. Except that Texas Central (the people who plan to pay for and build this project) have said Dallas' Union Station is not an option.
  3. Your summit needs to include parking buildings (and not just podiums). I fear it may be time for the city to impose some regulations on parking garage design. That statement does not come easily for me, but developers have been throwing up a lot of hideous parking structures in the last few years. Initially, I favored imposing such regulations only downtown, but in the spirt of no-zoning, I now think we should impose them city-wide. (And that will also eliminate the possible negative side-effect of hurting downtown development if the regulations were downtown-only.)
  4. There is quite a bit of diversification contained within the definition of "core industries". Houston's core industries include more than just energy. Here are a few more details from your sources: Energy/Financial/Professional/Technical 2008: $108B (40%) 2013: $277B (40%) Construction 2008: $ 23B ( 9%) 2013: $ 23B ( 5%) Federal & State Government 2008: $ 21B ( 8%) 2013: $ 28B ( 6%) Manufacturing 2008: $ 17B ( 6%) 2013: $ 23B ( 5%) Medical/Educational 2008: $ 11B ( 4%) 2013: $ 23B ( 5%) Trade/Transportation 2008: $ 11B ( 4%) 2013: $ 89B (19%) It seems odd and a little misleading that the source of these numbers combines Energy with Financial/Professional/Technical categories for the 2013 numbers. In 2008, they were shown separately: Energy was 27% and Financial/Professional/Technical was 13%.
  5. Lots of good stuff. Thanks for posting Downtownian. # 3 is particularly intriguing.
  6. More like quadrupling the height. ;-) I think the six-story building is quite new (built at the same time as the TCH Womens Pavilion). I suspect they built it with capacity to hold a tower on top of it.
  7. Why does this myth keep getting repeated? According to the county real estate records, Sears owns the Sears site.
  8. Thanks Brijon. Great update! Maybe it will end up being the third tallest building in Texas!
  9. I guess you're amending your earlier statement to read something like "tickets FROM SFO to HOU are cheaper than from HOU to SFO", except when they aren't (which appears to be most of the time) Just did a February search (Feb. 10-13): SFO to HOU: prices range from $190 to $549 HOU to SFO: prices range from $191 to $548
  10. I took the challenge. Just did a search on Southwest.com for flights from SFO to HOU and from HOU to SFO, using the same dates (departing Nov. 18; returning Nov 21): SFO to HOU: Prices range from $340 to $552. HOU to SFO: Prices range from $340 to $552.
  11. Cool design. I see presales were to have started almost a full year ago. Any idea on how pre-sales have been going?
  12. I wouldn't be holding my breath. This was nothing more than a marketing press release, which Steve Brown, the DMN's real estate reporter/cheerleader, dutifully ran as news. Like some of our pending downtown projects, this one will be built when they sign up significant tenants and not a moment before.
  13. ^ History via Wikipedia and MSNBC. The parties are at least equally culpable in the carving out of safe districts for their incumbents and the creation of majority minority districts.
  14. HSR will essentially be "no noise" anyway. Railroad noise that is eliminated by the "no noise" segments is only the whistles being blown at crossings. HSR will have no crossings, so there will be no whistle-blowing, regardless of the neighborhood.
  15. This is not city property. It's US Postal Service property. So I guess you'll be needing a statement from the USPS. ;-)
  16. I was looking at it earlier on the 609 Main webcam. It looked as though they were having a formal ground-breaking ceremony.
  17. I think that's the name of the company, so not necessarily a change of name for the hotel.
  18. I think we discussed this hotel proposal in another thread a while back. Found it: Marriott Courtyard
  19. Yes, they are already in Houston. I'm not sure of their precise history, but they are either the former owners of St. Luke's Episcopal Health System (now known as CHI St. Lukes or something like that), or they are the foundation that was formed to hold the proceeds from the sale of St. Lukes. It is part of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, which is headquartered a couple blocks from the Wilson Printing Building
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