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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. The Wilson Printing building has been sold. If Fretz construction has not already moved out, they apparently will soon. It is now owned by the Episcopal Health Foundation. Within a year, the entire building will be occupied.
  2. I don't have a strong opinion either way regarding ETJ vs. suburbs vs incorporation of the ETJs by Houston. You started a thread calling for change to alleviate some perceived failing of the current arrangement. I'm still trying to figure out what the issue is that you think will be resolved by incorporating the ETJs.
  3. I'm guess where it says "AmREIT is in neogotiations with a four-story hotel flag"... they meant to say "four-star" hotel flag"...? Edit: After a little digging, I discovered that AmREIT indeed reported they are in negotiations with a "four-star" hotel flag. The error was the Chronicle's. I know; I'm as surprised as the rest of you. ;-)
  4. False premise. It is not the case that currently "nothing exists"Can you perhaps give me some examples of transportation infrastructure problems that have been caused by the failure to have incorporated suburbs rather than unincorporated ETJ? I am trying to understand what problem you are seeking to address.
  5. Quite right. The last year or two have been pretty active for new restaurants downtown. By the way, this is veering a bit off-topic, but does anyone know what is going in the restaurant space at the southwest corner of Texas and Main (across the street to the south of Chipotle)?
  6. The downtown development map identifies Item 38 as a "300 car parking garage for Incarnate Word Academy and Annunciation Catholic Church." The quote above from the church's website suggests they plan to also build one or more other new structures on their campus; at least a new rectory. I can't find it now, but I'm pretty sure that I read somewhere that Houston First Corporation is working with the church on the parking garage project. That suggests to me that we may see a larger or at least shared-use parking garage (perhaps providing parking for the Nau Center) with some ground floor retail.
  7. The question is not whether incorporated suburbs will disrupt transportation planning. The question is whether they will do anything to enhance it, which is your claim. Nothing you have said or shown us gives us any reason whatsoever to think there would be better transportation planning, either locally or regionally, due to allowing the ETJs to incorporate or be annexed into already-existing suburbs.
  8. A little more info from Annunciation's website: News Construction Update:We have completed the move out of the Rectory and into our temporary office at the Old Co-Cathedral Rectory office at 1111 Pierce. The Rectory, garage and school...have now been demolished!
  9. How does having a group of suburbs running amuck help anything compared to a group of subdivisions running amuck? No, I was not referring to mass transit. Mobility is about much more than just mass transit. By metro mobility, I was referring to mobility planning on a metropolitan-wide basis, which does occur. The last thing we need is dozens of separate little fiefdoms each making their own independent transportation plans. I ask again, is there evidence from other metro areas that having a bunch of independent municipalities provides better transportation planning and infrastructure?
  10. FWIW, there's already a Jason's Deli downtown at McKinney and Travis. And there's a Chipotle at Texas and Main.
  11. It is just not true to say that there is no planning whatsoever. Take a look at the HGAC website and their 2035 Mobility Plans for the metropolitan area. I don't see how having a bunch of independent municipalities is going to provide us with better metro mobility planning. Is there evidence from other metro areas that having a bunch of independent municipalities provides better transportation planning and infrastructure?
  12. Every city has had its share of proposals that never came to fruition. There is zero reason to think that Dallas can find tenants for two supertalls. And there are zero serious supertall proposals in Dallas. (Ross Perot Jr. has never said he plans a supertall.)
  13. Let's say Houston gives up its ETJ and all the suburban areas are allowed to incorporate. How would that limit sprawl? Note that cities that have developed along the lines you propose (Dallas and Atlanta come to mind) have more sprawl than Houston.
  14. 29 and 26 are both residential projects. (26 is the Catalyst -- 29 stories.) The HSPVA site is not on Triton's map. 36 is the Nau Center. 38 is where Houston First Corp. has been working with Annunciation on a possible parking garage. It would make complete sense to abandon the street so that Annunciation can have their parking directly on their campus (and the street does not go anywhere anyway). The demolitions taking place on the current Annunciation campus I have no idea about.
  15. Do you have any evidence at all that projects are canceled more frequently in Houston than in other cities?
  16. The Houston NM at 224,000 sf is currently the second largest in the chain. Only San Francisco is larger, at 252,000 sf. Dallas Northpark is no. 3, at 218,000 sf. Atlanta #4 at 206,000. http://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=118113&p=irol-storelocations
  17. If the yellow highlighting means anything, both the demolitions and street abandonment are pretty clearly related to the planned parking garage. Regardless of the highlighting on the map, it is very clear neither the demolitions nor the street abandonment have anything to do with the Nau Center.
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