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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Huh? The building is not set back on the Main Street side. That section of Main Street is open (but it seems likely it will be closed in the fairly near future.)
  2. Whoah there. The city's declaring of Bissonnet as a "major thoroughfare" does not have any effect on deed restrictions. And BTW, that part of Bissonnet has not been declared by the city to be a "major thoroughfare".
  3. ^ Exactly right. Note that this "developer" has proposed a number of projects in downtown Dallas and so far none of them have gone anywhere. Also, note that the existing new-build condo building has sold almost 16% (yes, only 16%) of its units, a full 16 1/2 months after occupancy. Why would anyone think there is a market for 1,300 new condos in any reasonable line? Without massive subsidies (which are not out of the question in Dallas) or an investment by the Dallas Police & Firemens' Pension Fund (which has surely learned its lesson...??), this project is not happening. (and FWIW, Cloud713, I believe the proposal is for 70 story and 60 story buildings, not 79 stories. I presume that was just a typo.)
  4. Construction Starts Next Week on Main St. MATCH Arts Complex in Midtown
  5. Just checked the webcam. Texas Tower is completely gone, down to the ground. (And there is definitely some sort of activity on the Marriott Marquis site... can't identify what's going on, but it's towards the center of the property, so I don't think it's related to the Metro Rail construction.)
  6. Just a reminder of some of the visions for the Post Office site: http://www.udcompetition.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Team-1482.pdf http://landscapearchitecturemagazine.org/2012/04/20/students-win-big-with-houston-plan/
  7. Bush AIrport passenger traffic statistics for the first 3 months of 2014: Total traffic: 9,687,011, up 2.7% from 2013. Domestic: 7,349,247, up 0.8% from 2013. International: 2,337,764, up 8.9% from 2013.
  8. ^ Evidence of the need for the museum. Hopefully, you'll be one of the first to go when it opens. ;-)
  9. There are windows on most of both sides of the building and on the back as well for the top 4 floors. No views to speak of, especially from those windows on the sides of the building.... That, plus the narrowness of the floor plates, is why I think hotel would work better than residential.
  10. Agreed. I'd prefer they stay at the current location, leaving the post office site for more - exciting private development. I hope the private developers have exciting plans in mind, e.g. The Hines contest plans.
  11. Consistently posting bad information derails the topics. If you meant to say San Antonio had fixed their DOWNTOWN flooding, then maybe that's what you should have typed. San Antonio didn't get around to doing anything about their downtown flooding until more than 17 years after the last of six major floods. By comparison, Houston is pretty far ahead of the game (having done huge mitigation work after the last of only 3 major floods in 1935, whereas it took 6 floods to spur SA to action. Allison of course made it clear we needed more and in fact quite a lot of mitigattion work has in fact been done re: downtown flooding since Allison and with more work planned.)
  12. Further to that point, there is no reason to think that all buildings in the CBD must be high-rises. This will be a tremendous addition to downtown.
  13. You'll be happy to know there is! There is a drop-down menu on your member name in the upper right-hand corner. From there click on "Manage Ignore Prefs". It's one of board's best features. I highly recommend it. ;-)
  14. LOL Is your head hurting again from all the thinking? ;-)
  15. San Antonio had all of their flooding problems solved ages ago? That might come as news to a lot of San Antonio residents: Three people swept away, killed in severe San Antonio flooding (May 26, 2013) Flash flooding, high water rescue in San Antonio (July 11, 2012) Several dozen San Antonio streets were flooded, prompting officials to post barricades to prevent motorists from driving into flood water (March 20, 2012) San Antonio has already been dealing with torrential downpours and resultant flash flooding. A high water rescue occurred in San Antonio shortly before 10:30 p.m. CDT on Thursday, Sept. 13, 2012, while some roads were closed due to flooding (Sept, 2012).
  16. I've been watching this building for years. I'm sure it's a bit tricky for redevelopment because of its long skinny floor plates boxed in by adjoining buildings... But that also would make it a bad candidate for demolition and replacement. Presuming it is in good shape, I would expect it will eventually be redeveloped. Maybe boutique hotel? Kimpton? We are long overdue for a Kimpton.
  17. I don't know which building you think was formerly a dormitory. The 1200 Baker Street Jail was new construction, built to be a county jail. The San Jacinto annex was formerly a cold storage warehouse, converted by the county to be a jail. The 1307 Baker Street Jail was built as and has always been a jail. The Franklin Street jail was built by the county as a jail (it is no longer used as a jail). As far as I know, the only dormitory UH/D ever had was the former hotel at Main and Commerce (where the Commerce building now stands). UH/D demolished that building and in the early 90s.
  18. The city jail will move in the sense that it will no longer be at its present location. But it will not move in the sense of being relocated elsewhere. The City will no longer have its own jail. I think Arch_75 was referring to a hope of moving the county jails. I don't see that happening... ever.
  19. There appears to finally be a little activity gathering on the site! (Viewing from the 609 Main @ Texas webcam.)
  20. In connection with the recent discussion of how many people work inside the loop, the city's planning and development department says "Loop 610 accounts for 15% of Houston’s land area and 21% of the population but more than 35% of its jobs." (And I don't think they are including Uptown, which of course is technically outside the loop.")
  21. I believe that once ridership achieves a certain level, the operational costs for light rail are quite a lot lower than for BRT.
  22. I suspect that there would be a lot of taxpayer support for a "much nicer, faster, and more heavily utilized [mass transit] system" for the Houston metro region that only cost "slightly more" than a billion dollars. The problem is, building such a system for such a price. What sort of system would even come close to meeting those criteria?
  23. EXACTLY. Another ignorant article from our sad excuse for a newspaper. And they made that UH economist sounds like a clown. I'm presuming they misquoted him and/or took his comments out of context. Even then, if he actually said all the nonsense about Paris... I don't know anyone who is striving to turn Houston into Paris. And, please, enough with the 90 degrees at 90% humidity nonsense already?
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