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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Terminal A was renovated long before Terminal B.
  2. Not really sure what point you are trying to make, but some corrections are needed:
  3. No. Terminal B north will be for narrow-body and large regional aircraft. Phase 2 of the Terminal B project is slated to provide 11 narrow-body gates.
  4. The City's Aviation Facilities Capital Improvement Plan for 2014-2018 shows the following: "Terminal D International Facility Improvements and Additions: 2014: $61.1 Million 2015: $61.1 Million 2016: $118.035 Million 2017: $141.76 Million They are also working on a new Master Plan for each of the airports and with regard to Terminal D, the Capital Improvement Plan states: "This project will provide the facilities necessary for international growth. The master plan will determine if we need a new terminal or if remodeling of Terminal D with upgrades of existing MEP (Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing) systems and existing architectural/civil systems is needed."
  5. LOL Ditto. LOVE the Cy Twombly gallery building. The light in there is amazing.
  6. Keep in mind that the graphic in post #300 is almost a year old and therefore (as alluded to by Swtsig above) pretty seriously outdated.
  7. Yes, but one doesn't just portend. One portends something. To indicate [something] by signs. To foreshadow [something].
  8. You must be looking for something to be disappointed about. There are 7 identified high-rise/density redevelopment sites. Only one has a specified use and that is this residential high-rise. It is unkown what the other six will be. They could all end up being residential towers, for all we know at this time. As to parking, the video says they have identified 7 sites that will "accommodated mid- to high-rise buildings and their supporting parking."
  9. I think your declaration of death for International Tower is a bit premature, especially with it being based on the availability of space at Pennzoil. Everyone in the business has known about the space coming available in Pennzoil Place for quite some time. If that was enough to kill an office project, the International Tower project would not have gotten as far as it has. As has always been the case for this project (and many other office projects), the International Tower will happen if and when they get lease commitments for a substantial portion of the space.
  10. Pennzoil Place has 1.4 Million square feet, 406,000 square feet of which is available. So, about 71% occupancy. The "rumor" about renovations was nothing more than idle speculation.
  11. Thanks. One note: I believe their projections were based on all three of the new lines opening at approximately the same time, so this first year of the North extension will not benefit from the full network effect of the additional two new lines.
  12. ^ This is just another bogus list whose purpose is to sell magazines/drive traffic to their website. Note that to create this list of "fastest-growing cities", they "rated" cities on six metrics: 1. estimated rate of population growth - 2013 2. estimated rate of population growth - 2014 3. year-over-year job growth for 2013 4. rate of gross metro product growth for 2013 5. federal unemployment data 6. median salaries for local college-educated workers. So we end up with a nonsensical mish-mash of population growth, economic growth and other random economic data. And to make it worse, they don't show the numbers. Forbes used to be a worthwhile publication. Not so much any more.
  13. I'm not disagreeing that rail to the airports would be nice to have. Not sure it's a "huge" deal, but it would certainly be nice. And now most major cities do indeed have it or are soon getting it. But it is fair to note that in the majority of those cases, even among those cities that currently have rail service to their airports, it is a pretty recent development. And No, Love Field does NOT have rail service. Just naming a station "Love Field Station" does not mean the airport has rail service. You have to take a bus from the airport to the station (a 2 mile bus ride.)
  14. Thanks. But according to the linked article, apparently it would be more correct to say that LA WAS working on it. To quote the headline: "Metro shelves direct rail line to LAX"
  15. Can you give us any links to these ridership projections?
  16. The facade was pretty much destroyed back in the 60s. It is unfair to the point of ridiculous to pin that on the current (re)-developers.
  17. So ... Slick Vic's claims that the City of Houston requires parallel parking on all complete streets were... made up? False? Imaginary?
  18. If he was referring to companies with just a presence (and not headquarters) in The Woodlands, he understated reality: 1. Anadarko 2. Exxon Mobil 3. Baker Hughes 4. Huntsman 5. Entergy and others I think he plainly misspoke. Perhaps he was already counting the "2 Fortune 250 companies [that] have presented proposals to locate" in The Woodlands.
  19. Great news! But, AAARRGGGHHH, why does this city have no competent business reporters? To clarify what is happening, Occidental Petroleum is indeed splitting itself into two companies. It is not an "overall headquarters" that is moving to Houston. There is no "overall headquarters" of two independent companies. Each independent company will have its own headquarters. The California operations are being separated into a new, independent, separately traded company, that will be headquartered in California. The rest of the operations will remain in Occidental Petroleum Corporation, whose headquarters will be relocated to Houston. More good news: This will be an additional Fortune 500 headquarters for Houston. The down-sized Occidental should still have revenues of about $20 Billion. That would rank it in the mid-100s on the Fortune 500. Who is next? Exxon or Chevron? ;-)
  20. That seems very unlikely, and, if so, a REALLY bad business plan. I would guess they can start the parking garage construction after they have substantially completed the construction of the addition to the existing structure and still have it completed in time for the apartment openings.
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