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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. I just spent some time looking at it on Google Maps. Looks pretty dismal. It looks like the best that can be said for it is that it did not kill the couple of West End restaurants that front on it. It is far from lined with retail.
  2. How about it? Honest question. Has it been successful in promoting pedestrian activity and street level retail on Pacific Ave and Bryan Street?
  3. ??? No. Texas Ave goes past MinuteMaid Park, adjoining it on the south side. Ever heard of Google Maps? ;-)
  4. Moderators: In all seriousness, why do we no longer have an ignore button available?
  5. Perhaps: This includes restriping shoulders to add auxiliary lanes and two direct connectors at North Shepherd Drive, bottleneck removal and traffic flow improvement projects between West Road and North Shepherd Drive, and exit ramp relocation at northbound Gulf Bank.
  6. Nope. UHD never served as that station. The dividing point between the two levels of service has always been Burnett Station.
  7. ^ This is the station where some northbound trains terminate and head back south. Other trains continue north. Not sure if that is the reason for the extra trackage...
  8. I stand corrected. And your point was...? To be clear, it remains a block that previously was more than 50% surface parking that is no longer more than 50% surface parking, thus this project reduces the count of such blocks by one, as originally stated. (And instead of gaining 75% of a block converted from surface parking we merely gain 70%?) I would correct my earlier post but the edit button is not making itself available.
  9. Oh but I did account for the surface parking lots that will exist in the Sky House development. Every one of them. There aren't any.
  10. You missed the point. ;-) The residential developers are already going up.
  11. I know. That's why I wrote 3/4 of a block for Sky House. (The existing building that had to be demolished occupied 1/4 of the block.)
  12. Relax. We don't have to rely on the Alliance project or projects like it to "cut it." Your concern about needing to build UP soon seems especially odd when you are already aware of the projects that are doing so. There are at least 10 serious residential projects in the works downtown and the Alliance is the shortest. The only other one with a single-digit floor count is Finger's 500 Crawford project.
  13. I count 30 such blocks out of a total of 63 blocks in the specified area (counting Toyota Center as 4 blocks, which is the number it covers. The good news is, that is 10 fewer blocks of surface parking than just a relatively few years ago: Toyota Center and Tundra Garage and Hilton Americas/GRB Garage: 7 blocks Sacred Heart Co-Cathedral: 1 block Sky House: 3/4 block Main & Leeland Apartments: 1 block More good news: There are apartment towers seriously proposed that will take away another 3 of those blocks.
  14. As the quote above said, "His data exclude population growth due to birth or death rates or the immigration of foreigners". Having said that, his estimate of roughly 13,000 per year net domestic migration seems low when we are growing by 114,000 + per year total. That means we are adding roughly 101,000 per year through international migration and births exceeding deaths. Really? Further questions arise by the absence of D/FW. Is D/FW really not among the top 10 metro areas for domestic migration? Highly doubtful.
  15. Seems like a good time and place to remind people of the Urban Land Institute design competition for the post office site.
  16. Property owners own the air rights above their property. You can't just build a skywalk over someone's private property without their permission, even if you think they have no use for that space. Even if your thoughts are eminently reasonable.
  17. It is actually both. It is indeed tied into the UH system. It is also a separate university from the main campus. Just as UT-San Antonio is part of the UT system but is a separate university from UT-Austin.
  18. I noticed that the other day and was hoping that was the meaning of it...
  19. Triton: As someone already answered, Metro is working on a wholesale re-imagining of the bus system. They may have wanted to minimize the bus route changes until they get that done. As also already noted, they immediately eliminated the redundant bus service on more than 60% of the new north line extension. This was the only bus line that was 100% redundant with rail. The routes that remain on the other less than 40% of the new north line veer off the rail line at one or both ends. So to eliminate those routes would cause screams of forcing people to ride the rail to boost rail ridership (which they may end up doing and may be good transportation policy, but that doesn't keep people from complaining.)
  20. WOW, that was remarkably dishonest. To remind you of what you claimed, here is what you said: "There are still bus stops at every intersection along the new north line expansion." Your demonstration stopped only about 1/3 of the way up the new north line expansion; mysteriously, just when there are no more bus stops along the route. Continue your little demonstration project past the Fulton/Irvington intersection and through the other 3 1/2 miles of the new north line extension and then check back into see if you've "proved your point." As I said, there are not bus stops at every intersection along the new north line extension. Not even close
  21. Is this building really going to be gone by March? Interesting process.
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