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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. There are indeed crossing arms on the north loop frontage roads.
  2. ^ Still not buying it... ;-) but thanks for sharing the info. For the record, Shell building a campus is not the same as, and does not necessarily mean that Shell is relocating en masse from downtown and Westcreek.
  3. Highly skeptical that Shell will be making a wholesale move to a new Camp Strake campus... for a variety of reasons. 1. Why would someone, anyone, at Kinder Morgan be privy to confidential Shell information? 2. As noted above, Shell recently entered into new long-term leases for their HQ space downtown and their trading space downtown. 3. Shell has recently expanded/is currently expanding their large Woodcreek campus. 4. A massive corporate campus does not appear to be in Johnson Development's plans for the Camp Strake property. 5. The Camp Strake site would be a horrible location for a corporate consolidation. The ExxonMobil site suffers from being far north, but it is/will be at the intersection of three major expressways (I-45, Hardy Tollroad and Grand Parkway) and is 11+ miles closer in than Camp Strake. 6. Shell is moving to Oklahoma City. ;-)
  4. Travel time end-to-end is 50 minutes. (It was already a 30 minute ride from end-to-end on the original Red Line.) Not all trains go the entire length of the red line. Some northbound trains terminate at Burnett Station. So, either you have to be careful which train you board, or, worst case, you get off at Burnett Station and wait for the next train.
  5. I'm pretty sure the originally-planned second building was to have been directly east of the one that was built. Back-to-back, rather than side-to-side, might have looked better to passers-by, but the views are to the north. (I always thought 4 buildings would have looked best.)
  6. They didn't. Those windows have always been there.
  7. Shell has One and Two Shell Plaza through 2025. They also just moved their trading operations into 1000 Main in 2012. I don't think there is any reason think Shell will be abandoning downtown any time very soon.
  8. As Cloud713 pointed out, I think you got the HOV/non-HOV hours exactly backward. Your analysis of whether it is working is also completely backward. Having to raise tolls to manage traffic means it is not only working but working very very well.
  9. Actually, the idea of tolls is working out exactly as they hoped. The tolls just need to be adjusted from time to time to keep the traffic flowing. That was the plan all along.
  10. Christmas. Every year about this time. ;-)
  11. Not lame at all. You need to focus not on the total Australia cost, most of which was already budgeted/allocated, but on the unexpected increase of $2 Billion. The company has a certain amount of money available for capital projects. They aren't the federal Government, which can just print more money.
  12. Well said, H-town. I think it's time we aimed a little Higher than "better than a parking lot. "
  13. It's rendering done in 2012 to imagine what those projects would like inserted into the existing fabric. The arena and Fingers apartment tower were of course already in existence when the rendering was done.
  14. ^ oh, now I see it. So it is being relocated within the gardens. Cool.
  15. That pagoda was in the garden area that is being re-done into Centennial Gardens. They are moving it out of there as part of the redo. Not sure where it is going to end up.
  16. Agreed. Transformational project. The coming Bayou Greenways projects will also be transformational.
  17. Yes, very true. But it previously ended at a major destination point with an attractive and welcoming arrival point. Now it will end at a side wall of an apartment complex. Attractive, yes, but lacking the sense of arrival. The current view down Prairie towards MinuteMaid would have been greatly enhanced by being framed by apartment buildings and/or other mid/high rise buildings. Now the view down Prairie will just be blocked. Oh well.
  18. Pretty much a maximum of 4 blocks out of one's way. I guess your pain threshold is pretty low. ;-)
  19. It's a heck of a lot closer to Washington than it is to Memorial or Allen Parkway. ;-)
  20. True enough. Unfortunately for Dallas, they do not have a Class A availability of 5% or less. FAR from it. Transwestern has Dallas CBD Class A vacancy at 26.3%. Uptown Dallas Class A is at 9.9% vacancy. Of course even that remarkably dismal state of affairs does not mean it won't get a new tower. All it takes is some combination of deep pockets and willing/able tenants. Nonetheless, it is indeed highly unlikely that Dallas will see any significant new towers (40+ stories) any time soon, let alone a supertall.
  21. Great! Very exciting to see some of these projects start coming out of the ground. It seems we've had to wait a very long time to get these things going.
  22. Again, nobody has suggested that it won't stick out. Even stick out "like crazy," if you please. But it would not stick out as much as the Williams Tower. Spend some time looking at the heights and distances of the groups of buildings and I think will see why I am saying that.
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